Well lets start off with some South African home remedies. I received these through a website that sells them as an E book and when asked how much it will be,the dude just sent it to me and told me to deposit R60 into his account. THE AUDASITY!!!! All I wanted was a price now he's making me feel forced to give him money!!!!!!!!!! Is that how we do business these days? Anyways I didn't give him the money and now I'm posting it here for all you wonderful people to enjoy. Have a blast.
Here is the mail he sent me.
Hello Jacques
To save time I am attaching the eBook for you.
Please deposit R60 into the account below
Enjoy the book
And here is the E book( Removed his contact details and website details cause i dont think the poor guy will need more abuse)
Traditional South
Home Remedies
Here are the Traditional South African Home Remedies that I have
collected over the years. I collected them mainly to preserve an old
tradition, as you will see, some are funny but some actually work and
have been in used since the 1800's when doctors were not easy to
come by and people had to make do with what they had. Please do NOT try these remedies unless you have your doctor's
permission to do so!
ABSCESS/BOILS…2 tablespoons onion…2 tablespoons suet…2
tablespoons sweet-oil…2 tablespoons honey…2 tablespoons beeswax
and 2 tablespoons of home-made soap. First cook the onion until soft
and mash till fine and smooth. Add the suet and melt stirring to
prevent scorching…then the sweet-oil…then the beeswax and honey…
and lastly add the soap. Melt all over a very low heat setting…stirring
constantly. Make sure that all ingredients are melted and well-mixed.
Leave to cool slightly and spread onto a piece of cloth and apply to the
abscess/boil as hot as is bearable. Cover and bandage.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Add 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts to 2 bottles of
water. Allow to boil for a while then strain through a clean cloth. Leave
to cool and then pour into a bottle and cork. Take a wineglassful first
thing each morning. It will cleanse your system and you will no longer
have problems with boils and abscesses.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Add a handful of violet leaves to a little water in a
saucepan and boil till soft. Add a little cornflower or bran to the
mixture and mix till it forms a paste. Apply to the abscess and cover
and leave so that it can draw the abscess to ripeness.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Add washing soda to boiling water until you can
feel it is smooth. Keep the abscess in the water…as hot as possible.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Apply violet leaves to the abscess. Keep replacing
until the abscess has formed a head…then gently open with a needle
and express all the pus.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Bake 1 whole onion on the coals of a fire. Remove
the outer skin and put the inside onto the effected area…as hot as is
bearable. This will draw the abscess and cause it to erupt.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Bake an aloe leaf until soft and tender and the
remove the thorns. Slice the leaf open and apply to the abscess with
the slimy side onto the sore.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Beat 1 egg yolk with a little vinegar. Soak a piece
of cloth in the mixture and apply to the abscess. As soon as the cloth
dries out…replace with another. Keep repeating until the cloth no
longer dries out. The abscess will either be healed or ripe and may
then be lanced.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Chew a piece of bread and remove from your mouth
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and apply warm from your mouth onto the abscess…cover and bandage.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Crush 3 cloves of garlic very fine and add 1 pinch
of salt and mix. Spread onto a piece of cloth and apply to the abscess.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Crush 5 XXX extra strong peppermints and mix in
a little Vaseline till it forms a smooth paste. Apply to the abscess and
repeat if necessary till it opens.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Crush lentil grass and apply to the abscess.
ABSCESS/BOILS…For a thorn in the finger that is festering…cut the
leaf of a variegated aloe and apply with the cut side onto the effected
area. It will draw the abscess to the surface and the thorn will easily
be removed
ABSCESS/BOILS…Grate a raw potato and pack onto the abscess and
cover and bandage to keep in place.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Grate or slice carrots and cook till soft. Mash
finely and mix with breadcrumbs and cook till it forms a paste. Spread
onto a piece of cloth and apply to the abscess...cover and bandage.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Make a black poultice from the following
ingredients…1 tablespoon of beeswax…1 tablespoon Stockholm’s tar…1
tablespoon lard…1 tablespoon raw linseed-oil…1 tablespoon resin and
the yolk of 1 egg. Melt everything together over a low heat setting.
Stir continuously to avoid catching or scorching. Leave to cool then
add the egg-yolk and mix again... Take an old piece of flannel or linen
and spread some of the mixture onto the cloth. Apply to the abscess
and cover and bandage to keep in place. This will quickly draw the
abscess to ripeness so that it may be lanced and heal.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Mix ½ a bottle of Vaseline…1 teaspoon of dettol…1
teaspoon of haarlemensis and 1 teaspoon of baby powder. Make sure it
is thoroughly mixed and no lumps remain…it must be a smooth lotion.
Spread some of the mixture on a piece of cloth and apply to the
abscess and cover with another piece of cloth.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Mix 1 tablespoon of castor-oil and 1 teaspoon of
Stockholm’s tar and leave till it has thickened. Spread onto a piece of
cloth and apply to the abscess and bandage to keep in place.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Mix 1 tablespoon of sunlight soap scrapings and ½ a
teaspoon of sugar. Add the yolk of 1 egg and mix well…then add 1
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tablespoon of honey and mix thoroughly. Spread onto a piece of flannel
and apply to the abscess and cover with another piece of cloth and
bandage to keep in place. This is a wonderful drawing plaster.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Mix fresh cattle manure and vinegar to a smooth
paste. Spread on a piece of cloth and apply to the abscess and cover
and bandage to keep in place. This is an excellent drawing plaster.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Mix Vaseline and Epsom salts and apply to the
ABSCESS/BOILS…Open a peach pip and remove the inner pip and fry
in sweet-oil. Rub the oil onto the abscess and cover.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Pick large Cape Gooseberry leaves and bruise and
put into a saucepan with a little water. Allow to boil for a few minutes.
Add coarse unsifted meal and stir till it forms a stiff paste. Spread
onto a clean piece of cloth and wrap around the finger with the
whitlow…or apply to the abscess or boil and cover and bandage.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Pour a little boiling water over 1 slice of bread…
just enough to cause the bread to swell. Put the bread on a piece of
old flannel or linen and sprinkle liberally with salt. Apply as hot as is
bearable to the abscess and cover and bandage.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Put a paraffin tin on the fire and ½ fill with water.
Take a big scoop of the fire-ash and add to the water and allow to boil
for a while. Hold the abscess in the water until it has cooled down…
then add more hot water. Keep adding hot water for at least ½ an
hour. Apply a poultice of cattle manure or barley to the abscess…cover
and bandage to keep in place. It will bring speedy relief.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Put a piece of snakeskin onto the abscess.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Put candle wax in the oven till it is soft and pliable.
Kneed it and apply to the abscess and bandage to keep in place. It is a
wonderful drawing plaster.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Slightly moisten an aspirin and put onto the
abscess and bandage to keep in place. Repeat a couple of times…but
always keep the aspirin damp.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Spread lard and cayenne pepper onto a piece of
cloth and apply to the abscess. It is an excellent drawing plaster.
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ABSCESS/BOILS…Spread old lard onto a piece of cloth and apply to
the abscess…it is a good drawing plaster.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Take 1 egg yolk and add enough salt to form a pale
yellow paste. Don’t add too much salt otherwise it will burn the
abscess. Apply to the abscess and cover with a piece of cloth or
ABSCESS/BOILS…Take 3 handfuls of blue mildew from an old
haystack and put it into a tin or basin. Add 3 cups of boiling water and
allow to steep for ½ an hour. Strain through and old piece of flannel.
Add 2 tablespoons of honey and shake well to mix. Use some of the
mixture to wash the abscess or boil and then soak a piece of cottonwool
or cloth in the mixture and apply to the abscess/boil twice a day.
If you keep the mixture in a cool place it wil last for 1 week.
ABSCESS/BOILS…Take a handful of catmint…eucalyptus…sage and
wild hemp and boil in a sauce pan with water. Hold the abscess in the
water…as hot as is bearable. The water may also be used to was the
ABSCESS/BOILS…Warm a wild tobacco leaf and apply to the abscess.
ABSCESS/BOILS…When the abscess is open…catch some of the pus
onto a piece of cloth and bury the piece of cloth close to an anthill. As
soon as the ants have eaten the cloth the abscess will be healed.
ACNE…If you are continually plagued with acne…take a Red-bush
teabag (Rooibos) and allow to brew till very strong. Wash your face
morning and evening with the tea. If you prefer you may apply to the
effected areas with a piece of cotton wool. The tea will not stain your
face…but if you are worried about it…rinse your face in cold water.
The tea will however stain the container…so either use a glass
container…or old container to store the tea.
ACNE…Mix 3 tablespoons honey with 2 teaspoons cinnamon till it
forms a paste. Apply to the acne or pimples at bedtime. Next morning
wash your face in lukewarm water. If you do this regularly for 2 weeks
the acne or pimples will be removed…roots and all.
ACNE…Take the peel of a potato and rub on the effected areas every
day….If you are plagued by acne or pimples it shows an allergy for
something in your diet. Watch your diet carefully and see which foods
cause a reaction.
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South African Home Remedies
ALCOHOL DEPENDENCY …Eat a large orange first thing every
morning…and use some willpower and you will overcome.
ALCOHOLISM…For a person inclined to excessive drinking it is good
to give them 1 whole orange to eat first thing in the morning.
ALCOHOLISM…If someone is prone to drunkenness…give them 1 drop
of horse-sweat (lather) and 1 drop of pig’s milk to drink.
ALCOHOLISM…To cure someone from alcoholism or excessive
drinking just take some horse-sweat (lather) and put it in their drink.
APPENDICITIS…Crush 7 cloves of garlic and add to 1 bottle of sweet
oil. Shake well to mix and leave to draw. Take 1 tablespoonful 3 times
per day.
APPENDICITIS…Drink 2 bottles of Wit Dulcies in 1 day. Drink ½ a
bottle at a time. It will dry the appendix out.
APPENDICITIS…Drink a knifepoint of Rooi Poeier/Red Powder.
APPENDICITIS…Heat 1 cup of milk and add 1 teaspoon of turmeric.
Take every morning and evening until the appendix is healed.
APPENDICITIS…Mix together 1 tablespoon of bitter cascara and 8 oz
of drinkable turpentine and then add 1 tablespoon of the mixture to 1
cup of boiling water and drink as hot as possible. Take 3 times per day.
APPENDICITIS…Pour 3 bottles of water into a saucepan and bring to
the boil. Boil until the water has reduced to fill just 1 bottle. Add 1
tablespoon of pure lime and tablespoon of salpetre. Shake the bottle
well to mix. Drink 1 tablespoonful 3 times per day.
APPENDICITIS…Put 1 medium sized bottle of paraffin and 1 bottle
Wit Dulcies into a fruit jar and shake well to mix. Take 1
dessertspoonful mornings on an empty stomach…and last thing at night.
APPENDICITIS…Scorch rice till brown and roll and grind till fine
powder. Put into boiling water and allow to brew like tea. Drink a
wineglassful 3 times per day.
APPENDICITIS…Take 1 tablespoon of dry mustard and add castor oil
to form a paste. Spread the paste onto a piece of flannel and cover
with another piece. Apply to the effected area. Keep doing this until
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the stops drying out. The infection in the appendix will then be healed.
APPENDICITIS…Take 1 tablespoonful of castor oil on your empty
stomach. Keep taking for 3 weeks.
APPENDICITIS…Take a handful of Khaki-bush and put in a saucepan.
Add water and boil till reduced to 1 cupful. Do not boil for longer than
15 minutes. Remove from the stove and strain through a clean cloth.
Allow to cool. Drink 1 tablespoonful 3 times per day. Do not add
anything to the water…it must be drunk as is.
ARTERIAL SCLEROSIS…(Hardening of the arteries) Buy 6 red roots
from a Herbalist and cut or grate and add to 1 bottle Cane Spirits.
Leave to brew and drink a little every evening. If you get hooked on
the Cane Spirits…use the remedy for alcohol dependence.
ARTERIAL SCLEROSIS…(Hardening of the arteries) Drink as much
curdled milk and/or buttermilk as you can manage each day. The
acidity in the milk eats the calcification away.
ARTERIAL SCLEROSIS…(Hardening of the arteries) Infuse Thyme in
boiling water and drink as you would tea frequently throughout the day.
ARTERIAL SCLEROSIS…(Hardening of the arteries) Use garlic and
Lethesin every day.
ARTHRITIS …Take a handful of Herb of Grace and add to 1 bottle of
Cane Spirits. Leave to infuse for 7 days. Strain and drink 1
tablespoonful in a wineglass of water…mornings on an empty stomach
and last thing at night.
ARTHRITIS…1 bottle witdulsies…1 bottle clove oil…1 bottle white
drinkable white iodine. Mix equal quantities. Drink 2 drops of the
mixture in ½ a glass of milk every morning and evening. It must be
taken in milk. Continue taking for 4 months.
ARTHRITIS…Arthritis patients may daily…morning and night…take one
cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of
cinnamon powder. If drunk regularly even chronic arthritis can be
ARTHRITIS…For arthritis pain…mix 10 Grandpa Powders in 1 jar of
Camphor cream. Massage into the pain effected areas regularly for
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ARTHRITIS…Mix 3 cups Quaker Oats and 1 cup of water in a glass
dish and warm in the microwave for 1 minute. Allow to cool slightly and
apply the mixture to your hands for relief from arthritis pain. It
soothes and brings relief.
ARTHRITIS…Mix one part honey to two parts of luke warm water and
add a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder…mix to a paste and massage
it onto the aching part of the body slowly. You will find that the pain
recedes within a minute or two.
ASTHMA...Add Karol to 2 pints of water and drink it all in one day.
Mix and repeat daily till all the phlegm is loose and coughed up.
ASTHMA...Dry Olive tree leaves in the shade…use those trees with
the blue flowers…not those with the white flowers. When completely
dry…roll till very…very fine. Take white paper…no other colour…it must
be white paper. Make a small holder out of the paper. For every cup of
fine Olive leaves add 1 heaped tablespoon of salpetre and mix very
well. Put mixture in paper holder and light….inhale the smoke through
your nose to open your chest. Your chest will be open within 5 minutes.
ASTHMA...Mix together 1 bottle Turlington…1 small bottle Copaiva
Balsam…1 bottle Borsdruppels…2 tablespoons olive oil…1 tablespoon
raw linseed oil and 1 tablespoon Stockholm tar. Mix thoroughly. Take 1
teaspoonful of the mixture 3 times per day. Do not add water.
ASTHMA…Add 1 bottle Borsdruppels and 1 Bottle Paregoric to 1 small
bottle of honey and mix well. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture 3 times
per day.
ASTHMA…Add 2 tablespoons of ash from Karoo thorn tree or Sweet
thorn tree and 1 teaspoon of white pepper into a bottle and add 1
bottle cooled…boiled water…shake well to mix. Take a good mouthful
every 4 hours.
ASTHMA…Add 3 oz Sweet Oil/salad oil to ½ bottle Gin and shake well
till mixed. For children up to 1 year old…give 1 teaspoon full 3 times
per day…older children and adults 1 tablespoon full 3 times per day. If
it is too strong it may be mixed with a little water.
ASTHMA…Add 6 eggs to ½ bottle Rum and shake till the mixture is
thick. Take 1 tablespoon full of the mixture 3 times per day.
ASTHMA…Boil 1 bottle of Stout till it has reduced to 1 cup full. Add 1
tin golden syrup and 1 small bottle lewensessens. Bring to boil again
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stirring till thoroughly mixed. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture
morning and night.
ASTHMA…Crush 2 or 3 lettuce leaves in a glass bowl and add 1 bottle
of vinegar and allow to infuse for 24 hours. When your chest feels
tight drink some of the vinegar…it will open the chest and relieve the
ASTHMA…Cut 1 packet of dried figs in half and put into a canning jar.
Add 1 bottle of dry gin. Leave to infuse until the figs turn black. Eat
the figs as required.
ASTHMA…Dry some Paw-paw pips and crush till very fine. Smoke the
crushed pips to open your chest.
ASTHMA…Dry the leaves of wild olive trees and when dry take 3 cups
of the dry leaves and put in old cooking pot. Add 20 bottles of water
and boil till reduced to fill 1 bottle. Remove from stove and add 1 lb
golden syrup and put back on stove and bring to the boil stirring
continuously. Boil again till reduced to 1 bottleful…strain and fill
bottle. Take 1 dessertspoonful 3 times per day.
ASTHMA…Dry Thorn apple leaves in the shade….and smoke in a pipe to
prevent an asthma attack.
ASTHMA…Dry wild hemp in the shade and then boil in water to make a
tea. Drink as needed.
ASTHMA…Dry Wild Wormwood and add a little salpetre and put into a
reed pipe and smoke. Draw the smoke into your lungs and you will get
immediate relief.
ASTHMA…Eat 1 tablespoon of fried chicken fat 3 times per day.
ASTHMA…Grind a block of Reckitt’s Blue till very fine and add to a 1
lb bottle of honey. Mix thoroughly and eat 1 teaspoon of the mixture
morning and night.
ASTHMA…If you have asthma symptoms take freshly chopped
Peppermint herbs and Rosemary and tie in a muslin cloth. Put in your
bathwater…or under the running tap. First run the hot water…then the
cold water…but keep the bathroom door closed…it will create a sauna
effect and will open your chest very quickly.
ASTHMA…Light brandy and allow to burn out. Drink a wineglassful of
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what is left of the brandy at night.
ASTHMA…Mix 2 tablespoons of raw linseed oil…2 tablespoons of
sweet oil…2 tablespoons of paraffin…3 tablespoons of turpentine…2
tablespoons of eucalyptus oil and 2 tablespoons of camphor oil. Put all
ingredients into a glass bottle with a screw-type lid and shad well to
mix. Shake well each time before use. Rub onto chest and back of the
patient…it will bring relief and open the chest.
ASTHMA…Mix in a glass bowl…1 lb fresh honey…a ½ bottle Jamaica
Rum…a ½ bottle vinegar…3 teaspoons of Paregoric…2 teaspoons of raw
linseed oil…2 teaspoons of black sugar….(used for horses)…and 2 egg
yolks. Put the mixture in a glass fruit jar with lid…and shake well to
make sure it is properly mixed. Give adults 1 dessertspoonful 3 times
per day…and children 1 teaspoonful 3 times per day. If you cough a lot
you may take a dose up to 4 times per day….not more than 4 times.
ASTHMA…Mix together 1 lb of crushed garlic…1 bottle vinegar…and ½
lb syrup. Eat a spoonful 3 times per day.
ASTHMA…Mix together 1 small bottle peppermint drops…1 large
bottle honey and 1 bottle Turlington. Make sure it is properly mixed.
Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times per day.
ASTHMA…Mix together 1 teaspoon of Stockholm tar…the yolk of 1
egg….dash of fine camphor and 2 teaspoons of Copaiva Balsam and mix
thoroughly. Add 2 bottles medicinal raw linseed oil and ½ cup honey…
stirring while adding to mix well. It must be well mixed. Take 1
teaspoonful 3 times per day.
ASTHMA…Mix together 2 lbs golden syrup…1 bottle paregoric…1
bottle borsdruppels…1 bottle peppermint drops…and 1 tablespoonful
vinegar. Make sure to mix thoroughly and take 1 dessertspoonful 3
times per day.
ASTHMA…Peppermint powder and Rosemary added to the bathwater
is good for asthma sufferers.
ASTHMA…Put 1 tablespoon of Stockholm tar in a dish and add 3
bottles of boiling water…mix thoroughly. Put the dish outside at night…
without a lid…and leave so the dew can fall on it. Next morning…strain
through a clean cloth and pour into a screw type jar and seal well.
Drink a wineglassful of the mixture at bedtime.
ASTHMA…Put 6 whole eggs…(in the shell) into a glass dish and pour
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enough fresh lemon juice over to cover the eggs completely. Allow to
stand for 48 hours. The lemon juice will eat the eggshells away.
Remove any membrane that is left. Add 8 oz honey or brown sugar to
the liquid. Beat well for 10 minutes. Add ½ a large bottle of rum and
mix thoroughly again. Bottle. Shake well before use. If the patient has
a bad asthma attack use 1 tablespoonful every 2 hours…and as the
patient improves reduce to 3 times per day…then to mornings and
ASTHMA…Put a whole clove in your mouth and keep it there till soft.
Swallow the saliva…you can also chew the clove a little.
ASTHMA…Take ½ oz iodide potassium and add to 1 pint cold water and
shake till well mixed. When well mixed…add the yellow peel of 1
medium sized orange and shake well again. Leave to infuse for 24
hours. Strain through clean cloth or sieve and bottle. Drink 1
tablespoon of the mixture 3 times per day.
ASTHMA…Take 1 lb of white tea sugar…1 lb of resin and 1 lb of dried
figs. Cook slowly…stirring continuously till it forms a thick syrup. Put
into a jar or bottle. Drink a little of the syrup 3 times per day.
ASTHMA…Take 1 teaspoonful of fine salpetre and mix with 2
dessertspoons of icing sugar. Take a little and put on a thin reed. Blow
it into the Asthma patient’s throat. Repeat up to 3 times per day to
open the chest.
ASTHMA…Take 8 tablespoons salpetre and add to a ½ bottle of boiling
water. Mix till dissolved. Pour into a basin or bowl. Take 4 sheets of
blotting paper and soak in the mixture. Pile the 4 sheets on top of one
another and compress tightly. Allow to dry well and put in a wide
necked jar and cork tightly. If you feel an asthma attack coming…take
a piece of the paper from the jar and smoke it…it will prevent the
ASTHMA…Take a piece of Scaly Anteater shell and grind till fine.
Make a fire and put the fine shell on the coals. Lean over the fire and
inhale the smoke…it will quickly open your chest.
ASTHMA…Take a potato and cut in half…spit some of the coughed up
phlegm on the cut side. Put the 2 pieces back together and plant in the
ground. As soon as the potato starts to grow….the asthma will
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ASTHMA…Take hard suet and finely chopped tobacco and mix
together. Spread on a piece of flannel cloth and cover with another
piece. Put on the patient’s chest.
ASTHMA…Take nightshade together with the flowers and dry. Boil
slowly with water and drink a mouthful 3 times per day.
ASTHMA…Take the gall of a slaughtered goat and put in a jar. Add 1
large bottle raw linseed oil and shake well. Put in the sun to infuse…
shaking again every now and then. If it is a warm…fresh gall…then
leave to infuse for 3 days…however …if it is already cooled down…then
leave for 8 days. Remember to shake regularly. Take 1 tablespoonful
of the mixture morning and night. As soon as the bottle is finished…
you will be healed from asthma.
ASTHMA…Take wild hemp and add to a bottle of brandy and allow to
infuse. Drink a little morning and evening.
ASTHMA…Toe open your chest quickly…dry a wineglass full of rose
petals and smoke.
ATHLETE’S FOOT…(Fungous disease of the foot)…1 bottle Turlington…
1 tin Boracic ointment…1 tin Zinc ointment….Vaseline (the same amount
of Vaseline as the Boracic ointment). Mix well and massage into feet.
ATHLETE’S FOOT…(Fungous disease of the foot)…This remedy is very
good for children in boarding school. Firstly rub methylated spirits
into the foot…(it burns a lot though)….then Friars Balsam…(it also
burns a lot)…then put baby powder on…it helps for the stickiness. This
remedy works quicker than anything bought at a Pharmacy or shop.
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BABIES...For sore and red bottoms smear with wormwood at each
nappy change.
BABIES...If a babies bottom is inflamed or burning….apply milk of
magnesia at each nappy change.
BABIES…Accretion on the tongue…take the shoot tendrils of
Hottentot’s Fig and wrap in a clean cloth. Pound well till as much of
the juice as possible is extracted. Rub the tongue with the juice and
it will clean the tongue very quickly.
BABIES…Acidity….For sour or acidity in babies…take 1 teaspoonful of
sweet oil or olive oil and add 3 drops of castor-oil and give to baby…it
will quickly sweeten the baby or child’s tummy.
BABIES…Acidity…For sour or acidity in babies or children take 9 or
10 wild wormwood leaves and some Herb of Grace…and put into a pot
and cover with boiling water. Leave to infuse. Strain and add a dash
of janlap…which is sometimes called Indian beans and is a very potent
laxative…therefore only a dash is required…if too much is added you
may dehydrate and die…and a dash of Gregory powder and add to the
liquid. Mix well and bring to the boil. Add sugar till it forms a slightly
thick syrup is formed. Give 1 teaspoonful in the morning.
BABIES…Acidity…For sour or acidity in babies…take lilac tree leaves
and a piece of ginger and boil. Strain and add 1 tablespoon of honey
and 1 tablespoon of castor-oil….mix well. Feed baby 1 teaspoonful 3
times per day.
BABIES…Add 4 teaspoonfuls of honey to baby’s water bottle…it
helps to soothe and calm the baby. Honey contains many
multivitamins. However…if baby’s tummy becomes loose…reduce the
honey with a ½ teaspoon…if the baby is constipated…increase the
honey with a ½ teaspoonful.
BABIES…Add a few drops of kerol to water and wash your baby’s
bottom with the water. Smear Mum on baby’s bottom at nappy
BABIES…For burnt and sore bottoms…mix 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate
of soda into 1 cup of water and wash baby’s bottom with the solution…
using cotton-wool. Use at each nappy change.
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BABIES…Powder baby’s bottom thickly with corn flour instead of
baby powder when baby has a sore…burnt bottom. Use at each nappy
change until baby’s bottom is healed.
BABIES…When a baby’s bottom is red and painful…smear raw linseedoil
gently into the baby’s bottom.
BABIES…When baby has accretion on the tongue…dip a crêpe cloth in
a little black tea and wipe the tongue 3 times per day.
BABIES…When baby is teething…rub honey on the baby’s gums…it
helps to ease the pain and keeps baby calm.
BACKACHE...Add 10 drops of sap from an aloe leaf to 1 tablespoon of
milk and drink first thing in the morning….continue each morning until
backache is relieved.
BACKACHE…Add 2 tablespoons of Stockholm’s tar to 1 bottle of
water and shake till thoroughly mixed. Leave the bottle on its side in
the sun for 2 or 3 days. Drink a wineglassful of the mixture first
thing each morning….always shake the bottle well before using.
BACKACHE…Crush aloe till fine and mix with a little honey. Roll the
mixture into aspirin sized balls and take 1 of these each evening with
a glass of water at bedtime.
BACKACHE…Cut your toenails and fingernails and also a little piece of
your hair from the crown of your head and tie it all in a piece of old
cloth. Make a hole in a tree and push the cloth into the hole and cover
the hole again with the bark that you removed. Your backache will get
better…but it must be a tree that does not bear fruit.
BACKACHE…Eat 1 clove of raw garlic with your breakfast each
BACKACHE…Finely crush a piece of aloe and mix with honey. Roll tiny
pills about the size of an aspirin and drink 1 such pill each night with a
glass of water at bedtime.
BACKACHE…Mix ¼ teaspoon of salpetre and ¼ teaspoon of Rooi
Poeier together and take first thing in the morning and last thing at
night with a little water.
BACKACHE…Take a green bottle and pack it tightly with young…
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green eucalyptus leaves. Fill the bottle with paraffin and leave in the
sun for 3 days to infuse. Use a piece of cotton-wool or a soft cloth
and spread the liquid onto the painful area. Apply gently…do not rub
hard. After each application…return the bottle to lie in the sun. More
paraffin may be added as required.
BATH OIL…Take 1 cup of Almond oil or light Olive oil…a ½ cup of
honey…a ½ cup of bath oil and 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence and mix in
a glass bowl. Pour into a bottle with a screw type lid and shake well to
mix thoroughly. Use as bath oil…but always shake the bottle before
BATH…Pick the flowers of a lavender plant and throw into the bath
while the water is running. It is very soothing and calming. You can
also take a linen cloth and put lavender flowers and leaves in it and
fold it up….add soap to the cloth and use to bath. It leaves a
beautiful fragrance on your skin and you will be calmer.
BATH…To soften bath water add a handful of coarse salt while the
water is running. It also helps for small cuts and sores.
BED-SORES…Beat the white of an egg well…and add a little brandy
and mix. Rub into the sores.
BED-SORES…Put a tanned skin under the patient.
BED-SORES…Put Quince pips in a dish and pour a little brandy over.
Leave to stand till it forms a jelly. Rub the jelly into the bed-sores.
BED-SORES…Take Prep and 1 bottle of Turlington and mix well. Rub
into the bed-sores.
BED-WETTING…Catch a striped field-mouse and kill and skin. Fry
the mouse and give to the child to eat. Don’t tell the child it is a
mouse and there will be no more bed-wetting.
BED-WETTING…Take an empty cotton reel and tie around a child’s
waist…with the reel at the back. A child will roll over onto its back to
wet the bed…and the cotton reel will wake the child…and no more bedwetting.
BEE-STING…Before you go and take out honey…first drink a tot of
brandy. If you get stung by bees…drink bicarbonate of soda and
water. It will prevent you from feeling ill from the stings.
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BEE-STING…Grate 1 white onion and mash is till it is soft and mushy
and apply to the area that you were stung. It will help to prevent any
BEE-STING…Grate some Reckitt’s-blue and add to a little water. Add
salt and mix well. Soak a cloth or piece of cotton-wool in the mixture
and apply to the sting area. Replace with another piece of soaked
cloth at short intervals. If the area is swollen it will help to reduce
the swelling and ease the burning and itching.
BEE-STING…If you are attacked by bees you must apply paraffin
immediately. Wet a piece of cotton-wool in the paraffin and apply to
the effected sting areas. Drink aspirin and brandy…or vinegar and
sugar-water. It will help for the shock.
BEE-STING…Mash a piece of white onion and apply to the sting area.
BEE-STING…Mix bicarbonate of soda and water to a thin paste and
apply to the stings. Replace every 5 minutes.
BEE-STING…Mix vinegar and water and soak a piece of cloth in the
mixture and apply to the sting. It is a good remedy.
BEE-STING…Remove the sting and rub pipe-oil onto the effected
BEE-STING…Scrape the sting off and apply vinegar for fast relief.
BEE-STING…Scrape the sting off and take a block of Reckitt’s-blue
and wet in water. Smear the wet blue onto the stings.
BEE-STING…Scrape the sting with a knife. Do not try to remove the
sting with the fingers. Smear Sloans onto the sting…it will aid in
easing the pain.
BEE-STING…Slice a white onion into rings and apply a ring to the
sting area…it will draw the poison from the sting. Apply plaster to
keep the onion in place.
BEE-STING…Trying to remove the sting when a bee has stung you
does not work…instead apply a little Reckitt’s-blue to the area after
you have scraped the sting with a knife.
BEE-STING…Wash the sting area immediately with weak ammoniac
and water. Make a paste using fine salt…bicarbonate of soda and a
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little water. Apply to the sting area to draw the poison out.
BEE-STING…When you are removing honey and a bee stings you…
scrape the sting and apply some of the fresh honey to the sting.
BEE-STING…When you are stung by bees…hold the stung areas in
petrol…it is the best remedy…better than anything you can buy.
BEE-STING…When you have been stung by a bee…add salt to water
to make a strong saline solution and wash the effected area with the
water. You must drink as much of the brine as possible…till you throw
up…it will get rid of the poison from the sting.
BEE-STINGS…Swallow a piece of alum about the size of a bean
before removing honey and you won’t even get any swelling if a bee
stings you.
BITES…File a little gold and give to the patient to swallow.
BITES…Give the patient a little brandy to drink….preferably Buchubrandy.
BITES…Mix a little human urine and vinegar and give to the patient to
BITES…Old smoked pipe-head rolled finely may be given to the
patient after a poisonous bite.
BITES…When you have been bitten by something poisonous…mix
together sweet-milk…oil…cooked wild hemp…some wine and raw eggs.
Make sure to beat well so it is thoroughly mixed.
BLADDER…Infuse veld marigolds in boiling water as you would tea…
and drink.
BLADDER…Infection…add a little bicarbonate of soda to boiled
water…and drink. It is very good for bladder infections.
BLADDER…Infection…Take 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and 1
tablespoon of honey and add to a glass of lukewarm water….stir well
to mix and drink…it destroys the germs in the bladder.
BLADDER…Pain in the bladder…Infuse Mint leaves as you would tea…
and drink a cupful as hot as possible.
BLISTER…When a blister has broken…apply a little Listerine
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mouthwash…it has very strong antiseptic qualities.
BLOOD...High Blood Pressure…Take some wild hemp and infuse in
boiling water like tea and drink as you would tea.
BLOOD…Anemia or low blood pressure…Drink a cup of sugar water.
BLOOD…Anemia…Coarsely grate 2 large beetroots into a glass bowl…
Pour a bottle of Port Wine over and 1 bottle of Lennon’s
Versterkdruppels. Leave to infuse overnight. Strain through a clean
cloth and put the liquid into a glass jar en keep in the refrigerator.
Drink ½ a glassful 3 times per day. Some people use Milk Stout in
place of wine…and others use Lennon’s Staaldruppels in place of
BLOOD…Anemia…Eat bananas. Bananas are a tropical fruit that is
very high in potassium yet low in salt…and has been found very helpful
in cases of low blood pressure…or anemia. Make a milkshake using
bananas and milk and add some honey. The banana will calm the tummy
and regulate it…preventing the danger of strokes. Together with the
honey it will build the blood sugar while the milk soothes and rehydrates
the system.
BLOOD…Anemia…Eat raw liver. It helps if you are anemic.
BLOOD…Anemia…Grate 4 raw beetroots and put into a glass fruit jar…
add 1 bottle of wine and stir well. Leave to infuse for 4 days and then
strain. Take 1 tablespoonful of the liquid before meals.
BLOOD…Anemia…Grate raw beetroot and eat it.
BLOOD…Anemia…Using honey is the best remedy to enrich the blood…
and the darker the honey…the more minerals it contains
BLOOD…Drink Lecithin for bad blood circulation.
BLOOD…Eat bananas every day as they are low in salt and will help to
regulate your blood pressure.
BLOOD…For blood clots take a very small amount of cinnamon and add
to warm water and drink every day. It works wonders as cinnamon is
nature’s dispirin and thins the blood…thus preventing clotting.
BLOOD…For nose bleeds use fine alum and as you would snuff
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BLOOD…High Blood Pressure… Make a sandwich of meat and garlic…
and eat twice a week.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Add 1 bottle of cod-liver oil to milk and
mix well. Take 3 times per day.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Add 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts and 3
tablespoons of honey to 1 bottle of boiling water. Shake till well
mixed. Drink 1 wineglassful 3 times per day.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Add 1 tablespoon of honey to 1 cup of
boiling water and drink every morning on an empty stomach for 14
days. Skip 8 days and repeat for 3 months.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Add 2 tablespoons of honey and 2
tablespoons of lemon juice to 1 cut of boiling water and mix well to
dissolve. Drink twice a week on an empty stomach.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Boil enough water to fill a bottle…and
allow water to cool down. Take 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts….1 bottle
Rooi Poeier ( Red Powder)…1 teaspoon Peppermint Drops and 1
teaspoon Cream of Tartar and mix into the boiled water. Take 1
tablespoonful of the mixture every morning on an empty stomach.
Remember to shake the bottle well before use.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Boil water and fill a bottle. Add 3
tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts to the bottle.
Shake well to mix and all ingredients are dissolved. Drink ½ a glass
every morning on an empty stomach. Remember to shake the bottle
before use. Drink for 3 weeks…skip 1 week…then repeat. Keep using
till you feel good and have no more trouble with your blood pressure.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Infuse Parsley in boiling water and
drink like tea 3 times a day.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Infuse Rue as you would tea and drink a
little throughout the day.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Infuse Rue like tea and take a good
mouthful 3 times per day.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Drink grape juice every day…or eat
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Drinking Grapefruit-juice is excellent
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when your blood pressure is high.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Eat raw potatoes…do not add salt. It
tastes terrible…but it works wonders.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…First thing in the morning…finely chop
1 clove of fresh garlic and leave for a few minutes to breathe.
Swallow the garlic with a glass of luke-warm water. The garlic smell
will only be on your breath for a few minutes…then it will disappear.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…For 21 days drink 1 teaspoon of honey
in a cup of boiling water on an empty stomach. Skip 7 days…then grate
a medium to large potato and press to get all the juice out. Strain
through a clean cloth. Drink 1 tablespoonful of the juice every 2nd
morning on an empty stomach for 14 days. Repeat from the honey.
Follow strictly a couple of times and you shouldn’t have any more
problems with high blood pressure.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Grate 1 large beetroot and put into a
glass fruit jar. Add 1 bottle of good wine and allow to infuse for 1
week. Drink a wineglassful 3 times per day before meals.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Grate 1 potato and press through a
strainer. Take 1 tablespoon of the juice every 3rd day for 3 weeks…
thereafter just 1 tablespoonful once a week.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Grate a medium-sized potato finely and
press through a metal strainer. Take 1 tablespoonful and put into a
cup and add 3 tablespoons of water. Drink first thing in the morning.
If your blood pressure is very high you can drink the mixture 3 times
per day for 1 week…then twice a day for 1 week and thereafter
mornings only. Do not drink too much or unnecessarily as it brings the
blood pressure down very quickly.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Grate carrots and pineapples and add
to orange juice and drink first thing in the morning.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…In a glass bowl mix 3 tablespoons
Cream of Tartar…3 tablespoons Epsom Salts…1 bottle Rooi Poeier
(Red Powder)…1 tablespoon of white icing sugar…3 tablespoons of
Bicarbonate of Soda and 1 teaspoon of fine salpetre. Put in a jar with
a screw-type lid and seal well. First thing in the morning…on an empty
stomach take 1 teaspoonful of the mixture and dissolve in a glass of
water…and drink.
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BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…In the evenings at bedtime…take 1
teaspoon of Wit Dulcies and a pinch of salt in a ½ glass of water.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Make a sandwich using crushed or
sliced garlic as the filling….when you feel your blood pressure is too
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Mix 1 lb white icing sugar…1 tablespoon
of bicarbonate of soda and 1 tablespoon of epsom salts….making sure
it is thoroughly mixed. After each meal take 1 teaspoonful of the
mixture and put on your tongue and swallow down with water.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Mix together 1 tablespoon of cake
flour and 1 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper. Add a little water to form a
stiff dough. Take tiny pieces of the dough and roll little pills….and
allow to dry well. For 1 week take 1 of these pills every night at
bedtime. Skip 1 week and repeat the dosage.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Mix together 1 tablespoon of Epsom
salts…1 tablespoon of Cayenne Pepper and 1 tablespoon of salpetre.
May sure it is thoroughly mixed. Take enough of the dry mixture to
cover a knife-point and put on your tongue and swallow with water…
first thing in the morning…on an empty stomach.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Mix together 2 tablespoons of honey
and 1 level teaspoon of salpetre in a ½ cup of water. Stir till
thoroughly mixed…and drink. Take twice a week.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Mix together in a glass dish…1 bottle
Rooi Poeier (Red Powder)…1 envelope Epsom salts…1 envelope Tartaric
Acid and 1 cup of white icing sugar. Mix and put all ingredients into a
glass fruit jar. It MUST be white icing sugar for pureness. 10
Minutes before each meal you must take 1 teaspoonful of the mixture
dry…do not drink water afterwards.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Pick 18 morning star (Lucifer) flowers
and put into a saucepan and add 2 cups of water. Boil for 10 minutes
and remove from stove and allow to cool. When cool...strain and
bottle. Drink 1 tablespoonful first thing in the morning on an empty
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Pick leaves from a loquat tree and boil.
Strain and pour into a bottle. Drink a little 3 times per day.
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BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Put 2 tablespoons of honey…1
tablespoon of salpetre…1 tablespoon of Epsom salts and the juice of 1
lemon into a glass bowl and mix thoroughly till all ingredients are
dissolved. Pour into a bottle with a lid and shake well before use.
Drink a wineglassful of the mixture on an empty stomach for 10 days.
Skip 10 days…then repeat.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Soak 7 raisins with pips in 1 glass of
water. Leave overnight to soak well. Next morning eat the raisins
together with the pips. Add the juice of ½ a lemon to the water and
drink. Keep using until your blood pressure is normal.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Swallow 7 chili pips on an empty
stomach every morning for 7 months.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take 1 bottle of boiling water and add
to it 1 tablespoon of Epsom Salts and 1 tablespoon of Bicarbonate of
Soda…and shake well till dissolved. In the morning on an empty
stomach take a wineglassful of the mixture and add ½ a teaspoon of
Cream of Tartar and drink. It is a very pleasant drink.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take 1 bottle of gin and add to it…1
bottle Wit Dulcies and the juice of 1 lemon. Put all ingredients in a
glass bowl and mix well. It should be about 1 ½ bottles when all are
mixed together. Drink a mouthful of the mixture 3 times per day.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take 1 bottle of rainwater and add to
it 1 tablespoon of Epsom Salts…1 tablespoon of Cream of Tartar and 1
level tablespoon of salpetre. Shake well till all the ingredients are
dissolved. Take 1 tablespoonful 3 times per day. It is also useful for
that “drunk in the head” feeling caused through high blood pressure.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take 1 bottle of Rooi Poeier (Red
Powder) and remove a third of the powder. Fill the bottle with
salpetre and shake well to mix….or mix in a glass dish and refill the
bottle. Take enough of the mixture to cover a knife-point and put on
your tongue…swallow with a ½ glass of water. Take in the morning on
an empty stomach and last thing at night at bedtime.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take 1 clove of garlic first thing in the
morning and 1 at night before supper. Take for 10 days…no longer…
otherwise you will have low blood pressure.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take 1 lb of Epsom Salts and add to it
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1 tablespoon of fine ginger and 1 tablespoon of fine salpetre. Mix
thoroughly and take 1 teaspoonful of the mixture and add to 1 glass
of water and put next to your bed and drink from it during the night
when you feel thirsty. In the morning take a teaspoonful in water on
an empty stomach. Keep taking morning and night until you feel your
blood pressure is better. If at any time you feel your blood pressure
rising again…just take the mixture again…soon you will have no more
blood pressure problems.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take 1 tablespoon of salpetre…1
tablespoon Flowers of Sulphur…1 tablespoon sugar…1 tablespoon
Bicarbonate of Soda and 1 tablespoon Cream of Tartar and mix
together thoroughly. Put into a wide necked jar with a lid. Mornings…
on an empty stomach take a ¼ teaspoonful and swallow down with
water. This is an excellent remedy.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take 1 tablespoonful of the vinegar
sauce from bottled beets. Use every day.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take 2 tablespoons of honey…7 chili
pips…1 tablespoon of Epsom salts and 1 bottle of Rooi Poeier (Red
Powder) and mix well. Through the course of the day take 1
teaspoonful as needed.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take 6 tablespoons (or 6 envelopes) of
Epsom salts and roll with bottle till fine powder. Mix with 1 bottle
Rooi Poeier (Red Powder). Make sure it is well mixed. Take enough to
cover the point of a knife every morning on an empty stomach.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take a handful of Thyme leaves and
put in a glass bowl…add boiling water and allow to infuse like tea.
Drink ½ a glass of the tea 3 times per day.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take a medium sized potato and scrub
till clean. Grate the potato finely…peel and all….and press through a
strainer. Drink 1 tablespoonful of the juice every 2 weeks…and you
will feel a whole lot better.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take a piece of coal and put into a
fruit jar and pour boiling water to fill. Leave to cool. Whenever you
are thirsty…drink from that water. When the water is finished…pour
boiling water over again…and keep drinking and filling the jar up.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take enough Rooi Poeier (Red Powder)
to cover the point of a knife and put on your tongue and swallow it
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down with a glass of water.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take some Ripe Coriander and chew
whenever your blood pressure feels too high.
BLOOD…High Blood Pressure…Take the juice of 1 lemon and add to a
glass of water. Now add 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. Mix till
dissolved and drink.
BLOOD…If you are out in the veld and get cut just look for a spiders
web and take the web and put it on the cut to stop the bleeding.
BLOOD…If you have cut your finger and it bleeds just press your
finger into sugar to stop the bleeding. For other cuts cover with
sugar to stop the bleeding.
BLOOD…If you suffer from bad blood circulation…drink garlic. Bruise
the garlic and infuse in boiling water…allow to cool and drink a
wineglassful morning and evening.
BLOOD…If your nose is bleeding put 2 drops of eucalyptus-oil on the
crown of your head.
BLOOD…Low Blood Pressure…Finely grate 3 raw beetroots and put
into a glass bowl. Pour 1 bottle of wine over the beetroot and mix well.
Leave to infuse in the sun for 3 days. Drink 1 tablespoonful 3 times
per day.
BLOOD…Low Blood Pressure…First thing mornings and last thing at
night take a knife-point full of Rooi Poeier (Red Powder) and put on
your tong and swallow with a little water. Keep taking until your blood
pressure is normal…then stop.
BLOOD…Low Blood Pressure…Take 1 measure of whiskey and 3
measures of honey and mix together. Take 1 wineglassful at bedtime
every night.
BLOOD…Low Blood Pressure…Take plain strings of black licorice and
eat as much as you want…whenever you want. It must be plain black
licorice….because the other licorice has sugar in it….and sugar will
lower your blood pressure.
BLOOD…Low Blood Pressure…Take the roots of a licorice plant and
infuse for ½ an hour in boiling water. Take 2 cupfuls per day. It
tastes absolutely terrible but is excellent for low blood pressure or
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low blood sugar.
BLOOD…Mince 3 lemons with peels and pips and all…and add 3 cloves
of garlic and add 1 bottle of warm water. Leave overnight to infuse
then strain. Drink 1 tablespoon of the strained water first thing in
the morning.
BLOOD…Put ½ a pound of fresh honey...a ½ bottle of Wit Dulcies…a ½
bottle of Camilla Essence and a ½ bottle of Rooi Laventel into a glass
bowl and mix thoroughly. Pour into a glass jar. Take ½ a teaspoonful 3
times per day.
BLOOD…Take 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts…1 tablespoon of Cream of
Tartar and 1 large bottle of water and shake well till dissolved. Take 1
tablespoon of the liquid first thing in the morning. It will purify the
BLOOD…Take a thimbleful of gun powder and add to a glass of water.
Stir well to mix and drink on an empty stomach. It will purify your
BLOOD…To stop a bleeding nose take 1 teaspoon Cream of Tartar and
add to 1 glass of water and drink.
BLOOD…To stop excessive bleeding pour Lennon’s Staaldruppels on
the wound.
BLOOD-POISONING...Tie an old tar strip just above the abscess or
if there is a red stripe tie just above the stripe to prevent it running
further. Put the old tar between two pieces of cloth to prevent
burning. Grate carrots finely and put on the abscess…replace as soon
as it dries.
BLOOD-POISONING…Add 1 teaspoon of Bicarbonate of Soda to ½ a
glass of water and drink 4 or wineglassfuls of the mixture in a short
period. After the 5th glassful take 1 tablespoon of castor-oil and
hold on a stove until it starts to fry. Remove from the stove and add
1 teaspoon of Flowers of Sulphur. Take every 4 hours.
BLOOD-POISONING…Add a little boiling water to 1 cup of bran and
mix to a paste. Add enough bicarbonate of soda to cover the point of
a knife and mix and apply to the abscess.
BLOOD-POISONING…Always keep a piece of dried cobra skin in the
house. The old people believed in it as we do in penicillin
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BLOOD-POISONING…Beat 2 egg yolks…1 tablespoon of honey and a
little flour until a paste. Spread the paste on a clean linen cloth and
apply to the abscess. It is very good for drawing the abscess till it
BLOOD-POISONING…Beat the yolk of an egg and add 1 tablespoon
of fine table salt and mix well. Spread on a clean cloth and put on the
effected area. It will draw the poison out quickly.
BLOOD-POISONING…Boil peach leaves for a while and then allow to
infuse well. Soak the effected area in the water. You may also soak
cloths in the water and apply to the effected area.
BLOOD-POISONING…Bruise a handful of Mallow leaves and put into
a saucepan. Pour some castor oil over and fry gently till brown.
Remove from stove and strain through a piece of muslin…and while
still hot…add beeswax and mix well. It must form a stiff paste. Apply
to the abscess.
BLOOD-POISONING…Bruise some wild garlic and cook until soft.
Mash till fine and mix with bread-crumbs or flour till a spread able
paste. Apply as hot as possible and repeat every 4 hours until the pain
and swelling has eased.
BLOOD-POISONING…Chop Tong leaves (Rumex) finely and add a few
drops of eucalyptus oil. Apply to the abscess and repeat until it is
BLOOD-POISONING…Cook dried peaches until very soft and apply as
hot as possible.
BLOOD-POISONING…Cook pumpkin till soft and mash to form a soft
paste. Spread on a cloth and apply as hot as possible to the abscess.
BLOOD-POISONING…Cook together 1 slice of bread and a little milk
and add 2 teaspoons of sugar and stir to mix well. Take a handful of
violet leaves and bruise and crush well. Add to the mixture and mix
well. Spread some of the mixture on a clean cloth and apply to the
effected area. As soon as it cools down it must be replaced with some
of the hot mixture.
BLOOD-POISONING…Crumble 2 slices of bread and put in a
saucepan. Add 1 dessertspoon of fine cloves…1 teaspoon of salpetre
and a little milk and cook gently stirring continuously until a thick
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paste. Apply to the abscess as hot as possible and cover. As soon as it
cools down…replace with hot mixture.
BLOOD-POISONING…Crush some XXX extra strong mints finely and
mix with some honey and apply to the abscess.
BLOOD-POISONING…Dry raw lard….unsalted and put in a glass jar.
It must be allowed to decay well….the older and more decayed….the
more effective it is. Apply some of the well decayed lard to the
BLOOD-POISONING…Grate a medium potato finely and pack onto
the abscess and cover very well and bandage.
BLOOD-POISONING…Make a paste using bran. Spread thickly on a
cloth and make a hollow in the center. Fill the hollow with brandy.
Apply as hot as possible to the abscess. The brandy must always be
put in the hollow and not stirred into the hot paste…otherwise it will
just evaporate.
BLOOD-POISONING…Melt together 1 bottle raw linseed oil...1 small
bottle of castor oil…1 piece of beeswax and ½ teaspoon of resin. Add
17 drops of Sulphur balm…mixing well. Add 1 tablespoon haarlemensis
and 2 tablespoons Stockholm tar and mix to a paste. Spread on a
piece of old flannel and apply to the effected area. Cover with a piece
of thick material.
BLOOD-POISONING…Mix 1 tablespoon of honey…1 tablespoon aged
yeast and the yolk of 1 egg. Make sure it is well mixed then spread on
a cloth and apply to the effected area.
BLOOD-POISONING…Mix bread crumbs and sour milk till a paste
and apply to the abscess.
BLOOD-POISONING…Mix some cattle dung and vinegar and apply to
a piece of linen and put on abscess and wrap and tie well. Replace
every 4 hours.
BLOOD-POISONING…Mix the following together in a saucepan…1
bottle Haarlemensis…1 bottle Sulphur balm…1 bottle Copaiva balm…1
small bottle castor oil…a little raw linseed oil…a little paraffin and a
piece of beeswax. Heat slowly on stove on low heat setting to prevent
burning. Apply some of the mixture to the abscess….cover and
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BLOOD-POISONING…Mix the yolk of 1 egg with enough flour to
form a thick paste. Spread on a cloth and pour castor oil over. Apply
to the abscess and cover well. Bandage well. As soon as the abscess
opens it will heal quickly…and the red stripe with disappear.
BLOOD-POISONING…Pour boiling water over rue and allow to infuse
well. Hold the effected area in the water…with leaves and all. It must
be very hot. Mix baby powder…Vaseline and Turlington very well till a
paste and apply to the effected area and cover.
BLOOD-POISONING…Put 2 tablespoons of washing-soda in a basin
and add 1 bottle of boiling water and mix to dissolve. Put the
effected area in the basin…as hot as possible and keep it there for as
long as possible. Just keep reheating the water…or keep adding
boiling water. You must keep it up until the swelling has gone down and
the abscess appears wrinkled…and the red line that forms a path to
the heart has withdrawn. The water will then appear to have spiderwebs
in it. Take a linen cloth and apply either raw-linseed oil or castor
oil…and put the cloth on the abscess. Cover with a warm cloth and
wrap. Leave for 6 to 12 hours. Repeat the whole process of necessary.
BLOOD-POISONING…Put 3 tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda in
boiling water and soak the effected area in the water…as hot as is
bearable. Keep adding boiling water as the water must remain as hot
as possible.
BLOOD-POISONING…Soak the effected area in strong brine…then
apply Vaseline. Keep repeating until all the poison is drawn out.
BLOOD-POISONING…Spread warm Sulphur balm on a cloth and apply
to the abscess. Cover with a double cloth. Remember it must be
warmed before applying. Replace 2 or 3 times per day.
BLOOD-POISONING…Take 1 tablespoon of honey and add flour and
mix till it forms a thick paste. Spread the mixture on a piece of cloth
and apply. Repeat until the abscess is cleared.
BLOOD-POISONING…Take 1 XXX extra strong mint and wet with
brandy and apply to the abscess and cover with plaster. As soon as
the mint becomes dry…wet again with brandy. Keep repeating.
BLOOD-POISONING…Take a few leaves of roll-tobacco and soak in
boiling water. When well soaked and very hot…apply to the effected
area. Use the water to wash the effected area…especially once the
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abscess has opened…it will heal quicker.
BLOOD-POISONING…Take an old piece of flannel and soak in brandy
and wring slightly. Apply to the abscess and keep wetting with brandy
until the abscess is ripe.
BLOOD-POISONING…Wash the effected area with luke-warm
water. Mix together some finely rolled Epsom salts and Vaseline and
apply to the effected area and cover well.
BLUEBOTTLE STINGS…If you have been stung by a bluebottle just
sprinkle meat tenderizer on the effected area.
BOIL...Cut 1 cake of Sunlight Soap in ½ and put one ½ in an old
saucepan or tin and add milk. Simmer gently till the soap has melted.
Mix corn meal into the melted mixture and stir till thoroughly mixed.
It must not burn. Remove from stove and grate 1 raw potato and add
to the mixture stirring till mixed. Take a piece of old flannel and
smear some of the mixture fairly thickly onto it. Apply as hot as
possible to the boil and cover with plaster or bandage.
BOIL...Pick some leaves from an orange tree and wash well. Pack the
leaves onto the boil and apply plaster or a bandage…and leave. The
boil will ripen quickly.
BOIL… To cause boils to disappear…wear a nutmeg on a string around
your neck for a few months.
BOIL…Add 5 drops of iodine to 1 glass of water and drink first thing
in the morning on an empty stomach. It will dry the boil out.
BOIL…Add a little sugar to cornmeal or corn flour and mix to a paste
with a little water. Spread thickly on a cloth and apply to the boil or
abscess and cover will…or apply plaster to keep the cloth in place.
BOIL…Apply Lennon’s Staaldruppels to the boil.
BOIL…Bake eggshells in the oven till nicely browned. Crush very fine
and put between 2 slices of bread and eat.
BOIL…Beat 1 egg white and add a little alum and beat well together.
Smear onto a little piece of cotton-wool or clean cloth and apply to
the boil.
BOIL…Chop mallow leaves very fine and mix with corn meal/corn flour
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and boiling water until a soft paste. Apply very hot to the boil and
cover to keep warm.
BOIL…Crush and boil a few cloves of garlic in water till tender. Add a
pinch of salt and a little rye-meal and mix till it forms a paste.
Spread some of the mixture onto a clean piece of cloth and apply to
the boil as hot as possible. Cover with another piece of cloth. Replace
as soon as it cools.
BOIL…Crush Mallow leaves and mix with bread and milk till it forms a
smooth paste. Heat gently and apply as hot as is bearable to the boil
and cover with a piece of old flannel cloth. Repeat each time the
mixture cools down.
BOIL…Crush red bush and add corn meal and mix well. Apply to the
boil and cover. Red bush grows in the veld and is a flat runner plant….
the top of the leaves are green and the under-side is red.
BOIL…Cut 1 parsnip in pieces and boil in a little water till very soft
and tender…Pour the water off into a small container…do not discard.
Mash the parsnip till smooth. Wash the boil with the water in the
container and smear the some of the mashed parsnip onto a piece of
cloth and apply to the boil. It must be applied as hot as is bearable…
cover and bandage. Repeat as needed.
BOIL…Cut a pumpkin into pieces and take the soft…yellow part that
holds the pips and warm in the oven. Apply as hot as is bearable to
the boil and cover. It will quickly bring relief.
BOIL…Eat 2 whole nutmegs.
BOIL…First thing in the morning take 5 drops of Lennon’s
Staaldruppels on 1 teaspoon of sugar or a little milk. Repeat every
morning for 1 week.
BOIL…Grate a little home-made blue soap and add a little sugar and
mix. Add a few drops of water and mix again till it is a paste. Apply to
the boil and cover well.
BOIL…Hard-boil an egg…it must be very hard. Do not shell the egg…
but chop and dice the egg…including the shell…until it is very fine.
Spread between 2 slices of bread and eat. Prepare and eat 1 of these
sandwiches 3 times per week.
BOIL…If you continually suffer from boils…go and roll where your
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dog has rolled. As soon as the dog has finished rolling…go and roll on
the same spot. The contact with the ground works wonders.
BOIL…Make a hole in a nutmeg and thread a thin ribbon through. Tie
around the neck and keep in place for a few months.
BOIL…Make a plaster using the yolk of 1 egg and fine salt…that has
been well beaten. Apply to boil and cover. Replace each morning and
BOIL…Mix a little wood-ash with old yeast…blue soap (the homemade
type) and a little sugar. Apply to the boil and cover.
BOIL…Mix Epsom salts with a little water to form a paste and apply
to the boil. It will bring the boil to a head.
BOIL…Mix together 1 egg yolk…1 tablespoon of fine salt and 1
tablespoon of honey. Smear some of the mixture on a clean cloth and
apply to the boil and cover well. The boil will soon come to a head and
you can then remove the pip and pus.
BOIL…Mix together 1 tablespoon of lard and 1 teaspoon of Little Dip.
Smear onto a piece of clean cloth and apply to the boil and cover well.
It will ripen quickly.
BOIL…Mix together 1 teaspoon of raw linseed oil…1 teaspoon of
turmeric…1 teaspoon of varnish and teaspoon of grease. Spread onto
a piece of clean flannel and apply to the boil and cover well. It will
draw the boil to a head so it can be lanced.
BOIL…Moisten a piece of snake-skin with brandy and apply to the boil.
BOIL…Peel 1 raw potato and cut into very thin slices. Eat the cut
potato raw. Repeat for 7 days so that you have eaten 7 raw potatoes.
BOIL…Pick a prickly pear leaf and cut in half. Take the 2 halves and
push together again and put under the ash of a fire till it is well
cooked. Once it is cooked…mix till it forms a paste. Apply to the boil
and cover. It will also help to relieve the pain.
BOIL…Pick some mallow leaves and bruise and crush well. Pour a little
boiling water over the leaves and leave to infuse well. Take some of
the mixture and spread on a clean cloth and apply to the boil…or to a
sore that is festering.
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BOIL…Pick some violet leaves and crush well until fine. Put into an
earthenware saucepan and cover with the lid. Put at the back of the
stove where the heat is low…so it can warm slowly. No water must be
added. Cut a piece of bread…about the size of a thumb and soak in a
little milk. Remove the bread from the milk and add to the warm
violet leaves and mix well. It must be applied as hot as possible to the
boil and covered with a clean…old piece of flannel material. Repeat
ever hour until the boil has ripened.
BOIL…Put a few pieces of lead and 2 cups of milk in a saucepan and
boil till it has reduced to fill 1 cup. Strain and drink the milk
BOIL…Remove the pip and pus from a boil onto a piece of cotton-wool.
Cut a deep cut into a prickly pear leaf and push the piece of cottonwool
inside the cut. You won’t get boils again.
BOIL…Remove the pip and pus from a boil onto a small piece of cottonwool
or cloth. Cut a deep groove in a young tree and lift the bark
slightly. Push the piece of cloth under the bark and tie the bark back
with a string or bandage. As soon as you see the vaccinated area
growing you will not get boils again. It takes about 1 week for the
vaccination to start growing.
BOIL…Scrape enough slithers of sunlight soap to fill 1 tablespoon.
Add a little sugar and ask the person with the boil to spit onto it. Mix
well and apply to the boil and cover with a piece of plaster to keep it
in place. Leave it until the boil comes to a head. Do Not remove or
replace….it MUST be left in place. It draws very strongly…but it will
soon bring the boil to a head so it can me opened and cleaned.
BOIL…Slice 1 large white onion into thin slices and put in a saucepan
and add 1 tablespoon of the scrapings from blue homemade soap and 1
tablespoon of honey. Mix and melt on a very low heat setting. Stir
continuously to avoid burning. Smear some of the mixture onto a
piece of cotton-wool or a piece of flannel and apply to the boil as hot
as bearable. The remaining mixture may be put into a tin and
reheated on a low heat setting when needed.
BOIL…Slice 1 medium-sized potato in half and put the pip from the
boil on one half. Put the two halves together and plant the potato. As
soon as the potato starts growing…the boil will be healed.
BOIL…Slice a piece of pumpkin…about as wide as 4 fingers and peel
and cut into small pieces. Put in a saucepan and add a little water.
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Bring to the boil and kook until soft and dry. It must not be raw.
Grate 2 large carrots and 2 large onions very finely and add to the
pumpkin in the saucepan. Cook together over a very low heat…stirring
continuously to avoid burning. Take some of the mixture and smear on
a clean piece of old flannel or linen cloth. Apply to the boil as hot as is
bearable. Cover well. It will quickly bring the boil to a head and also
give relief to the pain. Repeat till you have used up all the mixture. It
must be applied as hot as possible each time.
BOIL…Soak a piece of cloth in lukewarm resin and apply to the boil…it
will quickly draw the boil.
BOIL…Spread some old yeast on a clean piece of cloth and apply to
the boil…and eat as much of the old yeast as possible.
BOIL…Spread tomato-paste on cotton-wool and apply to the boil.
Cover and bandage or apply plaster to keep in place. The acidity in the
tomato-paste soothes the pain away and draws the boil to ripeness so
it can be easily removed.
BOIL…Take 1 cake of yeast and put into 1 glass of water and leave till
it is dissolved properly. Stir well and drink.
BOIL…Take 1 large raisin and cut open…apply to the boil before you
go to bed at night. The next morning…take the raisin and eat it…the
boil will be healed.
BOIL…Take 1 large tablespoonful of Vaseline and add Epsom salts
until it forms a smooth ointment. Smear onto the boil and apply
plaster. This mixture is excellent drawing plaster.
BOIL…Take 1 slice of old bread and boil it in 1 cup of milk till soft and
pliable. Knead the mixture well and apply to the boil and cover with a
clean cloth.
BOIL…Take 1 tablespoon of beeswax…1 tablespoon of raw linseed oil
and 1 tablespoon of finely grated sunlight soap in a saucepan and put
on the stove. The stove must be on a very low heat setting and you
must stir continuously so that the mixture can all melt and be well
mixed. Remove from stove and continue mixing till thoroughly mixed.
Smear some of the mixture on a piece of cotton-wool or a clean piece
of old cloth and apply to the boil….cover and bandage.
BOIL…Take 1 teaspoon of white sugar and roll till very fine. Mix with
enough glycerine to form a soft paste. Apply to the boil and cover.
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Repeat 3 times and the boil will have come to a head.
BOIL…Take 2 small nutmegs and cut 1 in half. Grate 1 of the pieces
very finely…and add to a glass of hot milk…stir well and drink. Discard
the other piece. After 2 days repeat with the other nutmeg.
BOIL…Take a copper coin... (Penny) and brush and clean thoroughly.
Put on the stove to heat until it is white-hot. Remove from stove and
immediately put into a tablespoon of cold water. Remove the penny
and drink the water.
BOIL…Take a little cattle dung and put in a tin and add a little
vinegar. Warm…mix well and smear on a clean cloth and apply to the
boil. It will bring the boil to a head very quickly.
BOIL…Take any bottle and fill with boiling water. Pour the water out
of the bottle as soon as the bottle is hot. Take the hot bottle and
hold against the boil to help it to ripen.
BOIL…Take cabbage leaves and warm very well. Apply to the boil as
hot as possible. It will also help to relieve the pain.
BOIL…Take pitch and form 7 pills twice the size of a pinhead. As
soon as you feel a boil developing…drink 4 of the pills in the evening
and next morning…first thing…on and empty stomach…drink the other
3. The boil will be healed within a few days.
BOIL…Take some bees-wax and smear onto a piece of cloth and apply
to the boil.
BOIL…This is an excellent remedy for a boil that will not ripen. Take
1 slice of coarse wholegrain bread and crumble. Add a little castor oil
and 1 drop of warm water. Mix very well so that the bread is very
moist and soft. Spread thickly on an old flannel cloth and cover with
another cloth. The paste must be very hot when you apply it. Replace
every 2 hours until it is ripe and can be opened. It works very quickly…
just remember to keep it warm.
BOIL…Thoroughly mix 1 tablespoon of honey and the yolk of 1 egg.
Apply to the boil and cover well. The remaining mixture may be put
into a damp cloth and placed in the refrigerator to preserve. As soon
as the boil has come to a head…opened and cleaned…remove the
mixture from the refrigerator and apply to the opened and cleaned
boil. It will help to close the boil and speed up healing.
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BOIL…Warm a little dissolving plaster and apply to the boil. The
earlier it is applied the sooner the boil will be in the past.
BOIL…Warm some leaves from a thorn-apple tree and add a little
castor-oil. Apply very hot to the boil and cover and wrap or bandage.
It draws strongly but will soon bring the boil to a head.
BOIL…When a boil has ripened…remove the pip or pips and take to an
anthill and leave it where the ants are working. As the ants carry the
pips away…the boil will be healed.
BREAST CANCER…This is a very…very old remedy and has been
passed down as being true. A lady who had breast cancer that had
already developed 8 holes in her breast took 8 frogs and put them
into a piece of muslin and which was made into a bag. She then took
the bag and put it against her breast and the frogs immediately
started sucking the blood from her breast. When they had sucked as
much blood as they could they took fits and keeled over and died. The
lady repeated the process until she had applied 120 frogs to her
breast. It is said that her breast was completely healed and even
resumed its earlier size and shape.
BREAST LUMP…A breastfeeding Mother who develops lumps must
first wash the breast with luke-warm water. Mix together 1 egg yolk…
2 dessertspoons of camphor-oil…1 teaspoon of turpentine…and 1
teaspoon of spirits. Rub the breast well with the mixture….always in
downward movements…then apply cabbage leaves that have been
soaked in boiling water…cover and keep warm. Drafts must be
avoided. It should only be necessary to repeat once or twice and the
lumps and pain will be gone.
BREAST LUMP…If a breastfeeding Mother develops lumps in her
breasts soak some cabbage leaves in boiling water and leave till well
heated. Pack the leaves on the effected breast while hot. Leave on
the breast till cool…and replace with more hot cabbage leaves if
necessary…till the lump is gone.
BREAST LUMP…Massage coconut oil into the effected breast and put
a comb onto the lump and firstly cover with cotton-wool en then cover
well to keep warm. Keep repeating till the lump is gone.
BREAST LUMP…Put a piece of oilskin cover in a round pan and pour
some milk to cover….bring to the boil and allow to boil gently for a
few minutes. Remove and apply as hot as possible to the effected
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breast….with the shiny side against the breast.
BREAST LUMP…Smear some honey onto a piece of white flannel cloth
and apply to the effected breast….with the honey against the breast.
Cover with another piece of cloth to protect the underwear and keep
the breast warm.
BREASTFEEDING…If your breasts become swollen and painful…just
pack cold cabbage leaves on your breasts inside your bra. Sleep with
the cabbage leaves in your bra…it is not a pleasant smell…but it works
very well. This remedy is still being used at the Morningside Clinic.
They supply cold cabbage leaves to all new Mothers who want to use
BRONCHITIS...Take hair from a Chamois...( small mountain antelope)
and put into a iron plate and set alight and allow to burn. Let the
patient lean over the plate and breathe the smoke in deeply. Give the
patient 1 teaspoon of glycerine.
BRONCHITIS…Add 1 small bottle of sweet-oil to ½ a bottle of gin
and shake well to mix. First thing in the morning and at bedtime you
must give the patient 1 dessertspoon of the mixture to drink.
BRONCHITIS…Apply sweet-oil between the patient’s shoulder-blades
and rub in well…then smear Mercurial ointment onto a piece of cloth
and apply between the shoulder-blades. It will open the chest.
BRONCHITIS…Chew 1 or 2 cloves of garlic 3 times per day…and
swallow the garlic.
BRONCHITIS…Chew a couple of cloves of raw garlic 3 times a day
and swallow the chewed garlic. It will help to clear the chest.
BRONCHITIS…Chop or grate a pineapple finely. Take 1 dessertspoon
of the pineapple and make a hollow in the center. Pour sweet-oil to fill
the hollow and give to the patient to drink. Dose 3 times per day with
the pineapple and sweet-oil. It will loosen the phlegm.
BRONCHITIS…Dig out a Gifbol and dry. Put the leaves in a small bag
and sew closed. Give to the patient to sleep on.
BRONCHITIS…Draw verbena leaves like tea and drink. You will soon
be better.
BRONCHITIS…Fry a tiny piece of camphor…about ½ the size of a
match-head in 1 tablespoon of olive-oil. Add 5 drops of Lennon’s
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Wonderkroonessens and mix well. Drink the mixture.
BRONCHITIS…If your baby has bronchitis then you must dose the
baby with enough bicarbonate of soda to cover the point of a knife
and give baby black bitter coffee to drink it down. Smear grease on a
cloth and sprinkle thickly with coal-dust. Fold the cloth and cover
with another cloth and apply to baby’s chest.
BRONCHITIS…Mix ½ a bottle of gin and a small bottle of sweet-oil
and take 1 dessertspoonful morning and night.
BRONCHITIS…Mix 2 tablespoons of honey…1 tablespoon raw linseedoil…
1 teaspoon turpentine and 1 bottle of Lennon’s borsdruppels. Make
sure it is well mixed. Give children 3 drops of the mixture a couple of
times per day…and adults may take 1 teaspoonful.
BRONCHITIS…Mix together the white of 1 egg…1 tablespoon of
mustard powder…a little corn-meal and ½ teaspoon of coconut-oil.
Make sure it is thoroughly mixed then smear it on a piece of red
flannel cloth and cover with a second piece of red flannel cloth. First
rub warmed camphor-oil onto the patients chest and between the
shoulder-blades…then apply the mustard plaster between the
shoulder-blades and cover the patient warmly. Avoid any draughts.
BRONCHITIS…Spread lard onto a piece of flannel and sprinkle well
with fine tobacco. Put the cloth on the patient’s chest and cover with
another cloth.
BRONCHITIS…Take ½ cup of honey and add to ½ cup of brandy.
Crush Hottentot’s-fig and strain through a clean cloth and add to the
honey and brandy. Mix well and pour into a bottle. Drink 1
tablespoonful of the mixture 3 times per day.
BRONCHITIS…Take 1 tablespoon of grape-vinegar…1 tablespoon of
raw farm honey…1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of Lennon’s Borsdruppels
and mix thoroughly. Take 1 teaspoonful of the mixture as required.
Give babies just a ¼ teaspoonful.
BRONCHITIS…Take 1 teaspoon of coconut-oil at bed-time. If you
take it during the day then you must avoid eating or drinking anything
for at least ½ an hour after drinking the coconut-oil.
BRONCHITIS…Take a glass or earthenware dish and add 2 oz sweetoil
or olive-oil…1 bottle Lennon’s Borsdruppels…2 teaspoons of
Lennon’s Paregoric…2 teaspoons of Lennon’s Ipekakuanawyn…15 drops
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of tar-oil and 3 large tablespoons of honey or sweet glycerine. Mix
thoroughly…pour into a bottle and shake again till you are sure it is
well mixed. Give the patient 1 teaspoon of the mixture 4 times per
day…if the patient is an adult….if the patient is a child then only give
½ a teaspoon of the mixture 4 times per day.
BRONCHITIS…Warm camphor-oil and rub between the shoulderblades
and on the chest. Cover with a double layer of red flannel
material that has been sprinkled with turpentine. Keep the patient
BRUISES…Apply a piece of raw meat to the bruises…it will help very
BRUISES…Apply cloths that have been soaked in buchu.
BRUISES…Apply Zambuk thickly to the bruises and wrap with a cloth
or bandage.
BRUISES…Crush 3 pieces of ginger and ½ an onion. Add 2 tablespoons
of rye meal and 2 tablespoons of brandy….mix till it forms a thick
paste. Apply the mixture to the bruises and cover.
BRUISES…For bruises or contusions…apply vinegar and rub well.
BRUISES…In earlier years…if you were bruised…Grandmother would
apply Eucalyptus-vinegar cloths.
BRUISES…Mix starch and water to a paste and apply to the bruises
to prevent discoloration.
BRUISES…Pick young eucalyptus leaves and fry. Apply to the bruises.
BRUISES…Soak a piece of cotton-wool in vinegar and apply to the
bruises and leave for about 1 hour. The vinegar will reduce the
discoloration and speed up the healing process.
BURN WOUNDS…Add 1 large tablespoon of lime to cold water and
mix to dissolve. Soak pieces of cloth in the solution and apply to the
burn wounds. Replace with another piece of cloth each time the cloth
dries out. Keep replacing until the burning sensation has eased.
BURN WOUNDS…Add 1 tablespoon of lime to 1 bottle of boiling
water and mix till dissolved. Allow to stand until the lime has
clarified. Add 1 cup of raw-linseed oil to some of the water and beat
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vigorously until it becomes thick and resembles cream. Put into a widenecked
jar with a screw-type lid. Smear some of the ointment onto
clean flannel cloths and apply to the wounds. Make sure that the
wounds are well bandaged to prevent contact with air. Repeat until
the burn has been drawn out.
BURN WOUNDS…Add 2 tablespoons of salt to 1 bottle of brandy and
shake till well mixed. Soak pieces of cloth in the mixture and apply to
the burn wounds.
BURN WOUNDS…Apply a little must syrup to the burn wounds.
BURN WOUNDS…Apply Colgate toothpaste to the effected area
when you have been scalded by boiling fluids or been burned…it will
soothe and ease the pain.
BURN WOUNDS…Apply corn meal very thickly to the burn wounds to
seal the wounds and prevent air getting to the wounds.
BURN WOUNDS…Apply honey to the burn wounds…it will draw and
soothe the burning sensation.
BURN WOUNDS…Apply lime liberally over burn wounds…it will help in
the prevention of blisters forming…and will aid the healing process.
BURN WOUNDS…Apply Sunlight soap to the wounds…it will help to
relieve the burning sensation and also help speed the healing process.
BURN WOUNDS…Beat egg yolks well and add a little vinegar and mix
well. Spread some of the mixture onto pieces of cloth and apply to
the burn wounds. Repeat until the cloths no longer dry out. Once the
burning sensation is drawn out…you may apply ointment and cover with
a bandage.
BURN WOUNDS…Boil water and fill a bottle with the boiling water.
Add 2 tablespoons of Alum and shake well to mix. It is always good to
keep a bottle of the alum solution ready-mixed in the home….
especially if you have small children. Pour some of the mixture onto
pieces of cloth and apply to the burned areas….it will soon ease the
burning sensation.
BURN WOUNDS…Crush peach-stones until fine and brown in a little
caster-oil. Allow to cool. Wash the burn wounds with bicarbonate of
soda and water solution and apply the peach-stone mixture to the
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BURN WOUNDS…First thing in the morning apply a little spittle to
the burn wounds…it is a wonderful remedy to make the burn marks
BURN WOUNDS…Flowers of Sulphur and Zinc ointment thoroughly
and smear onto the burned areas…cover and bandage well.
BURN WOUNDS…For burn wounds caused by fire or fat it is best to
beat the whites of eggs slightly and smear onto the wounds. It will
help to draw the burn and aid in the healing process.
BURN WOUNDS…If someone has been scalded with boiling water…or
burnt by fire just take sunlight soap and add to water and beat to
make foam. Take the foam and put onto the effected area and
sprinkle fine table salt onto the wound. It will cool the wound and
there will be no marks. This is an excellent remedy and may be safely
used for babies too.
BURN WOUNDS…If you get burned at the stove while cooking…just
apply toothpaste to the effected area and there will be no mark and
it will also relieve the pain.
BURN WOUNDS…If you get burned with caustic soda you must
immediately wash the effected areas with vinegar then apply cloths
that have been dipped in raw-linseed oil…castor-oil or sweet-oil.
BURN WOUNDS…If you get burned with caustic soda…apply vinegar
to the burns immediately.
BURN WOUNDS…If you have access to a windmill or oil used for
windmills…this is an excellent remedy. Take 1 bottle of windmill-oil
and 2 dozen eggs and beat thoroughly. Put into a glass jar. Smear
some of the mixture onto clean pieces of flannel and apply to the
burn wounds. It will draw the burns and ease the burning sensation…
and will aid the healing process as well as prevent blisters forming.
BURN WOUNDS…If you have been burned or scalded with boiling
water…just add alum to cold water and soak pieces of cloth in the
solution. Apply these cloths gently to the effected areas and replace
as soon as the cloths become dry. This will ease the burning sensation.
BURN WOUNDS…If you have been scalded by steam or boiling
water...make a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and water and apply
immediately. It will quickly ease the burning sensation.
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BURN WOUNDS…If you have burnt or scalded yourself…immediately
smear honey as thickly as possible on the effected area to speed up
the healing process without leaving scars. Besides being an anti-septic
the honey will also destroy the germs…because germs cannot survive
in honey.
BURN WOUNDS…It is advisable to always keep a bottle of bitters in
the home for emergencies. When someone gets burned…perhaps on
the foot or hand…pour some of the bitters into a glass bowl and soak
the effected foot or hand for about 15 minutes. If the burn wound is
elsewhere on the body…soak a piece of cotton-wool in the bitters and
apply to the wound. If it is done immediately…a blister will not even
BURN WOUNDS…Make a large saucepan of Red bush tea and allow to
draw until very strong. Pour the tea into bathwater and let the
patient lie in the bath until the burning sensation has eased. If you do
not have any Red bush tea…use ordinary tea…but Red bush tea is the
BURN WOUNDS…Mash a canned peach and apply to the burn wound
and bandage to keep in place.
BURN WOUNDS…Melt a small bottle of Vaseline and 1 bottle of
Flowers of Sulphur over low heat and mix well. Smear this mixture
onto the burn wounds and cover.
BURN WOUNDS…Melt some beeswax and take an equal amount of
sweet-oil and raw linseed-oil and mix until it forms a soft paste. Pour
into a wide-necked jar and close. Smear some of the paste onto a
piece of flannel and apply the burn wounds…even if they have
advanced to the septic stage. This mixture will quickly draw the
entire virulent septicemia from the burn wounds…and they will heal
very quickly. This remedy is over 100 years old…and is as effective
today as it was back then.
BURN WOUNDS…Mix 1 piece of bees-wax and 1 egg yolk to a paste
and smear onto the burned area.
BURN WOUNDS…Mix bicarbonate of soda and water to a paste and
apply to the effected area immediately. Repeat until the burning
sensation has been eased…then apply the white of an egg to the burn.
As soon as the egg-white has dried…apply another layer. Leave the
egg-white on the burned area.
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BURN WOUNDS…Mix Flowers of Sulphur and coconut-oil till it forms
a soft paste. Apply this mixture to the burned areas 3 or 4 times per
day. You may also mix Flowers of Sulphur and sugar and drink twice on
the day you have been burned.
BURN WOUNDS…Mix Flowers of Sulphur and honey and eat a
spoonful in the morning. Mix Flowers of Sulphur and Vaseline and
apply to the wounds.
BURN WOUNDS…Mix raw linseed-oil and Caster-oil in a little
camphor brandy and apply to the burns and bandage to prevent
contact with the air. For 3 days…first thing in the morning…you
should drink 1 teaspoon of melted coconut-oil.
BURN WOUNDS…Mix raw linseed-oil and caster-oil in a little
camphor brandy and shake well to mix. Add 8 drops of haarlemensis
and shake again to mix. Add enough beeswax to the mixture to form a
soft paste and smear onto pieces of cloth and apply to the burn
wounds. This is an especially good remedy for smaller burn wounds.
BURN WOUNDS…Mix together in an earthen-ware dish 1 bottle of
Flowers of Sulphur…1 bottle Copaiva balm…1 bottle Haarlemensis…1
tablespoon raw linseed-oil…1 tablespoon caster-oil…1 tablespoon
sweet-oil and 1 small bottle of beeswax and melt over a low heat.
Make sure it is thoroughly mixed and pour into a wide-necked jar with
a screw-type lid. Allow to cool and apply twice daily to the burn
wounds. This is an excellent remedy.
BURN WOUNDS…Put some rice in an old saucepan and burn the rice
till well browned. Mince till very fine. Fry the minced rice in 1 lb of
lard…then strain. Add 1 tablespoon of sweet-oil…1 teaspoon of
turmeric and 30 drops of Flowers of Sulphur and mix well and decant
into a small bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Leave to cool and smear
onto cloths and apply to the burn wounds and bandage well.
BURN WOUNDS…Smear condensed-milk on a piece of clean cloth and
apply to the burn wounds. Replace each time the cloth dries until the
condense-milk cloth no longer dries out. This remedy will prevent the
forming of blisters and will also draw the burning sensation from the
BURN WOUNDS…Smear lard onto a piece of flannel cloth and then
smear some Copaiva balm over the lard. Apply to the burn wounds.
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Replace 3 times per day.
BURN WOUNDS…Smear the sap from an aloe onto the effected area
and it will prevent the forming of blisters.
BURN WOUNDS…Soak a piece of gauze in raw linseed oil and apply to
wound and bandage well. Leave in place until the wound is soothed. To
enhance the healing…apply Spijker salve/balm to the wound morning
and evening. Keep the burn wound covered to prevent exposure to air.
BURN WOUNDS…Soak pieces of clean cloth in warm buttermilk and
apply as warm as is bearable to the burn wounds.
BURN WOUNDS…Soak pieces of cloth in raw linseed oil and wrap
around the burn wounds till the burning sensation has been drawn out.
Mix 1 bottle flowers of Sulphur…1 bottle Copaiva balsam and 1 bottle
Haarlemensis thoroughly. When thoroughly mixed add 1 tablespoon
raw-linseed oil…1 tablespoon caster-oil…and 1 tablespoon of beeswax
and mix again till a smooth and soft ointment is formed….and put in a
wide-necked jar to keep. This ointment must now be freely applied to
the wounds and the wound must be kept covered.
BURN WOUNDS…Take 1 small bottle of coconut-oil…2 tablespoons of
Flowers of Sulphur...1 teaspoon of zinc powder and 1 teaspoon of
Boracic powder and mix thoroughly. Smear onto the burn or scald
wounds twice a day. Drink 10 drops of Lennon’s Staaldruppels in water
each night at bedtime.
BURN WOUNDS…Take 1 tablespoon of lime-water and 1 tablespoon
of linseed oil and shake well to mix. Apply to a cloth and put onto the
effected area.
BURN WOUNDS…Take a piece of blue home-made soap and soak in
water till soft. Apply to the burn wounds to help ease the burning
BURN WOUNDS…Take a piece of unsalted lard and fry slightly. Add
a little Currie-powder and mix well….smear onto a piece of cloth and
apply to the burn wounds.
BURN WOUNDS…Take goose droppings and apply to the effected
BURN WOUNDS…Take some cattle dung and add some vinegar and
mix well. Smear some of the mixture onto a piece of cloth and apply
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to the wounds. It will help to soothe the burning sensation and
prevent blisters forming.
BURN WOUNDS…Take unused bottle cork stopper and burn till light
brown. Scrape the cork to remove the burned cork with a knife and
make sure it is fine like powder. Apply the powder to the wounds.
BURN WOUNDS…Using your hand only…splash vinegar onto the
wounds…do not apply to a cloth and do not rub into the wound.
BURN WOUNDS…Wet the burn wounds with a little cotton-wool
dipped in water…then apply white sugar thickly to the burned area to
soothe the burning sensation. Apply a mixture of Vaseline and Flowers
of Sulphur and cover and bandage.
BURN WOUNDS…When eating hot foods like Currie and your mouth
is burning...just eat a slice of bread…or some celery or drink a glass
of milk…never drink water to try and ease the burning sensation.
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CANCER...Cut open the liver of a tortoise and apply it to the cancer area.
CANCER...If you suffer from stomach cancer…drink the juice of ¼ of a
lemon first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
CANCER…Brew rhino bush tops or violet leaves in boiling water. Drink 1
glassful of the water 3 times per day. This is good remedy for stomach
CANCER…Crumble or grind 1 block of camphor into small pieces. Put into
a bottle of mentholated spirits and shake well and leave to melt. Shake
every now and then to speed up the melting process. If you have skin
cancer…rub some of this mixture onto the effected areas…3 times per
CANCER…For cancer on the lip…when you wake in the morning…before
drinking anything…apply some spittle to the effected lip.
CANCER…For someone with stomach cancer this is a good remedy. Take
1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in water 3 times a day
for 3 months.
CANCER…If you are suffering from stomach cancer…brew some
Narcissus and drink a little of the water every so often during the day.
CANCER…If you have stomach cancer it is advisable to avoid mixing
starchy foods and vegetables. You may for example eat vegetables at
night and starch in the morning…but avoid mixing the two.
CANCER…Kill a snake and remove the skin. Cut the skin in strips and
apply to the cancer area. Replace as necessary and the cancer will be
CANCER…Mix 3 tablespoons of fine salt and 3 tablespoons of tapped off
alum and the yolk of 3 eggs to a soft…smooth paste. Smear onto pieces
of cloth and apply to the cancer area and bandage. Replace every day.
This is a very good remedy as it will kill the cancer and remove it with
roots and all.
CANCER…Mix parsley leaves…milk and either rabbit or goat fat with rye
meal and Stockholm tar till it forms a thick paste. Smear some of this
mixture onto a piece of flannel and apply to the effected area. Apply
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adhesive plaster or a bandage to keep in place. Repeat morning and
evening until the cancer had died.
CANCER…Mix the yolk of 1 egg with fine table salt until it forms a soft…
pliable paste. Stir while mixing to avoid the egg yolk drying out from too
much salt being added. Spread this mixture on the cancer area and
cover with a cloth and bandage to keep in place. Replace morning and
CANCER…Pick the leaf of a prickly pear and fry until well cooked. Cut
the leaf open and take some of the inside of the leaf and smear onto a
piece of well-washed flannel and apply the cloth to the cancer area.
Bandage to keep in place. Replace 3 or 4 times per day.
CANCER…Slice Myrica Quercifola very finely and put into a bowl and
pour enough boiling water over it to cover. Leave to infuse. First thing
every morning drink 2 cups of this water. Drink slowly…a little every now
and then…until both cups are empty. This is a very good remedy for
stomach cancer.
CANCER…Take the oil from a cannabis pipe and rub it onto the effected
area…it will kill the cancer with roots and all. The cancer will rise to the
surface so that it can be removed with a small pair of pliers.
CANCER…The Old People tell the tale of a lady who had breast cancer
so bad that there were 8 holes in her breast…and she was totally healed
and her breast regained its shape after following this remedy. Take 8
frogs and put them into a muslin cloth and lay the cloth against the
effected breast. The frogs will immediately attach themselves to the
breast and begin sucking the blood from the breast. As soon as they
have sucked their fill the frogs will detach and fall from the breast…
some will even be dead. There is apparently no pain while they suck. Keep
replacing the frogs until you have used 120 frogs to suck the blood.
After 120 frogs the breast will be healed and there will be no more
cancer in the breast.
CANCER…Warm a little milk and put a cake of home-made soap into it.
Leave to melt. Smear this mixture onto your skin if you have skin cancer.
Smear some of the mixture onto a piece of cloth and apply to cancer
areas and bandage to keep in place.
CARBUNCLE…Grind 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts to a fine powder and
mix with 3 or 4 drops of glycerine. Smear onto a piece of cloth and apply
to the carbuncle. Leave in place for 12 hours as this is a very strong
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drawing plaster. If it is necessary….replace with a new drawing plaster
after 12 hours and leave for 12 hours again.
CARBUNCLE…Nine-eye carbuncle...Mix 1 teaspoon of corn meal and mix
with a little vinegar to a paste. Smear onto a piece of cloth and apply to
the carbuncle and bandage. Repeat until the carbuncle is ripe and open.
CARBUNCLE…Nine-eye Carbuncle…Crumble a piece of bread into ½ a cup
of milk and mix…pour into a small saucepan and bring to the boil…stirring
continuously. Allow to boil until it forms a thick paste. Add 1 teaspoon of
Epsom salts to the milk mixture and stir to mix. Spread the mixture
onto a piece of cloth and apply to the carbuncle and bandage. Put a piece
of cotton-wool on top of the bandage and then a hot-water bottle. Keep
warm for 12 to 24 hours.
CARBUNCLE…Nine-eye carbuncle…First thing in the morning take 1
tablespoon of honey with a dash of Flowers of Sulphur. You can make a
paste of honey and Flowers of Sulphur and a little corn flour to bind it
and apply to the carbuncle. Replace 3 times per day.
CARBUNCLE…Nine-eye Carbuncle…Mix slaked lime and water to a paste
and apply to the carbuncle. As soon as the paste dries…. ….replace it
with another mixture. It will draw the carbuncle and dry it out and it
will be healed.
CARBUNCLE…Nine-eye Carbuncle…Take a piece of snake skin and soak in
brandy for a few minutes. Squeeze out and put the skin on the carbuncle
with the inside touching. Cover with a cloth and then a mallow-flower
drawing plaster.
CARBUNCLE…Pick some thorn-apple leaves and put into boiling water.
Apply 3 or 4 times per day to the carbuncle…it is an excellent drawing
CARBUNCLE…Take 2 tablespoons of honey…2 tablespoons of grated
white onion and 2 tablespoons of grated sunlight soap and put into a
saucepan. Melt over a low heat…stirring continuously to prevent burning.
Smear the mixture on a piece of cloth or cotton-wool and apply to the
CAT BITE…If a cat bites you…kill and skin the cat immediately and apply
the warm skin to the place where you were bitten…it will prevent any
poisoning and festering.
CELLULITE…Add ½ a bottle of Cayenne Pepper to 1 jar of Aqueous
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Cream and mix thoroughly. After bathing…rub this mixture into your
skin….make sure that it is properly mixed…and no lumps of cayenne are
present…otherwise it will stain your clothing.
CEREBRAL CONCUSSION…When someone is concussed you must wrap
him in blankets to keep warm…and also put hot-water bottles under his
feet. As soon as he starts to vomit…you must give him warm tea or warm
milk to drink. Let him lie in a darkened room.
CHEST…For a tight chest accompanied by a bad cough just mix equal
quantities honey…vinegar…lemon juice and Lennon’s Turlington and drink
a spoonful when needed to ease the cough.
CHEST…For a tight chest do the following…Take a piece of unbleached
calico and smear goat suet thickly on it and then cover with chimneysoot.
Apply to the chest and keep warm.
CHEST…For a tight chest take 9 teaspoons of Stockholm-tar and put
into an enamel dish together with 4 bottles of pre-boiled and cooled
water. Do not stir or mix. Leave the dish outside for 1 night to allow the
dew to fall on it…and the next morning strain through a clean cloth and
bottle. Drink a wine-glassful first thing every morning.
CHEST…For chest complaints like coughing…croup…bronchitis etc….mix
the following in a large glass bottle with a screw-type lid: 1 bottle
Lennon’s Paregoric…1 bottle Lennon’s Turlington…1 bottle Lennon’s
Ipekakuanawine…1 bottle Lennon’s Borsdruppels…1 small bottle rawlinseed
oil and ½ a bottle of honey. Mix thoroughly till mixed well with
the honey. This remedy will also reduce the phlegm of sinus and help to
control the phlegm that runs down into the throat… (Post Nasal Drip).
Sinus sufferers find great relief using this mixture regularly. Take 1
dessertspoonful first thing in the morning…and last thing at bedtime. As
your condition improves reduce the dosage to 1 dessertspoonful once a
day. Children from 3 to 8 years must only be given ½ a dessertspoonful
of the mixture. If you want to give some of the mixture to babies be
sure to first consult your physician.
CHEST…For tight or closed chest add 5 drops of camphor to boiling
water and steam. Remember to keep warm and avoid any draughts.
CHEST…Granny used to rub camphor between the shoulder-blades to
bring relief for a bad chest.
CHEST…If you suffered with a bad chest…Grandma used to rub
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camphor between the shoulder-blades and then apply shoe polish on a
piece of flannel between the shoulder-blades.
CHEST…If your chest is tight rub well with Zambuk…or apply Zambuk to
a cloth and put on your chest. Cover and keep warm….it will help to open
your chest.
CHEST…Make a small bag…about as big as the first joint of a thumb and
put enough curry powder to cover the point of a knife and 3 cloves into
the little bag and sew closed. Sew a cord onto the little bag and hang
around the patient’s neck so that the bag is hanging on the chest. It is
extremely good to loosen phlegm on the chest…and also for chest
ailments like coughs.
CHEST…Melt 1 tin of Zambuk and 2 oz coconut-oil over a low heat. Mix
well. Take 1 teaspoonful morning and night until your chest is better.
CHEST…Mix together 1 ½ tablespoons of curry powder and ½ a cup of
suet and smear onto a piece of flannel. Apply to the chest and cover.
Repeat as necessary.
CHEST…Spread red shoe polish onto 2 pieces of old flannel. It must be
red shoe polish. Fold the cloths and pin to the vest between the
shoulder-blades. It must not be applied to the chest…only to the back.
It is a very good remedy for children too. Keep the cloths in place for a
couple of days.
CHEST…Sprinkle paraffin onto a cloth and put the cloth between two
other cloths and put onto the chest and between the shoulder-blades.
Make sure the paraffin does not come into contact with the bare skin.
Keep warm.
CHEST…When you feel your chest tightening…ask someone to rub some
camphor between your shoulder-blades.
CHICKEN POX…When your child has chicken pox and it won’t break out
properly…take dry goat manure and put into a tin or dish and cover with
boiling water. Leave to infuse. Strain and add a little wine or Wit Dulcies
and mix well. Warm the liquid and give to the child to drink and then
cover or wrap the child in blankets to keep warm The following morning
the chicken pox will have broken out.
CHICKEN POX…When your child has chicken pox rub gently with corn
flour to ease the itching.
CHOLESTEROL…Add 2 tablespoons of honey and 3 teaspoons of
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cinnamon to 1 glass of boiling water…stir and drink. If take the honey
mixture 3 times per day with meals it will reduce your cholesterol by as
much as 10% within 2 hours.
CHOLESTEROL…If you suffer from bad cholesterol…or want to prevent
it…then eat avocado pear every day.
COLDS…Add ½ a teaspoon of ginger and ½ a teaspoon of cream of tartar
to 1 glass of water and mix. Add sugar to taste and drink as hot as
possible. Go to bed and keep warm to sweat the cold out.
COLDS…Add the juice of 1 lemon to 1 cup of boiling water and drink at
bedtime. You may drink this for a couple of evenings in order to break
the cold.
COLDS…Add the juice of 1 lemon to a large glass of very hot water. Add
1 large spoonful of Jamaica Ginger…2 teaspoons of sugar and 2 aspirins
to the glass and mix well. Drink as hot as possible…go to bed and keep
warm and the cold will sweat out.
COLDS…At bedtime take a big pinch of bicarbonate of soda and add to
2 tablespoons of boiling water. Allow to cool slightly and drink. Make the
same mixture and spray into the nostrils…about 2 drops in each nostril.
COLDS…Before going to bed at night…have a hot mustard bath and take
a very hot cup of infused wormwood to which you add sugar and Jamaica
Ginger or fine ginger. Make sure you are warm.
COLDS…Boil sage and milk and allow to cool. Use this mixture to gargle.
COLDS…Boil together some wormwood…rue and eucalyptus leaves until it
forms thick syrup. This is an excellent remedy for a heavy cough and
also for colds and flu.
COLDS…Cook mulberry jam until it is very dry and bottle. When you feel
a cold coming…either a head or chest cold…take a little of the jam and
add water and cook. Take a spoonful every so often.
COLDS…Drink a glass of hot milk and Buchu Brandy.
COLDS…Eat raw garlic…it will open a stuffed nose and head
COLDS…If you have a blocked nose sniff a little diluted camphor.
COLDS…If you have a head cold…add a ¼ cup of vinegar to the water
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when you steam. Bend over a basin and cover your head with a towel or
blanket…breathe deeply so that you may inhale as much of the steam as
possible. This will alleviate stuffy nose and head and bring fast relief.
COLDS…Infuse wormwood in boiling water till it forms strong syrup.
Take 3 cups of the wormwood water…a ½ a cup of white sugar…a ½ a cup
of brown sugar and a dessertspoon of ginger and mix well. Take 1
teaspoon of the mixture every 3 hours.
COLDS…Mix 1 teaspoon of honey into a wineglass of vinegar and a
wineglass of water and mix well. Use the mixture to gargle as needed.
COLDS…Mix 1 teaspoon of honey…2 tablespoons of sweet oil…10 drops
of pure turpentine and ½ a teaspoon of camphor-oil. Take a teaspoonful
every 2 or 3 hours.
COLDS…Mix together 1 teaspoon of raw linseed oil…1 teaspoon of
borsdruppels and 2 drops of pure turpentine. Put into a bottle and shake
well before using. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times per day. A good idea is to
double the mixture and use till finished.
COLDS…Pick some fresh eucalyptus leaves and put into a dish. Cover
with boiling water and then cover the patient’s head with a blanket and
allow to steam over the dish. Infuse 2 tablespoons of wormwood in
water and give to the patient to drink…then put him into bed and cover
COLDS…Put a few drops of eucalyptus oil onto your pillow when you go to
bed…that way you will be breathing the eucalyptus smell all night and it
will aid in keeping your head and nose clear.
COLDS…Rub some coconut-oil behind and in front of the ears and also
the chest and between the shoulder blades. Swallow a little of the
coconut-oil. This will cure the worst colds.
COLDS…Take 1 bottle of Vaseline…1 small tin of camphor…1 small bottle
of eucalyptus-oil and 1 small bottle of cajuput oil and first melt the
Vaseline over a low heat setting and add the camphor. Leave to cool
slightly and add the eucalyptus and cajuput oil. Mix thoroughly. While
the mixture is still runny…pour into small jars or tins. Leave to cool. Rub
some of the mixture behind the ears…into the throat…chest and also
between the shoulder blades.
COLDS…Take 1 cup of wormwood and ½ a cup of rue and infuse in boiling
water. Strain and add 1 teaspoon of Jamaica Ginger and mix. Take 1
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teacup of the mixture at bedtime.
COLDS…Take 1 large tablespoon of honey…the yolk of 1 egg and 20
drops of Lennon’s borsdruppels and beat till thoroughly mixed. Take 1
teaspoon of the mixture every 3 hours.
COLDS…Thinly slice a lemon and sprinkle the slices liberally with sugar
and eat as soon as you feel a cold coming.
COLDS…When a baby has a cold…rub some castor-oil over the baby’s
nose and forehead. It will help for a blocked nose and head.
COLDS…When you feel a cold coming add ¼ teaspoon of bicarbonate of
soda to a glass of water. Drink 3 times a day for 3 consecutive days.
COLDS…When you feel a cold coming…slice an onion into thin slices and
sprinkle liberally with sugar and eat.
COLIC…Drink a glass of boiling water as hot as possible.
COLIC…Mix 1 egg yolk…1 tablespoon of wine and a dash of pepper and
CONSTIPATION…If you suffer from chronic constipation…eat bananas.
Bananas are high in fibre…and you will avoid having to use laxatives.
CONSTIPATION…In days gone by our Grandmothers believed in making
a suppository out of blue home-made soap as a cure for constipation.
CONSTIPATION…Soak 1 lb of dried figs and 1 lb of prunes in water till
soft. Mix the figs and prunes with 1 lb of raisins and then mince well.
Add the minced fruit to 2 lbs of golden syrup or honey and mix
thoroughly. Take 1 teaspoonful of the mixture at bedtime.
CONTAGIOUS DISEASES…To help prevent your children catching the
diseases…crush some garlic and put in a little bag. Hang around the
children’s neck…or attach inside their clothing.
CONVULSIONS…Add ½ a teaspoon of mustard to 1 gallon of water and
then bath the baby…sponging continuously.
CONVULSIONS…Add a handful of rue to bathwater and check that the
water is a suitable temperature for the baby and then put the baby in
the bath and sponge until the convulsions cease.
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CONVULSIONS…Add some pepper to the well beaten white of an egg
and mix well. Smear on the pulses and under the feet…it will quickly
break the convulsions.
CONVULSIONS…Boil 2 buckets of water and add 2 mugs of horse
manure to the water. Allow to cool until luke warm and then strain. Use
the water to bath the baby.
CONVULSIONS…Burn camphor and let the child inhale some of the
smoke…the convulsions will cease within minutes.
CONVULSIONS…Crush some rue leaves and then add some of the milk
the baby drinks to the rue….leave to steep until the milk turns green.
Give the baby 1 teaspoonful of the green milk 3 or 4 times per day. Keep
repeating for a couple of days to strengthen the baby.
CONVULSIONS…Cut a dog’s ear and catch up 7 drops of blood and mix
with 1 teaspoon of luke-warm water. Give to the baby to drink. The baby
will sleep and be better when it wakes up.
CONVULSIONS…Cut a piece of blotting paper to the size of a saucer.
Pour 1 bottle of Rooi Laventel onto the paper and put the soaked paper
on the crown of the baby’s head. Prepare another piece of paper and as
soon as the paper dries on the baby’s head…replace with the second
piece. Keep repeating until the convulsions cease.
CONVULSIONS…Give the child enough secretion of a rock-rabbit to
cover the tip of a knife. Give 3 times per day. Rock-rabbit secretion is
obtainable from pharmacies.
CONVULSIONS…Infuse thyme in a little water. Add 2 drops of this
water to 1 drop of Rooi Laventel in a teaspoon and give to the baby 3
times per day.
CONVULSIONS…Make a Spanish-fly plaster and put on the baby’s
CONVULSIONS…Put salt on the baby’s tongue.
CONVULSIONS…Put the baby in a bath of warm water and then pour
cold water on the head. Take the baby out of the bath and wrap in a
towel without drying the baby. Tie a piece of asafoetida to the wrists.
If the baby convulses again…repeat the warm bath and cold water on
the head and give the baby a little castor-oil or asafoetida that has
been dissolved in a little water to drink.
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CONVULSIONS…Put wormwood tips…iron bush tips and rhino-bush tips
into a bath so that it covers the bottom of the bath completely. Add
luke-warm water and then put the baby in the bath. Sponge the baby
well and then the baby will fall asleep and get better.
CONVULSIONS…Remove the baby’s vest and burn it…the convulsions
will cease immediately.
CONVULSIONS…Take enough snake poison to cover the tip of a knife
and add to 1 teaspoon of milk. Give to the child to drink.
CONVULSIONS…Take enough steel filings to cover the tip of a knife
and add to 1 teaspoon of dog’s milk and give to drink.
CONVULSIONS…When a child is having convulsions first press the
tongue down and then bring the child to a sitting position. Put your hand
on the solar plexus and then bend the child over till the head touches
the ground between their legs. After the 2nd or 3rd time you bend
them over you will feel the child jerk under your hand. Lay the child
down and put cold cloths on the head and sponge the child with very hot
water. Crush some rue and tie under the child’s feet and also on the
pulses. This aids in a speedy recovery. You may also give the child a
mustard bath…but only until the convulsions cease.
CORNS…Crush an aspirin fine and put onto a small piece of cotton-wool.
Put the cotton-wool on the corn and bandage or apply a plaster.
CORNS…Crush an aspirin to a fine powder and mix with Vaseline to form
a paste. Put the paste on the corn and cover with plaster. Repeat if the
corn is old and hard.
CORNS…Cut a piece of lemon peel and put into a cup Add ½ a cup of
vinegar to the peel and allow to draw for 2 days. Remove the lemon peel
from the vinegar and put onto the corn and apply plaster or a bandage to
hold in place. Repeat the next day with another piece of peel.
CORNS…Go to the veld and dig out a Euphorbia (vingerhoedpol) and
plant it near the house. Break 1 of the fingers off the plant and put
some of the milk from the plant onto the corn. Keep applying the milk
until the corn has dried out and can be easily removed.
CORNS…Kill a snake and while it is still warm…pull it over the corns a
couple of times. The corn will then heal and disappear.
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CORNS…Melt 1 tablespoon of soft goat fat and allow to cool. Add 15
drops of haarlemensis and some camphor shavings and mix. Apply some
of the mixture twice daily…morning and night.
CORNS…Mix 1 teaspoon of salt into a wineglass of vinegar. Smear some
of this mixture onto the corns morning and evening.
CORNS…Peel the corns with a blade and apply turpentine to the corns.
Repeat the procedure until the corn is gone.
CORNS…Put 6 mother of pearl buttons and 1 whole egg…complete with
shell…into 1 cup of vinegar. Shake well. Leave to stand for 1 week…but
shake the bottle regularly. As soon as the buttons and the eggshell have
dissolved then you may apply the mixture to the corns.
CORNS…Put gum from the Mimosa or thorn tree onto the corn and tie
down with a piece of cloth.
CORNS…Put some Turlington onto a piece of cotton-wool and put onto
the corns. Cover with a piece of plaster and leave it in place. After a
week you can remove the dressing and you may remove the corn with
roots and all.
CORNS…Scrape the corn and apply Flowers of Sulphur. Leave to dry
then wear socks and shoes. Repeat every morning and evening until the
corn is dry and can be removed with roots and all.
CORNS…Soak your feet in hot water and dry well. Peel the corns thinly
with a blade. Apply milk from the Euphorbia to the corns and cover with
a piece of cloth soaked in the milk.
CORNS…Soak your feet in warm water and dry well…then take a purple
pencil and smear the corns with the pencil
CORNS…Tie a piece of cloth around the toe with the corn. Pour vinegar…
as hot as is bearable over the cloth. Repeat every evening for 8 days.
After 8 days the corn will be loose and you may safely remove it.
COUGH MEDICINE…For a bad cough…add honey to a glass of water
together with lemon juice or apple-cider vinegar and drink.
COUGH MEDICINE…Mix 1 bottle Lennon’s Wit Dulcies…a ¾ bottle of
Lennon’s Bors Druppels…2 teaspoons Lennon’s Paregoric…1 bottle raw
linseed-oil…1 bottle Lennon’s Turlington…1 tablespoon vinegar…1 lb /
500g honey and peppermint drops to taste. Mix thoroughly and bottle.
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Take as required for coughing.
COUGH MEDICINE…Mix 2 bottles of Lennon’s Borsdruppels…a ½ cup
fresh lemon juice and ½ a bottle of honey. Mix well and put into a jar
and seal. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture 3 times a day. Do not store in
the refrigerator…store at room temperature.
COUGH MEDICINE…Mix 6 oz honey…2 oz glycerine and the juice of 2
lemons. Mix well and put into a screw-type jar and seal. Use as required
when you are plagued by a bad cough.
COUGH MEDICINE…Put a bottle of honey in a glass bowl…then add the
following Lennon’s products in equal amounts. 1 bottle peppermint drops…
1 bottle Borsdruppels…1 bottle Jamaica ginger…1 bottle Turlington…1
bottle Ipecacuanha tincture and a small bottle of raw linseed-oil. Mix
thoroughly and then boil together for 5 minutes and bottle. Take 2
dessertspoons of the mixture when needed.
COUGH MEDICINE…Take 5 drops of Lennon’s Turlington on a spoonful
of sugar 3 times per day.
COURTING-CANDLE…A courting-candle was used in days gone by when
a young man went a-courting…and of course when the candle was nearly
burnt out…the young man had to leave.
CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs or feet…massage with a little camphoroil
CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs…add 1 heaped tablespoon of mustard
to a 4 gallon bucket or drum of very hot water. Stir until dissolved and
sit with your feet in the drum of water…the water should reach your
knees. When the water has cooled…dry your feet and legs and massage
Zambuk into your legs and cover to keep warm.
CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs…add 1 teaspoon of fine alum to 1
bottle of port wine. Shake well to mix and leave to infuse for 24 hours….
shake again. Shake the bottle before use and take 1 dessertspoonful of
the mixture at bedtime.
CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs…add 1 teaspoon of fine table salt to a
small bottle of paraffin and massage the legs lightly.
CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs…carry 7 seed potatoes the size of
marbles in your trouser pockets until they have dried out completely.
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CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs…Crush 5 cloves of garlic and 1 piece of
asafoetida until fine and add to ½ a bottle of mentholated spirits. Shake
to mix and leave for at least 12 hours. Rub this mixture into the legs.
CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs…Crush asafoetida until fine and add 2
teaspoons of the fine powder to ½ a bottle of vinegar. Shake until the
powder has dissolved. Smear the legs with this mixture.
CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs…put 1 teaspoonful of fine salt on your
tongue and swallow with ½ a glass of water.
CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs…put a copper penny into each shoe…
under the foot.
CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs…rub brasso into your legs morning and
CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs…sit on the floor so that your legs
touch the cold floor.
CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs…Take 2 tablespoons of spirits…2
tablespoons of turpentine…1 tablespoon of paraffin…1 cup of vinegar…
the yolk of 1 egg and 1 cake of fine camphor and put into a glass dish and
mix thoroughly. Mix for at least 20 minutes. Rub this mixture into your
legs and you will have immediate relief.
CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs…tear a piece of Sulphur from a box of
matches and put the pieces into your shoes and leave it there. You won’t
get cramps in your legs again.
CRAMPS…For cramps in your legs…When you go to bed at night just
arrange your shoes so that they form a T.
CRAMPS…If you have cramps in your legs…remove your shoes and stand
on a very cold floor.
CROUP…Add 1 drop of eucalyptus-oil to a teaspoon of sugar and give to
the child. Within an hour the chest will be opened.
CROUP…Add 2 drops of turpentine and 3 drops of Rooi Laventel to 1
tablespoon of caster-oil and give to the child to drink. For babies and
very young children…give ½ the dosage.
CROUP…Add 3 drops of paraffin to 1 teaspoon of white tea sugar and
give to the child to aid the loosening of the phlegm.
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CROUP…Add a few drops of turpentine to 1 teaspoon of white sugar and
give to the child a few times per day.
CROUP…Beat 4 eggs and fry in a pan with castor-oil. Put the eggs on a
piece of flannel and apply to the child’s chest and cover well. It will open
the chest very quickly.
CROUP…Beat the yolk of 1 egg thoroughly and add to a cup of coffee.
Give to the patient as soon as it is luke-warm and he will vomit and bring
out the phlegm. Smear red shoe polish onto a piece of brown paper and
cover with another piece of brown paper. Put between the shoulder
blades and cover with a piece of red flannel. Keep the patient warm.
CROUP…Boil rue in water and then add some honey to the water and give
the mixture to the child to drink.
CROUP…Crush a tortoise…with shell and all and squeeze to remove all
the juices. Give the child as much of the juice as he can drink. It will
open the throat very quickly.
CROUP…Crush camphor and put into a saucepan and add a little sweetoil.
Warm very well…but don’t allow it to burn. Smear onto a piece of
flannel and put onto the child’s chest.
CROUP…Cut a pigeon open and while it is still hot…put it onto the child’s
CROUP…Dry goat’s skin and put away safely. When your child has croup…
slice a small piece of the skin off and mix with 1 tablespoon of lukewarm
water and a little sugar. Stir until the water becomes greenish and
then give it to the child to drink. The child will vomit and bring out the
phlegm and then the child will immediately feel better.
CROUP…Fold a piece of flannel in half and pour caster-oil onto the cloth
and heat well. Sprinkle 5 to 7 drops of eucalyptus-oil onto the cloth and
then put the cloth between the child’s shoulder-blades. Keep this on for
several days.
CROUP…For a very closed croupy chest make a little linen bag and put
the soft tops of young wormwood into the bag. Warm the bag in a lukewarm
oven and hang it around the child’s neck.
CROUP…Give the child a strong mixture of salt and lukewarm water to
drink so that he can bring all the phlegm out.
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CROUP…Give the child strong… black….sweet tea to which you add a
little mustard powder. This mixture will cause the child to vomit and in
so doing the phlegm will be brought out. Mix 1 teaspoon alum and 2
teaspoons of sugar and give the child a ¼ teaspoon of the mixture every
2 hours.
CROUP…Heat a brick or piece of stone and put into the child’s bedroom…
close to the bed. Pour some vinegar over the hot stone of brick….it will
emit a very strong smell…and if it is too strong for the child…move the
brick or stone a little further from the bed. Keep warming the brick or
stone and pouring vinegar on it until the child vomits and brings the
phlegm out.
CROUP…Heat a teaspoon of olive-oil over the flame of a candle and give
to the child….give the child a teaspoon of jam after the oil to improve
the taste. Within a few minutes the croup will be broken.
CROUP…Make stiff corn meal porridge. Take a tablespoonful of the
porridge and smear onto a piece of red flannel or a piece of linen.
Flatten the porridge and sprinkle liberally with curry powder and apply
the cloth to the hollow at the bottom of the child’s neck. As soon as the
cloth dries out…apply another plaster…keep repeating until the child’s
chest is open. Keep the child warm and avoid any draughts.
CROUP…Make a strong mixture of bicarbonate of soda and water and
give to the child to drink until he vomits and brings out all the phlegm.
CROUP…Melt 1 teaspoon of Vaseline and add 20 drops of Borsdruppels
and mix. Give to the child as hot as possible. If the croup is very bad…
this mixture can be given to the child every 20 or 30 minutes.
CROUP…Melt a ¼ pound of goat’s fat and then add 1 grated block of
camphor to the fat and stir until dissolved. Remove from the heat and
add 2 tablespoons of turpentine and 2 bottles of Rooi Laventel to the
mixture and mix thoroughly. Leave to cool. The mixture will have formed
a soft…smooth paste. Smear the paste onto a piece of cloth and fold
double…or place another piece of cloth over to cover. Place the cloths on
the child’s chest and cover with a piece of red flannel.
CROUP…Melt some butter and add a pinch of alum and give to the child
while it is still hot. It will cause the child to vomit and bring the phlegm
out and the croup will be broken. If you don’t have any alum you can give
the child melted butter on its own.
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CROUP…Mix 1 cup of honey and 1 teaspoon of baking powder and give
the child 1 teaspoonful of the mixture every ½ an hour. This mixture will
loosen the phlegm. Store the mixture in a jar with a screw-type lid.
CROUP…Mix 1 saucer of milk and 1 teaspoon of mustard powder with
castor-oil until it forms a thick paste. Smear the paste onto a piece of
cloth and fold to cover. Put the cloth between the child’s shoulderblades…
it will not burn the child and will bring quick relief.
CROUP…Mix 1 tablespoon of condensed milk and ½ a teaspoon of
paraffin and give to the child to drink. Give babies only ½ the dosage.
CROUP…Mix 1 tablespoon of honey…1 tablespoon of sweet-oil and 1
tablespoon of gin thoroughly. Give to the child to drink.
CROUP…Mix 2 heaped tablespoons white tea sugar and 1 teaspoon of
fine alum in a cup and add boiling water. Stir until the sugar and alum
have dissolved completely. Give the child 1 teaspoonful of the mixture
every ½ hour or so as needed.
CROUP…Mix cat hairs in beef fat and warm slightly. Smear the mixture
onto clean pieces of red flannel and put between the shoulder blades.
CROUP…Mix the yolk of 1 egg…2 teaspoons of Borsdruppels…1
tablespoon of sweet-oil…a little alum…a little salpetre and ½ a teaspoon
of Red Powder thoroughly. Give to the child until he vomits and brings
the phlegm out.
CROUP…Put ½ a cup of honey…1 dessertspoon of castor-oil…1
dessertspoon of sweet-oil and 1 dessertspoon of vinegar in a saucepan
and melt over low heat. Do not boil the mixture…it must melt only. Add
fine cloves and 1 tablespoon of Ipecacuanha-wine and mix thoroughly.
Pour into a jar with a screw-type lid and seal. If the child is 8 years old
or younger give 1 teaspoonful of the mixture 3 times per day. If the
child is older than 8 years…give 1 dessertspoonful of the mixture…three
times per day.
CROUP…Put 1 heaped tablespoon of mustard powder in a bath of lukewarm
water and mix. Put the child in the water and sponge well. Dry the
child and cover warmly. Give the child 1 tablespoon of castor-oil. The
child will vomit and in so doing the phlegm will be removed.
CROUP…Put 1 tablespoon of raw linseed-oil…1 tablespoon of brandy…1
tablespoon of sweet-oil…1 tablespoon of honey…1 tablespoon of castoroil…
a ½ bottle of Flowers of Sulphur and 1 teaspoon of fine camphor into
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a glass or earthenware dish. Mix thoroughly and bottle. Give the child 1
teaspoonful of the mixture every ½ an hour until he vomits and gets rid
of the phlegm…then you may extend the dosage to every hour and so on
until it is no longer required.
CROUP…Put 2 tablespoons of milk and 2 teaspoonfuls of glycerine in a
cup and stir to mix. Give to the child to drink until he vomits and brings
the phlegm out.
CROUP…Put 6 tablespoons of honey or sugar…6 mint tops…6 tablespoons
of vinegar and ½ a glass of water in a saucepan and boil for 4 minutes.
Strain through a clean cloth and add 1 tablespoon of Ipecacuanha-wine
to the mixture and cook for a further 10 minutes. Allow to cool and give
the child 1 tablespoon of the mixture.
CROUP…Put a little bicarbonate of soda on the child’s tongue.
CROUP…Put a piece of white Vaseline in the child’s mouth and the croup
will disappear in minutes.
CROUP…Slaughter a cat and skin it and put the warm skin on the child’s
chest…it will quickly open the chest.
CROUP…Slaughter and skin a cat and put the warm skin on the child’s
chest. Catch a crab and mince till fine. Give the minced crab to the child
until he vomits to get rid of the phlegm.
CROUP…Smear goat fat onto a piece of cloth and then sprinkle with fine
cinnamon. Cover with another piece of cloth…or fold the cloth in half
and put between the shoulder-blades. Leave until the chest is open and
breathing easier.
CROUP…Smear lukewarm goat’s fat on a piece of red flannel and sprinkle
with fine cloves and a few drops of Stockholm tar. Put the cloth on the
child’s chest and keep him warm.
CROUP…Smear some blue-butter between 2 cloths and apply to the
hollow at the base of the throat.
CROUP…Smear the child’s chest and back with camphor-oil and also
spread some of the oil on a cloth and put the cloth onto the child’s chest.
CROUP…Smear the inside of wax paper with castor-oil and warm slightly.
Put the paper between the child’s shoulder-blades and cover with a
piece of flannel. Keep the child warm.
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CROUP…Steam the child’s room with eucalyptus leaves….use the round
leaves…don’t use the long leaves. It will bring quick relief.
CROUP…Take 1 bottle of sweet-oil…2 tablespoons of finely-rolled white
tea-sugar and 1 bottle of Copaiva balm and mix thoroughly. Give the
child 1 teaspoonful every ½ an hour until the croup is broken.
CROUP…Take 1 tablespoon of syrup from canned fruit and add 1 drop of
paraffin and give to the child…it will loosen the phlegm.
CROUP…Take hard goat’s fat and soften. Add chimney-soot to the fat
and mix well. Smear some of the mixture onto a piece of red flannel and
cover with another piece. Put between the child’s shoulder-blades.
CROUP…Take some of the black beeswax found around the door of a
hive and knead with olive-oil until soft and smooth. Smear some of the
mixture onto a piece of flannel…about 4 inches square and put in the
hollow in the base of the child’s throat. Let the child wear this for a
week or two.
CROUP…Take the dried skin of a Klipspringer buck and pull a handful of
the hairs from the skin. Pick some tops of a red bush that is already
burning and add the hair from the buck so that it forms smoke. Cover
the child’s head and hold him over the smoke…so that he can breathe in
as much of the smoke as possible. As soon as the hair has finished
burning…roll as fine as possible and add to 4 tablespoons of honey…1
bottle of Borsdruppels…1 bottle of raw linseed-oil…1 raw egg and ½ a
bottle of Paregoric. Mix well and put into a small jar with a lid. Give the
child 1 spoonful every 2 hours.
CROUP…Take tortoise manure and tie in a cloth and tie the cloth around
the child’s neck.
CROUP…Thinly slice 1 white onion and sprinkle liberally with brown sugar.
Leave so that it can form a syrup. Give the child 1 teaspoonful of the
syrup every hour. This syrup will break the cough and the croup.
CROUP…This is an excellent remedy and has saved many a child’s life.
Take 1 tablespoon of boiling water…1 tablespoon of sugar and 1
tablespoon of Ipecacuanha-wine and mix thoroughly. Give to the child to
drink and within 10 minutes the croup will break and the phlegm will be
brought out. Give the child a little oil to ease the rawness in the throat.
CROUP…Warm hard fat or lard until soft…grate Reckitt’s blue and add
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to the fat and mix thoroughly. Smear some of the mixture onto a piece
of flannel and apply between the shoulder-blades.
CROUP…Wash the child’s chest and neck with ice-water…it will help the
child to breathe easier. Encourage the child to drink as much cold water
as possible. Dry the child and keep warm.
CROUP…When your child has a bad attack of croup…melt sheep fat and
give to the child to drink until he vomits…then give a little more to
drink…and all the phlegm will be brought out and the congestion eased.
CUTS… Grate and cook carrots and bread and as soon as it is soft put a
paste on the cut and cover with a piece of cloth and apply plaster or a
bandage to keep in place.
CUTS…6 Tablespoons of sweet-oil…4 tablespoons of top fat fried
without salt and 4 tablespoons of beeswax and 1 tablespoon of castor-oil
and mix and melt together on a low heat setting. Remove from the stove
and add ½ a teaspoon of Haarlemensis and ½ a teaspoon of Sulphur balm
and mix thoroughly. Put into a tin as soon as it is cold and you can rub
some of this onto the cuts and cover with a piece of cloth or bandage.
CUTS…Always keeps Staaldruppels handy….it burns a lot so don’t apply
to deep cuts or wounds.
CUTS…Burn pieces of old woolen cloths and hold the cut over the
smoke…this will deaden the pain and it won’t return. The smoke will also
heal the wound.
CUTS…Cleanse a cut that is starting to fester with water to which you
have added Epsom salts….this will disinfect the cut.
CUTS…Cover the cut with pepper.
CUTS…If a cut has closed but is still festering beneath the skin…take
XXX extra strong peppermints and crush to a powder…cover with
plaster to keep in place. It will draw the cut and the pus will seep out.
CUTS…Melt 1 tablespoon of beeswax…1 tablespoon of Stockholm’s tar…1
tablespoon of goat fat…1 tablespoon of raw linseed-oil…1 tablespoon of
resin and the yolk of 1 egg in a saucepan and mix well. Allow to cool and
apply to the cut and cover.
CUTS…Melt 1 tablespoon of sweet-oil…1 tablespoon of castor-oil…1/2 a
teaspoon of Haarlemensis and a piece of beeswax in an old saucepan or
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tin till all ingredients are melted. Mix thoroughly and pour into a tin and
use on cuts and wounds.
CUTS…Mix 1 tablespoon of sweet-oil…1 tablespoon of castor-oil…1
tablespoon of red lead…1 tablespoon of Stockholm’s tar…a piece of
beeswax and 25 drops of Haarlemensis in a saucepan and melt over a low
heat setting. Make sure it is thoroughly mixed and pour into a small tin.
Use for cuts and wounds.
CUTS…Put a little cigarette tobacco on the cut to stop the bleeding.
CUTS…Put a plug of chew-tobacco on the cut to disinfect it.
CUTS…Soak 1 slice of bread in a little milk…and as soon as it is soft…boil
for a while and add ½ a teaspoon of ground cloves and ¼ teaspoon
salpetre and mix….and allow to simmer again for a few minutes. Mix
thoroughly to a firm paste. Spread the mixture on a piece of cloth and
apply as hot as possible to the cut and bandage. Repeat if necessary.
CUTS…Infuse peach tree leaves in an earthenware dish and use the
water to wash the cuts…then add a little oil to the water and soak a
piece of cloth and apply to the cuts and bandage.
CUTS…Take thorn-apple leaves and wet the inside of the leaves with
brandy or camphor-brandy and apply to the wound. As soon as the leaf
dries replace with another one. It draws the cut and prevents infection.
CUTS…Use the sap from wormwood on cuts.
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DANDRUFF…After washing your hair add 2 teaspoonfuls of
bicarbonate of soda to the 1 litre (2 pints) of water and use as a
last rinse. Within a week you will see the difference
DANDRUFF…Massage coconut oil into your scalp before washing
your hair.
DANDRUFF…Massage the scalp with lard before washing.
DEAFNESS…Add 2 tablespoons of sweet-oil and ½ a teaspoon of
eau-de-cologne in a bottle and shake to mix. Leave the bottle in
the sun for 2 days so it can draw well. Shake again and put 2 drop
of the mixture in the ears at bedtime.
DEAFNESS…Catch a bat and fry it is sweet-oil. When well-fried
strain the oil off into a container. Put drops of the oil into the ears.
DEAFNESS…Cut open a rabbit and squeeze all the water from it’s
bladder into a little container. Twice a day put 2 drops of the urine
water into the ear and plug the ear with a little cotton wool that
has been dipped in the water. During the day you may wet the plug
again with a little of the water.
DEAFNESS…Take a skin that has been discarded by a snake and
use it to make plugs for your ears.
DENTURES…Leave your dentures to soak overnight in water to
which you have added bicarbonate of soda. The dentures will be
beautifully white in the morning.
DEPRESSION…Brew St. John’s Wart roots as you would tea and
DEPRESSION…For a tranquilizer or anti-depressant pick some
catnip (mint family) and steep in boiling water add a little honey…
and drink.
DIABETES…Add 1 bottle of boiling water to ½ a cup of wild hemp
in a glass bowl and leave to steep until the water cools. Strain and
drink ½ a cup of the water 3 times per day after meals.
DIABETES…Add 1 teaspoon of aloe to 1 bottle of gin and leave to
infuse. Take 1 wineglassful of the mixture 3 times per day.
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South African Home Remedies
DIABETES…Add 3 cups of boiling water to 2 tablespoons of
Lucerne-seed and cook for 5 minutes. Take a wineglassful 3 times
per day.
DIABETES…Cook beetroot and strain through a sieve or clean
cloth. Drink the water as a tea.
DIABETES…Cover loquat leaves with boiling water and leave to
infuse until the water is brown. Drink 3 or 4 times per day and the
diabetes will be cured.
DIABETES…Cover rue leaves with boiling water and leave to steep.
Mix with 1 bottle of elixir of life and table 1 tablespoonful 3 or 4
times per day.
DIABETES…Crush wormwood and put in a dish. Add boiling water
and allow to infuse. Take 1 wineglassful of the liquid 3 times per
DIABETES…Cut rhubarb into small pieces and put the pieces into
your pocket. Every now and then take 1 piece and eat it.
DIABETES…Dig up some violets and wash well. Put into a saucepan
and cover with boiling water and leave to steep. Drink a
wineglassful 3 times per day.
DIABETES…Drink 1 glass of glucose stout twice a day.
DIABETES…File a little silver from a coin and give the patient a
little to swallow.
DIABETES…Grate 12 nutmegs finely and add to 1 bottle of brandy.
Shake well and leave in a luke-warm oven overnight. Take 1
teaspoonful of the mixture 3 times per day.
DIABETES…Infuse bitter-bush leaves and drink as you would tea.
DIABETES…Infuse green Lucerne leaves in boiling water and drink
½ a cupful every 2 hours…as tea.
DIABETES…Infuse mint-leaves in boiling water and drink 2 or 3
times per day for 3 months.
DIABETES…Mix 1 tablespoon of tartaric acid…1 tablespoon
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Flowers of Sulphur and 1 tablespoon fine salt. Make sure it is well
mixed and then divide into 3 portions. Each portion must be added
to 1 bottle of water and then boiled. Take 1 wineglassful of the
water mixture first thing each morning.
DIABETES…Mix together 1 tablespoon of epsom salts…1
tablespoon of crème of tartar…1 tablespoon of fine salt and 1
tablespoon of Flowers of Sulphur. Stir till thoroughly mixed. First
thing each morning take 1 teaspoon of the mixture.
DIABETES…Pick 7 loquat tops and infuse in boiling water. Drink as
much of the liquid each day as you can manage.
DIABETES…Scrape all the thorn from a prickly-pear leaf and cut
and squeeze till all the slime has been expressed…catch the slime
in a dish. Pour 2 bottles of boiling water over the slime and allow to
steep. Add 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda to the mixture and
stir till well mixed. Drink 1 wineglassful of the mixture 3 times per
DIABETES…Take 1 teaspoon of Versterkdruppels in a little water
3 times per day.
DIABETES…Take 7 chili pips 3 times a day with a little water.
DIET…Add 1 tablespoon of fine ginger…1 tablespoon of honey and 1
teaspoon of cream of tartar to 1 bottle of boiling water. Shake
well to mix. Drink 1 tablespoon of the mixture 3 times per day.
DIET…Best remedy to lose weight is to shake your head left to
right and right to left each time you are offered second portions
of fattening foods…it works well.
DIET…Eat 3 bananas and 1 glass of milk 3 times per day…in place
of regular meals. No other foodstuffs…tea of coffee allowed…only
water. After a month you will see a huge difference.
DIET…For anyone trying to lose weight do the following. Take 1
tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and boil in 1 cup of
water and drink. Take a dosage first thing in the morning and at
night before bedtime. If you drink this regularly…the most obese
of people will lose weight…no matter how you have battled to lose
weight in the past. Use this mixture even if you are on a low calorie
diet as it prevents fat from remaining in the body.
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DIET…Here is the perfect 100% diet….it is called the EHLF Diet…
which means…”eat half less food”.
DIET…If you want to lose weight drink 1 tablespoon of apple-cider
vinegar in a glass of warm water. It tastes terrible but you may
add 1 tablespoon of honey to improve the taste. Drink the mixture
3 times a day and it will aid in getting rid of fat and will detoxify
your system.
DIET…It is a well know fact that people who work under heavy
stress tend to be overweight as they turn to junk-food and
chocolates and chips very easily. It is better to eat 1 banana every
2 hours because banana’s help to keep the blood sugar constant
and helps to calm and soothe you…therefore you will not pick up
unnecessary weight.
DIET…To aid in weight loss pick some tops of a willow tree and
brew as you would tea. Drink 1 cupful 3 times per day.
DIET…To suppress the appetite slightly you can mix 1 teaspoon of
apple-cider-vinegar into 1 glass of water and add 1 teaspoon of
honey for taste and drink. It will help to suppress the appetite and
also give a feeling of well-being.
DIPHTHERIA…Add 1 teaspoon of powdered Sulphur to a wineglass
of water and stir quickly. As soon as the Sulphur is thoroughly
mixed into the water…give it to the patient to gargle with. If the
patient is unable to gargle…take a very hot coal and sprinkle with
some of the Sulphur…and hold close to the patient so that he can
breathe the smoke. The swelling in the throat will ease quickly.
DIPHTHERIA…Crush ostrich egg shell to a powder…and take 1
tablespoon of the powder…1 tablespoon of scorched alum…1
tablespoon of hyraceum and 2 tablespoons of white tea sugar and
mix. Roll with a rolling pin or bottle till it resembles powder. Take
some of the powder and blow into the patient’s throat. Repeat 3 or
4 times per day.
DIPHTHERIA…Dice Elephantorrhiza elephantine roots and cook
over a low heat setting. Leave to cool and strain. Gargle 3 times
per day with the liquid.
DIPHTHERIA…Dissolve a good dash of salpetre in 1 tablespoon of
boiling water. Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and a ¼ teaspoon of
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Flowers of Sulphur. Mix well and use to gargle.
DIPHTHERIA…Finely grate 1 large white onion. Take the juice
from the onion and put into the back of the patient’s throat.
Repeat 3 times per day. The onion juice will dissolve the membrane
in the throat and breathing will not be restricted
DIPHTHERIA…Grate a pineapple and extract the juice. Drink the
DIPHTHERIA…Mix 1 lb of honey or syrup…a ¼ teaspoon of alum…a
¼ teaspoon of borax…a ¼ teaspoon of turmeric…1 bottle of wonderessence…
a ¼ teaspoon of salpetre and a ¼ teaspoon of Rooi Poeier.
Make sure it is well mixed. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times per day.
DIPHTHERIA…Mix 1 packet of white emetic with white Vaseline
and put a small poultice in the hollow at the base of the throat and
cover. The closeness in the throat will be drawn to the surface as
a water blister.
DIPHTHERIA…Mix chicken blood and sugar and eat it.
DIPHTHERIA…Pick a handful of guava leaves and boil in 1 cup of
water. Strain and leave to cool. Add 1 teaspoon of fine alum and
stir till mixed. Rinse the mouth with the mixture and also use to
gargle 3 times per day.
DIPHTHERIA…Pick some leaves from a wild olive tree and infuse in
boiling water. Use the water to gargle.
DIPHTHERIA…Spread lard on a piece of red flannel and sprinkle
liberally with white emetic. Warm the cloth and apply to the
patient’s throat.
DIPHTHERIA…Sprinkle paraffin liberally onto a piece of red
flannel and wrap around the patient’s throat. Leave untouched for
3 days and then remove. The diphtheria will be healed…there may
be just a blister or two where the paraffin as drawn.
DIPHTHERIA…Take a handful of bark from a karee tree and a
handful of red crassula and infuse in boiling water. Take a
mouthful 4 or 5 times per day.
DIPHTHERIA…Take some bark from an oak tree and hammer it till
it is soft and of a fine texture. Put it into a saucepan and cover
with water and bring to the boil. Leave to boil gently for about 20
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minutes…remove from the stove and strain through a clean cloth.
Gargle with the water…and then pour a little brandy over some
honey and ignite it. Take a spoonful of the honey. Repeat as
DIPHTHERIA…This is a wonderful remedy…use extensively by our
forefathers. Take 1 teaspoon of Flowers of Sulphur and add to a
wineglass of water. Stir with your finger…because a teaspoon
cannot mix it properly. Take a goose feather and paint some of the
mixture onto the patient’s throat. Give some of the mixture to the
patient to gargle with. This mixture must not be swallowed…it must
be used for gargling only. If the patient’s throat is too swollen to
gargle…take a straw and blow some of the flowers of Sulphur into
the back of the throat. As soon as the swelling goes down…then
the patient can gargle with the mixture.
DOG BITE…If you have been bitten by a dog…cut some of the
dog’s hair and put on the wounds…it will draw all the poison out.
DOG BITE…Mix the yolk of 1 egg…1 tablespoon of honey and 1
dessertspoon of turpentine. Make sure it is properly mixed then
apply to the bite wounds and cover. It will draw the poison.
DOG BITE…Pluck some hair from the dog that has bitten you and
put on the bite wounds and bandage or apply plaster to keep in
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South African Home Remedies
EARACHE…Add a few drops of brandy to ½ a teaspoon of glycerine
and warm over a candle till it is luke-warm. Put this mixture into the
ear and insert a plug made from cotton-wool. Repeat if needed.
EARACHE…Add a handful of touch me not leaves to 3 cups of boiling
water and allow to brew. Leave to cool and then…using a syringe…
wash the ears inside with the water. Repeat each morning…for 3
mornings consecutively. This is a good remedy…even for those who
are deaf.
EARACHE…Blow pipe-smoke into the ear and insert a cotton-wool
plug to keep the smoke in the ear.
EARACHE…Crush a geranium leaf till fine and insert into the ear. As
soon as the fine leaf dries…replace with a freshly crushed one.
EARACHE…Earache or ear infection…Warm a large white onion in the
microwave and bind in a dishtowel. Hold the onion against the
infected ear for ½ an hour. When you go to bed make sure you cover
your pillow with a piece of old cloth. If there is any built-up wax in
the ear it will be secreted onto the piece of cloth. The aroma of the
onion is anti-bacterial and the heat will soothe and ease the pain.
EARACHE…Fry 8 live earthworms in sweet-oil and put a few drops of
the oil into the ear when you have earache.
EARACHE…Fry a crab until all the oil has been extracted and put a
few drops of the oil into the ear every morning and night.
EARACHE…Fry a hedgehog till all the fat has been extracted. Strain
through a clean cloth and put a few drops of the fat into the ears
and then plug with cotton-wool.
EARACHE…Fry a hedgehog until all the fat has been fried out.
Strain and put into a bottle. When you have earache…warm 2 drops
of the oil until luke-warm and put into the ear and plug with a piece
of cotton-wool.
EARACHE…Fry a piece of Boer tobacco in castor-oil. Allow to cool
until it is luke-warm put 2 or 3 drops of the luke-warm oil into the
ear and plug.
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EARACHE…If you constantly have earache or festering ears…take a
small piece of snakeskin and soak in sweet-oil. Form a plug from the
skin and put into the ear.
EARACHE…Mix 1 bottle of Lennon’s Groen Amara into the oil from a
small tin of sardines. Mix well and put 3 drops of the mixture into
the ear and put a cotton-wool plug into the ear to keep the oil in.
EARACHE…Put 3 drops of warm sweet-oil into the ear.
EARACHE…Put a few drops of Rooi Laventel and glycerine into a
spoon and ignite. As soon as it is luke-warm…extinguish the flame and
pour into the ear and plug with a piece of cotton-wool.
EARACHE…Put a few drops of warm Haarlemensis into the ear and
EARACHE…Put a few drops of Zinc Pain Specific into the ear 3 times
per day.
EARACHE…Put a piece of old bacon into the ear. Repeat until there
is no more pain.
EARACHE…Put glycerine into the ear and plug with a piece of cottonwool.
This will quickly heal the ear…even if it is festering.
EARACHE…Put honey onto a small piece of cotton-wool and put into
the ear for speedy relief from the pain.
EARACHE…Put some pipe-oil onto a piece of cotton-wool and stick
into the ear.
EARACHE…Soak a piece of roll-tobacco in warm milk until the milk
turns brown. Leave to cool and then put some of the milk into the
ear. Repeat frequently.
EARACHE…Take hyraceum… (obtainable in pharmacies) about the
size of a shilling and crush until fine. Fry the powder in 4
tablespoons of castor-oil. Put 1 drop into the ear every day.
EARACHE…When you child has earache…rub some Zambuk in front
and behind the ears…put some Zambuk onto a piece of cotton-wool
and put into the ear.
EAR-MITES…Put a few drops of sweet-oil into your cat’s ears and
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massage in. Clean with cotton buds. Repeat once daily for 3 days. The
oil with soothe the cat’s skin and suffocate the mites…it also
enhances the healing process.
EARS...If you get a tick in your ear just get someone to blow some
pipe smoke into your ear.
ECZEMA…Add ½ a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil to Vaseline and mix
well. Apply to the effected areas.
ECZEMA…Add 1 tablespoon of lime to 1 bottle of water and shake
well to mix. Leave to stand overnight. Next morning strain through a
nice clean piece of linen and add ½ a tablespoon of Epsom salts and 1
bottle of Wonderkroonessens to the bottle and shake again till
thoroughly mixed. Take 1 tablespoonful of the mixture 3 times per
ECZEMA…Add 1 teaspoon of salt to a bottle and then fill the bottle
with mentholated spirits. Shake well so that the salt can dissolve.
Use a piece of cotton-wool to dab the mixture onto the eczema…do
not rub. Avoid eating meat and eggs while you have the eczema.
ECZEMA…Break an egg exactly in ½ and separate. Put the yolk into a
bottle. Using 1 of the halves of the shell as a measure…put 1 measure
of vinegar and 1 measure of turpentine into the bottle with the egg
yolk and shake till thoroughly mixed. Rub a little of this mixture into
the eczema.
ECZEMA…Cook beans and strain through a clean cloth. Wash the
eczema with this water.
ECZEMA…Crush 1 block of camphor till fine and add to ½ a bottle of
brandy. Shake well and leave to steep for 3 days….shaking regularly.
Apply some of the mixture 3 or 4 times per day to the effected
areas…using a piece of cotton-wool. Dab…don’t rub. Use until the
eczema has disappeared.
ECZEMA…Crush and grind 1 block of camphor till fine like powder
and add to ½ a pint of mentholated spirits. Shake well to add
dissolving the camphor. Dab onto the eczema with a piece of cottonwool.
ECZEMA…Crush and grind 1 block of camphor until fine like powder
and mix with 1 tablespoon of starch and 2 tablespoons of corn-flour.
Apply to the eczema to bring relief from itchiness.
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ECZEMA…Crush garden nightshade leaves to extract the juices and
apply some of the juice to the eczema.
ECZEMA…Cut the head off a tortoise and rub the warm blood into
the eczema 3 times per day and it will heal.
ECZEMA…Dig some burdock roots and chop into small pieces. Put the
chopped roots into an old saucepan and add 3 cups of water…allow to
cook gently for ½ an hour. Use this water to wash the eczema 3 or 4
times per day.
ECZEMA…First thing in the morning and at bedtime each night…eats
1 teaspoonful of jelly. When the eczema is better take only every
2nd day for about a week…then start again with every day….then
every 2nd day….until the eczema is completely cleared.
ECZEMA…Fry 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter...and add to 2
tablespoons of strong camphor brandy and 2 tablespoons of
beeswax. Mix well and fry gently…stirring continuously to avoid any
burning or scorching. Make sure that you mix all the ingredients
thoroughly. Wash the eczema with lukewarm water to which you add
a little mentholated spirits. Allow to air dry and then gently spread
some of the mixture onto the effected areas.
ECZEMA…Grind white beans till powder…then add a dash of dried
camphor and mix. Apply to the effected areas as you would powder.
ECZEMA…Make a paste of Castor oil and blue soap and spread onto a
piece of cloth and apply to the effected areas. Bandage to keep in
place. Use castor oil on a piece of cotton-wool to clean the eczema
ECZEMA…Make a thick mixture of starch and apply to the effected
areas. Where possible wrap or bandage the effected areas…where it
is not possible…leave the areas open.
ECZEMA…Melt zinc ointment and mix with an equal quantity of
Turlington. Make sure that it is thoroughly mixed and apply to the
ECZEMA…Mix 1 bottle of glycerine and 1 bottle of Lennon’s
Turlington and dab onto the effected areas…morning and night.
ECZEMA…Mix 1 tablespoon of cream of tartar and 1 dessertspoon of
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flowers of Sulphur. Take a ¼ teaspoonful of the mixture on your
tongue and swallow with a little water.
ECZEMA…Mix 2 oz of borax and 2 oz cake flour then mix with white
Vaseline to form a lotion. Apply to effected areas…particularly
effective when water seeps through the skin.
ECZEMA…Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh cream and 1 tablespoon of
Stockholm tar together. At bedtime apply the mixture to the
effected areas. Next morning was the effected areas with weak
mentholated spirits water… allow to air dry.
ECZEMA…Mix 2 tablespoons of flowers of Sulphur and a ¼ teaspoon
of vitriol together and add to a ¼ pd of unsalted butter. Mix
thoroughly. Wash the effected areas with buttermilk and leave to
air dry. Gently rub some of the mixture onto the effected areas.
ECZEMA…Pick some wormwood and allow to dry. For 3 cups of dried
wormwood use 1 block of crushed camphor. Add 3 cups of rye…corn
or wheat bran and grind all the ingredients till a fine powder. Strain
through a very fine strainer and scatter the powder over the
effected areas. This is a very effective remedy especially for wet
eczema…but may be used for any type of eczema.
ECZEMA…Pick the leaves from a yellow peach tree and boil well.
Wash the effected areas with the water.
ECZEMA…Pour 1 bottle of sweet oil into a pan and add 1
dessertspoonful of dried camphor and 1 dessertspoonful of borax to
the pan and mix well. Melt over a very low heat setting…stirring to
avoid any scorching. Add beeswax to the mixture stirring constantly…
until it forms a soft lotion. Apply this lotion to the eczema regularly.
Do not cover the eczema and avoid working in water where possible.
ECZEMA…Put a heaped tablespoon of sarsaparilla roots into a glass
dish and pour a bottle of boiling water into the dish. Leave to infuse
until it becomes nice and strong. Drink a big mouthful of the mixture
3 times per day.
ECZEMA…Slice 1 lemon in ½ and fry gently in a pan. Rub onto the
ECZEMA…Slice a piece of sea bamboo in half and rub the inside onto
the eczema…if it is still itching…rub again a couple of times and the
itchiness will cease.
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ECZEMA…Spread honey on a piece of cloth and apply to the
effected areas…cover and leave in place…this is a good remedy.
ECZEMA…Stamp and grind geranium leaves till soft and juicy and use
to wash the eczema and also rub some of the juice into the eczema
and leave on.
ECZEMA…Steep freshly picked leaves from a yellow peach tree and
use to wash the eczema.
ECZEMA…Take 1 pd of mixed herbs and put into a saucepan together
with 3 bottles of boiling water. Allow to simmer gently until the
liquid is reduced to 1 ½ bottles. Use this water to wash the eczema.
Use only downward strokes while washing…never in circles or
upwards. Leave to air-dry.
ECZEMA…Take a piece of cotton-wool and apply surgical spirits to
the eczema to relieve itching.
ECZEMA…Take dry wormwood…dry camphor…and dry bran and crush
and grind till fine. Put the mixture into a small bag and put the bag
on the effected area.
ECZEMA…Take grape leaves and densely pack the effected areas…
when the leaves dry…replace with fresh leaves.
ECZEMA…Take medicinal herb and put into a bottle of brandy and
allow to steep till strong. Shake well at regular intervals. Use this
brandy to wash the eczema morning and evening…and you must drink
a little of the brandy now and then.
ECZEMA…Take sheep or goat bones and put on the coals of a fire
and allow to burn until they become white. Leave to cool and grind
until it resembles powder. Add 1 teaspoon flowers of Sulphur to the
powdered bones and mix well. Each night at bedtime put a good pinch
of the mixture onto your tongue and swallow with a little water.
ECZEMA…Take young Dock (Rumex) leaves and steep in boiling water
as you would tea. Use this water to wash the eczema and then apply
yellow turpentine soap and leave on.
ECZEMA…Using lukewarm water gently wash the effected areas…
but do not use soap…leave to dry. Mix 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of
soda and 1 teaspoon of glycerine thoroughly…and then add 12
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tablespoons of rose water and shake well to mix. Apply each morning
and evening to the effected areas.
ECZEMA…Wet a piece of blue soap and rub onto the eczema…then
pour a little Lennon’s borsdruppels over the effected area.
EDEMA…Add 1 cup of honey and 1 bottle of Turlington to ¾ bottle of
boiling water and shake to mix well. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 to 5 times
per day.
EDEMA…Add 1 dessertspoon of asafoetida to ½ a bottle of brandy
and leave to infuse until the asafoetida has dissolved completely.
Shake well and add 1 tablespoon of the mixture to a wineglass of
water. Add a dash of saltpetre and still and drink. Take 3 times per
EDEMA…Add 40 XXX extra strong peppermints to 1 bottle of dry
gin and shake well. Leave until the peppermints have dissolved….
shaking the bottle at regular intervals. Take 1 tablespoon of the
liquid 3 times per day about ½ an hour before meals.
EDEMA…Boil ½ a cup of scraped elder roots in 2 bottles of wine.
Take ½ a wineglassful of this mixture first thing each morning.
EDEMA…Boil 1 lb of tamarind…1 tablespoon of Epsom salts and 3
bottles of water for about 10 minutes. Remove from the stove and
strain and allow to cool. Add 1 quinine powder to the liquid and mix
well. Drink a wineglassful of the liquid after each meal.
EDEMA…Boil 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts and 1 lb of tamarind in 3
bottles of water until it has reduced to fill 1 bottle. Strain and
bottle. Take 1 tablespoon of this mixture 3 times per day.
EDEMA…Boil together 1 bottle of water…the juice of 4 lemons…1
tablespoon of honey and a dash of salpetre…just for a few minutes.
Leave to cool and then add 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts…1 tablespoon
of cream of tartar and 1 bottle of Wit Dulcies and mix well. Drink 1
wineglassful of this mixture twice a day.
EDEMA…Crush 1 clove of garlic and crush a ¼ of a block of camphor
till fine and together with a handful of rue…1 bottle of peppermint
essence and 1 teaspoon of painkiller…add to 1 bottle of gin. Shake to
mix and leave to infuse for at least 1 day. Take 1 dessertspoonful of
the liquid at bedtime.
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EDEMA…Crush 12 XXX extra strong peppermints to a fine powder
and put into a saucepan and add 2 oz white tea sugar…2 tablespoons
of honey…2 tablespoons of cream of tartar and 1 tablespoon of
senna leaves. Pour 1 bottle of Gin into the saucepan and stir to mix.
Bring to the boil over a low heat setting and simmer gently until the
liquid is reduced to about ½ a bottle. Strain and stir to make sure it
is thoroughly mixed. Pour into a bottle and seal. Shake the bottle
before use. Take 1 teaspoonful of the liquid 3 times a day before
EDEMA…Crush 21 cloves of garlic and add to 1 bottle of gin. Shake
well and put in the sun to infuse for 1 day. Take a wineglassful of the
liquid twice a day.
EDEMA…Crush and grind 1 ostrich egg shell until it resembles
powder. Add 3 tablespoons of the powder to 1 bottle of gin and leave
to infuse. Take 1 wineglassful of the mixture 3 times per day.
EDEMA…Cut 1 pineapple into small blocks and put into a saucepan and
add 2 bottle of water. Bring to the boil over a low heat setting…
stirring continuously. Boil gently until the liquid has reduced to fill 1
bottle. Strain and leave to cool. Drink a wineglassful of the liquid 3
times per day.
EDEMA…Dig up some old vineyard roots and leave to infuse in boiling
water. Take 1 wineglassful of the liquid 3 times per day.
EDEMA…Drink the water from thick milk…and even use it when you
make coffee. It will help if you suffer from edema.
EDEMA…Dry the roots of leeks or chives in the shade and then take
1 cup of dried roots and 1 cup of buchu leaves and put into a bottle.
Fill the bottle with brandy and leave to infuse. Shake every now and
then. Drink a wineglassful of the liquid morning and night.
EDEMA…Grate ½ a pineapple and eat it…but it must be finely grated.
EDEMA…Grate 4 large beetroots and put into a dish and add 1 bottle
of wine to the dish. Leave to infuse for about 4 days and then strain
through a clean piece of cloth. Pour into a bottle and seal. Take 1
tablespoon of the liquid 3 times per day before meals.
EDEMA…If a man suffers from edema…take the bladder of a sow
complete with the water in it and add some of the man’s urine to the
water. Tie the bladder closed and put it into an old tin and go and
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bury it. For a lady take the bladder of a boar and do the same as
above. As the water in the bladder dries the patient with the edema
will heal.
EDEMA…If you suffer from edema in the legs…rub camphor oil into
the legs thickly…and then sprinkle with curry powder. Wear thick
socks or stockings…black would be best. This will heal the edema
EDEMA…Infuse Camilla leaves in boiling water and drink a
wineglassful 3 times per day. Add 2 tablespoons of gin to the water
before drinking. As the edema eases…reduce the dosage to twice a
day and then once a day. Once the edema has cleared and your skin
is smooth and clear you may stop drinking the water.
EDEMA…Infuse loquat leaves in boiling water and drink 2 or 3 times
per day.
EDEMA…Infuse tamarind in boiling water till it is a strong brew.
Drink a wineglassful of the liquid 2 or 3 times per day.
EDEMA…Mix ½ a wineglass of dry gin and the juice of ½ a lemon and
drink three times per day.
EDEMA…Mix 1 bottle of gin…a ½ cup of hemp…a ½ cup of rue…a ½ cup
of milk thistle…a ½ cup of stinging nettles…1 cup of mint and ½ a cup
of apple of Sodom roots and leave to infuse. Take ½ a wineglass of
the liquid first thing each morning.
EDEMA…Mix honey and salpetre and take 1 dessertspoonful 3 times
per day.
EDEMA…Our forefather firmly believed in this remedy. Take
cabbage leaves and warm thoroughly…but do not burn. Wrap cabbage
leaves around your ankles and tie in place and leave for 24 hours.
The water will form bags where the cabbage leaves were…and you
can then open the bags with a sharp needle. First burn the tip of the
needle before using. Leave till all the water has drained…then apply
plaster where you punctured the bags.
EDEMA…Pick 7 wild cherry tops and put into a saucepan and add 1 ½
bottles of water. Bring to the boil and leave to simmer until reduced
to 1 bottle of liquid. Leave to cool. Strain and pour into a bottle and
seal. Take ½ a cupful 3 or 4 times per day.
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EDEMA…Pick young shoots from a willow tree and put into a dish and
cover with boiling water. Leave to infuse. Strain and bottle. Take ½ a
cup of the liquid 3 times per day until the edema has cleared.
EDEMA…Put 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 dessertspoon of salpetre
into a dish and add 1 bottle of gin and mix well. Pour into a bottle.
Take 1 tablespoon of this mixture in a wineglass of water 3 times per
EDEMA…Scrub 1 pineapple till clean and then grate with peel and all.
Put into a saucepan and add 2 bottles of water. Bring to the boil over
a low heat setting and stirring constantly. Allow to boil for 10
minutes. Strain and leave to cool. Drink all the liquid in 1 day. Repeat
this treatment 1 day per week.
EDEMA…Take ½ a cup of sneeze wood and infuse in boiling water.
Leave to cool and take a mouthful every 2 or 3 hours.
EDEMA…Take 1 cup of orange juice…1 cup of vinegar…1 teaspoon of
fine ginger…1 teaspoon of turmeric…1 teaspoon of flowers of
Sulphur…and 12 tablespoons of honey and put into a dish. Add 1
bottle of boiling water to the dish and stir till all the ingredients are
dissolved and mixed thoroughly. Leave to cool and bottle. Take 1
wineglassful first thing in the morning …and last thing at bedtime.
EDEMA…Take 1 level tablespoon of fine resin…1 level tablespoon of
fine salpetre…1 cup of honey and 20 XXX extra strong peppermints
and put into a dish and add 1 bottle of boiling water. Stir till all the
ingredients have dissolved and it is thoroughly mixed. Pour into a
bottle and seal. Take 1 tablespoonful of the mixture 3 times per day.
EDEMA…Take 5 lbs of eucalyptus leaves and put it into a large
saucepan. Add 3 bottles of water and bring to the boil over a low
heat setting. Leave to simmer until the water has reduced to fill 2
bottles. Strain through a piece of clean cloth and pour into bottles.
Add 1 painkiller to a wineglass and fill with some of the liquid. Take
this dosage 4 times per day. As the edema eases reduce the dosage
to 3 times per day… then twice a day and then once a day.
EDEMA…Take a handful of each of the following…Mint…hemp…
stinging nettles…milk thistle…wormwood and chervil flowers and put
into a dish and add 1 bottle of brandy. Leave to infuse for a couple
of days. Take 1 tablespoon of the liquid in a glass of water first
thing each morning.
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EDEMA…Take equal quantities of wormwood and rue…about a handful
of each…and put into a dish and cover with boiling water. Leave to
infuse. Drink a small glassful of the liquid 3 times per day. This will
also purify the kidneys.
EDEMA…Take freshly picked barley sheaves and put into a saucepan.
Cover with boiling water and leave to boil gently for about 20
minutes. Strain and bottle. Take 1 wineglassful every 4 hours in
EPILEPSY…Add 2 lbs of tamarind…1 lb of epsom salts and 3 bottles
of water to a saucepan and cook until it has reduced to 1 ½ bottles.
Strain through a clean cloth and pour into bottles. Take ½ a glassful
of the liquid first thing every morning…until it is all used up.
EPILEPSY…Add 21 chili pips to 1 bottle of water. Leave to infuse for
1 hour and then take 1 tablespoonful 3 times per day.
EPILEPSY…Boil 2 bottles of grape vinegar until it has reduced to 1
bottle and then add 1 bunch of thyme…1 bunch of rue…1 crush clove
of garlic and 1 piece of asafoetida as big as a pigeons egg to the
vinegar. Shake and leave to infuse. Take 3 tablespoons of the liquid 3
times per day but add 10 drops of wonder-essence to each dose.
EPILEPSY…Catch 7 bees and kill them and put them into a cup. Fill
the cup with boiling water. Take a sip of the water every now and
then till all the water has been drunk. The old people swore by this
EPILEPSY…Crush 1 cup of rue and add to 4 cups of water and 3 cups
of sugar. Stir well and then boil till it becomes a syrup. Leave to cool
and then strain. Take 1 tablespoonful 3 to 4 times per day.
EPILEPSY…Crush an ostrich egg till fine as powder and add to 1
bottle of vinegar. Shake well and leave to infuse for 24 hours. Take 1
wineglassful first thing each morning
EPILEPSY…Crush white chicken manure to a powder and take enough
to cover the tip of a knife first thing in the morning.
EPILEPSY…For 3 consecutive Fridays cut your toenails and
fingernails and also some hair from the crown of your head and put
into ½ a bottle of water. The 3rd Friday give the contents of the
bottle to a pig to eat. The pig will then develop the sickness and die.
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Dig a hole and bury the pig and you will be healed.
EPILEPSY…In days gone by the old people used to add 13 raw coffee
beans to boiling water and let it infuse. The patient was given some
of this to drink at regular intervals until healing took place.
EPILEPSY…Infuse asafoetida in boiling water and then use the water
to wash your face.
EPILEPSY…Infuse wild hemp in boiling water and then drink as tea.
EPILEPSY…Mince sneeze wood finely and add one heaped tablespoon
and 1 bottle of Rooi Laventel to 1 bottle of brandy and shake well to
mix. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture 3 times per day.
EPILEPSY…Take 1 tablespoon of sweet-oil 3 times per day after
EYES…Add 1 tablespoon of borax-crystals to 1 bottle of boiling
water and shake well till dissolved. Allow to cool and bathe the eyes
3 times per day with the mixture. This is also extremely suitable for
weak eyes.
EYES…Blind…For someone who is going blind…put 1 drop of honey in
the eyes…it will burn but it will definitely help.
EYES…Blinded…Eat mustard.
EYES…Blinded…Get hold of some Mother’s milk and put into your eyes
EYES…Blinded…Roll white tea sugar until powder and put the powder
into your eyes.
EYES…Brew fresh parsley in boiling water and then drink the water.
If you drink parsley water every day…you will have beautifully clear…
bright eyes.
EYES…Cataracts or tunicle of the eye…Put 1 drop of castor-oil in the
afflicted eye.
EYES…Cataracts or tunicle of the eye…Put 2 drops of sweet-oil in
the eye twice a day…mornings and evenings.
EYES…Cataracts or tunicle of the eye…Take a seashell and scrape
out the inside of the shell. Strain through a very fine sieve. Blow the
powder through a straw into the eye with the tunicle. The shell is
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known as a sole shell.
EYES…Eye injuries…For any eye injuries just apply a piece of raw
meat to the eye.
EYES…Eyes jumping out…First bathe the eyes with luke-warm water
and be careful not to injure the eye. Very carefully and gently press
the eye back into the socket and apply a cold compress
EYES…If something has blown into your eye…and become lodged
there…just draw the lop lid over the bottom lid and the object
should be loosened.
EYES…If something has blown into your left eye…close your right
nostril and blow hard and if it is your right eye…then close your left
nostril and blow hard. It should loosen and expel the object.
EYES…If something is lodged in your eye…roll some white tea sugar
till fine powder and mix with a little Haarlemensis and put into the
eye. It will quickly loosen the object and bring relief.
EYES…If your eyes are swollen underneath then smear some
Preparation H under your eyes…avoiding any contact with the eyes…
it will reduce the swelling almost immediately.
EYES…Infection…Bathe the eyes in cold water and then take some
old…clean white cloths and wash the eyes well. The cloth must be
very soft. Add a ¼ teaspoon of Epsom salts to a wineglass of water
and stir until dissolved. Bathe your eyes ever hour with this water
mixture. In the evenings at bedtime…soak a soft piece of old white
cloth in the mixture and lay it on your eyes.
EYES…Mix 1 level tablespoon of starch and a ¼ tablespoon of Boracic
powder. Take a ¼ of the mixture and dissolve in a little cold water.
Add a few tablespoons of boiling water until it forms a paste. Smear
the paste on the softest piece of cloth you can find and apply to the
eye as hot as possible. Keep the cloth in place for about 20 minutes
and replace if needed.
EYES…Sore eyes…Add some Camomile leaves or flowers to boiling
water and allow to infuse. Bathe the eyes with the water.
EYES…Sore eyes…Bathe the eyes in luke-warm weak tea.
EYES…Sore eyes…Bathe the eyes in weak…luke-warm tea and then
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put a drop of haarlemensis into each eye.
EYES…Sore eyes…Bathe the eyes with sugar water.
EYES…Sore eyes…Bathe your eyes with Epsom salts or a weak saline
solution and then put 2 or 3 drops of castor-oil into each eye. Tie
something around your head to cover your eyes so that they don’t
come into contact with any light.
EYES…Sore eyes…Boil blue sage and allow to cool. Bathe the eyes
with the water.
EYES…Sore eyes…If your baby develops sore eyes…take the first
nappy that baby wets in the morning and wipe his eyes with it…also
frequently during the day.
EYES…Sore eyes…Mix a dash of alum and a little sugar and roll till
fine like powder. Add the powder to 1 cup of cooled-boiled water.
Pour into a bottle and seal. Put 2 or 3 drops of the water into the
sore eyes 3 times per day. The mixture will strengthen with time…
and then you can just add some more water. In the beginning the
water will burn the eyes…but as the eyes heal the burning will cease.
EYES…Sore eyes…Separate 1 egg and put the yolk between to pieces
of cloth and apply to the sore eye. As the fever in the eye withdraws
the egg will become hard. Replace with another yolk if needed.
EYES…Sore eyes…Soak snakeskin in brandy for about 2 minutes. Put
the skin on the sore eyes with the inside against the eye…cover with
a piece of cloth. Apply a luke-warm plaster made from cherry tree
leaves to the eyes.
EYES…Sore eyes…When you open an egg take some of the white that
always remains in the shell and put into the eyes.
EYES…Sore…irritated eyes…Mix honey and hot water in equal
quantities and allow to cool. The eyes may be bathed with the
mixture…or it may be applied directly into the eyes….it will bring
fast relief.
EYES…Sty…Add a good dash of salpetre to a ½ a glass of water and
drink 3 times per day for 2 or 3 days.
EYES…Sty…As soon as the sty opens…take some of the puss onto a
piece of cotton and inoculate a tree with it…preferable an evergreen
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that doesn’t lose its leaves.
EYES…Sty…Beat the white of an egg till dry and spread onto a piece
of cloth and apply to the eye. As soon as the cloth dries…replace…
until the fieriness has eased.
EYES…Sty…Draw the tail of a young kitten over the effected eye 7
EYES…Sty…Get a pregnant lady to wipe 3 times over the sty with
her finger and the sty will heal.
EYES…Sty…Grate ½ a nutmeg into a glass of warm milk and drink.
Repeat after 1 week.
EYES…Sty…Keep a penny on the effected eye for 1 hour.
EYES…Sty…Mix 3 tablespoons of golden syrup and 3 tablespoons of
fine nutmeg together. Take 1 teaspoonful of the mixture 3 times per
EYES…Sty…Pound a piece of raw meat and apply to the effected eye
to draw the fieriness from the eye.
EYES…Sty…Rub a golden ring until it becomes hot and then rub over
the sty with the warmed ring.
EYES…Sty…When you feel a sty coming…add a dash of bicarbonate
of soda to a little water and drink. Repeat after 6 to 8 hours.
EYES…Sty…When you feel a sty coming…put some spittle in your eye
first thing in the morning.
EYES…Swollen and itchy eyes…Boil some water and allow to cool…
then add a dash of bicarbonate of soda to the cooled water and wash
your eyes with the mixture.
EYES…Weak eyes…Infuse some Camel thorn to a weak tea and leave
to cool. Bathe your eyes every morning with the tea. It will cleanse
and strengthen your eyes and you will eventually be able to stop
wearing glasses.
EYES…Weak eyes…Smear a little haarlemensis into the outer
corners of your eyes.
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EYES…Weak eyes…Wear golden earrings if you have weak eyes…it
EYES…When something has blown into your eye and is imbedded in
the eye…e.g. your left eye…draw the top lid over the bottom lid and
hold it there while you close your right nostril with your other hand
and blow hard through your left nostril…this will dislodge the object.
EYES…When you have walked into someone’s fist and have a blue eye
as a result…mix 1 teaspoon of epsom salts and 1 cup of hot water and
mix to dissolve and then take a piece of cotton-wool and wash the
eye. Soak a piece of cotton-wool in the epsom salt’s water and go and
lie down and put the soaked cotton-wool on your eye.
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FAINTING…When someone has fainted… you must loosen all tight
clothing immediately and slap the person hard through the face.
Wet a cloth with cold water and wipe their face with it…then give
them ½ a teaspoon of Lennon’s Rooi Laventel in a little water to
FATIGUE…Mix 1 dessertspoon of honey in a glass of warm water
and drink to combat tiredness. Honey may also be mixed and kept
in the refrigerator and when you feel tired…just drink a glassful
for a quick “pick me up”
FATIGUE…To combat tiredness eat 2 bananas. Bananas contain
natural sugars…sucrose…fructose and dextrose and will give you
an immediate dose of energy. The top athletes of the world eat
bananas for energy and stamina… it is a must for your everyday
FATIGUE…Use honey regularly if you are chronically fatigued as
honey has a “feel-good” ingredient that will also revitalize and
energize you. Take ½ a tablespoon to 1 tablespoon of honey and
sprinkle liberally with cinnamon. Take each morning after you have
brushed your teeth and again around 3 p.m. when the energy levels
have dropped. Within a week you will feel like a different person…
full of energy and vitality.
FEET…Add ½ a cup of vinegar to a basin of hot water and soak
your feet.
FEET…Add a handful of oats to a dish and add a little vinegar and
mix to a smooth paste. Rub this mixture onto your hands or feet
at bedtime. This mixture will make your hands or feet very soft.
FEET…Add mustard to water and bathe your feet each night in
this mixture. It will cure sweaty feet. Dry your feet very well.
FEET…Apply Dubbin to your feet and hands daily.
FEET…Cut a candle into pieces and melt on a very low heat
setting. Add a little paraffin and stir to mix. Do not melt near an
open flame. Rub into the feet and hands morning and night. Wear
socks or cover with a cloth.
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FEET…For chapped and chilblained feet…put a copper penny in
your shoe and walk on it all day…it will draw the pain.
FEET…For chapped and chilblained hands or feet…go out early in
the morning when the dew is still on the grass and walk barefoot
in the dew. Wash your hands in the dew. This will heal your feet
and hands.
FEET…For chilblained feet or hands…Add a handful of oats to
boiling water and leave to cool. Wash your hands or feet with the
water and dry thoroughly. Rub sweet-oil into your feet or hands.
FEET…For chilblained feet or hands…Mix glycerine and
mentholated spirits in equal quantities and rub into your hands or
feet daily as required.
FEET…For chilblained feet…buy Dubbin and rub the feet well.
FEET…For chilblained hands or feet…buy empty capsules from
your pharmacy and fill with Cayenne Pepper and drink 1 capsule
FEET…For chilblained hands or feet…soak a piece of cotton-wool
in Lennon’s Wit Dulcies and apply. At first it will seem and feel
worse…but after the first couple of days you will see an
improvement and it will heal. Apply twice daily. It is inclined to
itch at first…but will soon ease.
FEET…For chilblains and chapped hands or feet. Rub Lennon’s
Turlington into your hands or feet 2 or 3 times per day. It will
burn a bit…but will soon bring healing.
FEET…For chilblains and chapped hands or feet...rub with paraffin.
FEET…For chilblains and chapped hands or feet…add ½ a cup of
milk…the juice of 1 lemon…1 tablespoon of mentholated spirits and
1 teaspoon of glycerine to a bottle and shake well till mixed. Rub
into your hands or feet for quick relief.
FEET…For chilblains and chapped hands or feet…Boil a handful of
stinging-nettles till well infused. Pour the water into a basin and
soak your hands or feet as hot as you can bear it. Repeat until
FEET…For chilblains and chapped hands or feet…mix a ¼ bottle of
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Haarlemensis and a ¼ bottle of camphor-oil into ½ a bottle of
mentholated spirits and shake till well mixed. Rub into your hands
or feet.
FEET…For chilblains and chapped hands or feet…rub Rooi Laventel
into your hands or feet 2 or 3 times per day and the swelling or
itching will be a thing of the past.
FEET…For chilblains and chapped hands or feet…rub with
FEET…For chilblains rub tanning or milking salve into your feet or
FEET…For sore feet or heels…mix ½ a bottle of spirits and 1
crushed block of camphor and rub your feet and heels. Make sure
that you crush the camphor to a fine powder and then add to the
spirits and shake well till it is dissolved.
FEET…If you have chilblains on your feet and the soles are
cracked from wearing open sandals…mix spirits and paraffin in
equal quantities and rub into your feet…mornings and evening…and
wear socks after apply the mixture.
FEET…Infuse wormwood and use the water to wash your feet.
FEET…Ingrown toenails. Add hot water to a basin and soak your
feet. Dry well and scrape the toenail on the side where it has
grown in. Apply Lennon’s Staaldruppels and cover with a piece of
cotton-wool. Repeat as needed.
FEET…Ingrown toenails. Pluck bits of wool from an old blanket and
push under the point of the toenail that has grown in. Repeat until
the nail grows up again.
FEET…Ingrown toenails. Take a small flat file and file the toenail
as thin as possible on the side that has grown in….without filing
right through the nail. Leave the nail to grow…and don’t cut the
nails too short again.
FEET…Melt 1 candle and remove the wick. Add 6 tablespoons of
paraffin…1 tablespoon of spirits…1 tablespoon of glycerine and 1
tablespoon of Vaseline and stir to mix. Stir continuously otherwise
it will burn. The mixture will form a white lotion. You may add a
few drops of lavender oil if you wish to make it smell better. Rub
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into the hands and feet…morning and evening.
FEET…Melt 2 candles and add a ¼ block of crushed camphor and
enough paraffin to form a smooth paste. Put into jars and keep
until required. It is worth the effort to make some of this lotion
and keep in the house at all times till needed.
FEET…Melt 2 candles in an old saucepan over a very low heat
setting. Add a ¼ of a block of finely crushed camphor to the wax
and stir until the camphor is dissolved. As soon as the camphor is
dissolved remove from the stove to prevent smoking. Add enough
paraffin to make a soft lotion…stirring all the time. Pour into a jar
and leave to cool. This is excellent for feet and hands
FEET…Mix 1 medium sized bottle of Vaseline…1 small bottle of
glycerine…1 small bottle of Friar’s Balm and baby powder. If you
add a lot of powder the mixture won’t be too oily. Rub this
mixture into your feet and wear socks at bedtime. This mixture is
also good for elbows and hands.
FEET…Mix 2 tablespoons of grease and a small piece of crushed
camphor until the camphor has dissolved. Apply to your hands and
feet…this is a very good remedy.
FEET…Mix Dubbin and paraffin and rub into your feet or hands.
FEET…Mix Vaseline…glycerine and baby powder and apply to your
feet. This is excellent for chilblains and chapped feet and hands.
It is very cost effective and works so much better than
expensive over the counter creams.
FEET…Mix Vaseline…glycerine and Johnson’s Baby Powder and rub
into your feet or hands.
FEET…Rub mentholated spirits into your feet every night.
FEET…Rub mentholated spirits into your feet when they feel sore
or tired.
FEET…Sweaty feet…Keep your feet very clean and change socks
regularly. Wash your feet in hot water to which you have added
either coarse salt or bicarbonate of soda. Dry your feet very well
and then sprinkle with Boracic powder.
FEET…Sweaty Feet…Mix tealeaves and curry mixed with cornmeal
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and put into your shoes so that it fits beneath the bridge of your
foot. Wear socks so that the curry mixture is between the shoe
and your sock.
FEET…Sweaty Feet…Put borax into your shoes morning and
FEET…Sweaty Feet…Put fine vitriol into your shoes before
wearing. When your feet begin to sweat the vitriol will tan your
feet and it will prevent further sweating.
FEET…Sweaty Feet…Put wormwood into your shoes.
FEET…Sweaty Feet…Soak your feet in lukewarm water to which
you have added bicarbonate of soda. Dry your feet well and then
sprinkle with dry bicarbonate of soda and rub well into the feet.
If you do this regularly you feet will no longer be sweaty and the
sweaty smell will be gone.
FEET…Sweaty Feet…Take bark from a thorn tree and infuse in
boiling water. Use the water to wash your feet morning and
evening. After a couple of days your feet will no longer sweat.
FEET…Take 12 pieces of rusted iron and put into a very hot fire.
When the irons are red hot…put them into a can that is ½ filled
with water. As soon as the irons turn cold…remove from the water
and soak your feet in the water for at least 20 minutes.
FEET…Use Dubbin to rub into chilblained and chapped hands and
feet. This will soften and heal the hands or feet.
FEET…Wash your feet or hands in thick milk…and after a couple
of days your feet and hands will be white and smooth.
FEET…When your feet are burning…soak and wash your feet and
make sure that you dry them thoroughly. Smear sunlight soap that
has been slightly moistened into the soles of your feet. Repeat
morning and evening and after 3 months you will have no more
problems with burning soles.
FEET…When your feet are tired…sore and swollen…pour hot water
into a basin and add a handful of washing soda and mix. Soak your
feet in the water until it cools. Dry your feet well and then rub
mentholated spirits into your feet.
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FEVER BLISTER…Apply a piece of alum to the fever blister…or if
you have fever blister inside your mouth you must suck a piece of
FEVER BLISTER…Apply ear was twice a day to the fever blister.
FEVER BLISTER…Apply vanilla essence to the blister using cotton
bud or small piece of cotton-wool. Repeat every ½ hour if needed.
The vanilla will dry up the fever blister.
FEVER BLISTER…If you apply some vanilla essence to your lips
when you feel a fever blister developing…it will prevent the
blister from forming and it will disappear.
FEVER BLISTER…Keep applying white Vaseline to the fever
blisters until they disappear.
FEVER BLISTER…Make a paste using bicarbonate of soda and a
little water and apply to the fever blister.
FEVER BLISTER…Open a peach stone and remove the inner pip
and crush to a powder. Mix the powder with a little castor-oil and
apply some of the mixture to the fever blister first thing in the
morning. Apply first thing each morning until the fever blister has
FEVER BLISTER…Pick poplar tree leaves and wash well. Fry the
leaves in lard and mash till very fine and it forms a smooth…pliable
paste. Smear some of the paste onto the fever blister. Repeat
throughout the day.
FEVER BLISTER…Using your finger…apply a little eau-de-cologne
to the blisters. Apply throughout the day and it will quickly dry up
the blisters and they will disappear.
FEVER BLISTER…Wet 1 aspirin slightly and apply to the fever
blister. Keep your lips tightly closed to keep in place so the aspirin
does not dislodge.
FEVER…Add a dash of Rooi Poeier to ½ a glass of water and give
to the patient twice a day….morning and evening.
FEVER…Brew fever-tree leaves in boiling water and drink 3 times
per day.
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FEVER…Bruise and crush rue and soak in old yeast. Mix and form
it into a paste and spread onto 2 pieces of cloth. Put 1 cloth
around the left wrist and 1 cloth under the right foot. Brew rue
and give 1 teaspoonful of the water to which you add 4 drops of
Hoffmann’s Drops. The fever will break within the hour.
FEVER…Chop rue leaves finely and bind around the wrists and
FEVER…Crush and roll 2 tablespoons of epsom salts till fine like
powder...then add to 1 tablespoon of cream of tartar…1 Gregory
powder…1 Vitalis powder and 1 quinine powder. Mix well. If an
adult is feverish…give 1 teaspoonful of the mixture…if it is a
child…just a dash of the mixture will be sufficient.
FEVER…Drink Wonder essence.
FEVER…If your baby or small child is very feverish with a high
temperature…take a little castor-oil and put into a saucer and add
3 drops of Rooi Laventel. Put on the stove till luke-warm. Soak the
cloth in the mixture and apply to the baby or child’s forehead.
Cover with a dry cloth. The fever will break very quickly.
FEVER…Pick grape leaves and bind around the head and wrap with
a warm cloth or towel.
FEVER…Put 1 cup of rue…1 cup of mint and 8 well-crushed cloves
of garlic into a bottle. Fill the bottle with vinegar and shake well.
Leave to draw and drink 1 dessertspoonful 3 times per day.
FEVER…Put 1 tablespoon of brandy…2 tablespoons of boiling water
and a dash of salt into a glass. For children give 1 teaspoonful
every 15 minutes and for adults 1 dessertspoonful. Continue until
the fever has broken.
FEVER…Put a dash of Rooi-Poeier and a dash of black pepper into
a little water and drink to break the fever.
FEVER…Smear yeast under the baby’s feet to break the fever.
FEVER…Sponge the patient with tepid water and then cover with
blankets to keep warm.
FEVER…Take 1 heaped teaspoon of Epsom salts and add to a
wineglass of warm water…stir until it has dissolved. Add 1 ½
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teaspoons of Elixir of Life and stir to mix and drink.
FEVER…Take an ox-horn and push the tip into the fire and allow
to burn well. Remove from the fire and scrape all the dirt of the
fire off the horn. The horn will be nicely brown…and you can then
grate the brown powder off the horn. Take 1 tablespoon of the
powder and add to ½ a cup of boiling water and stir well to mix.
Leave to cool and give to the child to drink. This will break the
FEVER…To break a fever…drink a ¼ teaspoon of cream of tartar
in a glass of water.
FEVER…To break fever and reduce temperature…grate 1 or 2
large white onions and put onto pieces of cloth…with the juices
and all the gratings. Apply under the feet and cover with other
pieces of cloth then bandage to keep in place. The fever should
break with in a day of two.
FEVER…To break fever in children or adults…take rue leaves and
chop finely. Put in a cloth and tie around the wrist and temples.
Brew rue leaves as you would tea and drink. It breaks the fever
like no modern medicine can hope to.
FEVER…Very appropriate for families with small children or
babies. Add 2 cups of brown sugar to luke warm bath water and
sponge the child or baby continuously. If is also effective when
giving a sponge bath when a child is too ill to be put in the
FINGER…For a blood blister on your finger…melt a piece of candle
and form a cover for the blister and wrap to keep in place.
FINGER…If you have a blood blister on your finger…hold your
finger in paraffin. This will prevent you losing your finger-nail and
your finger will heal within a couple of days.
FLEA BITE…Add a little sunlight dishwashing liquid to your dog’s
bathwater and shampoo the dog thoroughly. Make sure you rinse
the dog very well after the bath to prevent skin irritations. This
will get rid of fleas.
FLEA BITE…If you child has been bitten by fleas and is allergic
to the bites…add 10 teaspoons of sugar to 1 teaspoon of flowers
of Sulphur and give the child 1 teaspoon of the mixture 3 times
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per day.
FLEA BITE…Put khaki weed between your dog’s blankets to keep
fleas away.
FLEA BITES…Mix coconut-oil and flowers of Sulphur and rub into
the bite marks.
FLU…Add 8 drops of kerol to a glass of cold water and drink 1/3 3
times per day…or just keep taking mouthfuls during the course of
a day.
FLU…Crush 10 or 12 cloves of garlic and put into a bottle of
vinegar to draw. Drink a spoonful on a glass of water first thing
every morning.
FLU…If you use honey daily it will protect you from flu as honey is
a natural germ fighter.
FLU…Mix together in a glass or earthenware dish…1 bottle
peppermint-drops…1 bottle raw linseed-oil…1 bottle Lennon’s
Borsdruppels and 1 lb tin of honey. Mix thoroughly and take a
spoonful of the mixture 3 times per day.
FLU…Pick a few tops of Camomile…a few tops of valerian and a
piece of Karoo-bush/Sweet Karoo…and put onto a glass bowl and
add boiling water. Leave to brew as you would tea…strain and
drink as hot as possible.
FLU…Take a handful of leaves from the bokbossie (Lycium
horridum) and brew as you would tea. Drink a cupful 3 times per
FLU…This is another remedy used widely during the great flu of
1918. Make a small cut in a dog’s ear and catch the blood in a small
container. Add raw linseed-oil and mix. Give the patient a spoonful
of the mixture every 3 hours and it will break the flu.
FLU…This remedy saved many lives during the 1918 Spanish-flu
epidemic. Make small…oblong bags and put a piece of asafoetida…1
crushed garlic clove and a piece of camphor into the bags. Sew
closed and add a long tie to the bags. Tie the bags around the
neck so that the bag hangs on the chest. No flu or cold will come
near you.
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FRECKLES…After bathing at night…apply donkey milk to your face
and leave on overnight. Next morning wash your face in luke warm
FRECKLES…Apply goat or donkey milk to your face.
FRECKLES…Cook 1 cup of bread bran and apply the water to your
face at night.
FRECKLES…Cut off the tails from a couple of rock-rabbits and
put into a tin. Add enough spirits to cover the tails. Seal the tin
and bury it on the eastern side of the house. After 3 weeks dig
the tin out and apply the liquid to the freckles.
FRECKLES…Grate 1 block of Reckitt’s Blue and add it to 1 cup of
vinegar. Stir and leave until the blue has dissolved. Stir regularly
to make sure that the blue dissolved properly. Apply some of the
mixture to your face at bedtime.
FRECKLES…If you smear donkey milk to your face first thing in
the morning…and do it regularly each day…the freckles will fade in
FRECKLES…Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice…2 tablespoons of
water…1 tablespoon of glycerine and 1 tablespoon of borax. Make
sure it is well mixed. Apply to the face 3 times per day…leave on
for 10 minutes and then wash off.
FRECKLES…Mix fresh cream or milk with lemon juice and pour
into a fruit jar. Shake well to mix. Apply 3 times per day to your
FRECKLES…Mix white Vaseline and lemon juice and apply to your
face 3 times per day.
FRECKLES…Rub goat milk into your face morning and night and
leave to air dry.
FRECKLES…Take 1 cup of grated horse-radish and pour in enough
milk to cover. Leave for 3 days until the milk is thick. Strain the
water off and rub into your face at night.
FRECKLES…Take the juice from ½ a lemon and add a ¼ teaspoon
of borax and mix. Apply the mixture to the freckles and when you
feel your skin is tight and dry…apply some cream.
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FRECKLES…Wash your face with horse milk and leave to dry.
FRECKLES…When you slaughter…the person with the freckles
must smear some of the blood from the inside of the carcass onto
their face.
FRECKLES…While the dew is on the grass in Summer…go outside
and wash your face with the dew.
FURUNCLE…Finely grate a piece of sunlight soap and mix with
washing soda. Place the mixture onto the furuncle or boil…cover
and bandage to keep in place.
FURUNCLE…Flatten 1 XXX extra strong peppermint and place
onto the furuncle or boil and bandage to keep in place. Within a
few days it will be healed.
FURUNCLE…Slightly beat 1 egg-yolk. Add ½ a teaspoon of salt to
the yolk and mix well. Apply to the furuncle or boil…cover and
leave till the next morning. Repeat if required.
FURUNCLE…The following remedy works excellently…Scrape
sunlight soap and mix with white sugar in equal quantities. Put into
a tablespoon and mix with a teaspoon then apply to the furuncle
or boil and wrap with borax dipped in water. Bandage with a warm
bandage. Replace regularly.
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GALL…Catch a striped field mouse and fry till well-browned and eat
GALL…Eat 1 whole lemon first thing in the morning to get rid of
excessive gall.
GALL…Eat paw-paw with pips and all…it will help when you have
excessive gall.
GALL…Make a sandwich using 1 slice of coarse whole-wheat bread
and 1 crushed clove of garlic. Eat the bread and garlic before going
to bed and then drink a mouthful of olive-oil. Repeat for a few
GALL…Mix 3 tablespoons of Epsom salts in 1 bottle of Rose’s Lime
juice and shake well. Drink 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of
boiling water first thing in the morning.
GALL…Mix together 2 tablespoons of brandy…2 tablespoons of
water…3 drops of Lennon’s Rooi Laventel and 2 drops of Lennon’s
Versterkdruppels. Drink this mixture whenever you feel that you
have excessive gall.
GALL…Pour boiling water over pomegranate peels and leave to brew
as you would tea. Drink a glassful of the water 3 times per day.
GALL…Take the shell of an ostrich egg and bake in the oven. Crush
till very fine like powder. Add the fine powder to 1 bottle of vinegar
and shake till thoroughly mixed. Leave to infuse overnight. Before
each meal drink 1 wineglassful of the vinegar mixture.
GALL…When you feel dizzy and dots flicker before your eyes just
drink some epsom salts. It is caused by too much gall.
GALL…When you have excessive gall…so bad that you become
bilious…your head aches and you feel dizzy…your tongue furred and
your eyes become yellow…add 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to
¾ cup of boiling water…mix and drink. Repeat after a few hours if
you feel you need to. This mixture will work off the gall.
GALL-STONES…Add 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar and 1 teaspoon
of bicarbonate of soda to 1 glass of milk….stir well and drink. Wait
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10 minutes then drink ½ a glass of olive-oil. Drink this mixture
before bed-time. Next morning 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts and
wait 10 minutes then drink a cup of coffee or tea. Eat a light lunch.
After 3 or 4 days you may repeat the dosage.
GALL-STONES…Add 2 bottles of spleen elixir and 1 teaspoon of
aloe-drop (laxative) to 1 bottle of White Muscatel. Shake to mix
thoroughly leave to infuse for 24 hours. Take 1 tablespoonful first
thing in the morning and also before each meal.
GALL-STONES…Add 3 tablespoons of Epsom salts to 1 pint of
water and shake to dissolve. Drink 2 Gregory-powders or pills at
bedtime…then drink ½ the Epsom salts water. First thing in the
morning drink the other ½ of the water. After it has worked well…
drink 1 small bottle of olive-oil. This will heal the wounds made by
the gall-stones when they are passed. Repeat this dosage to make
sure there are no more gall-stones left behind.
GALL-STONES…Burn an ostrich egg to ash and crush to a fine
powder. Take enough of the powder to cover the point of a knife
and add to 1 tablespoon of lemon-juice…mix and drink. Repeat the
dosage 3 times per day to help remove the gall-stones.
GALL-STONES…Crush 9 cloves of garlic and add to 1 bottle of gin
together with 1 bottle of Lennon’s Haarlemensis. Shake to mix well.
First thing in the morning and last thing at bedtime take 1
tablespoon of the mixture.
GALL-STONES…Drink 1 cup of vinegar first thing in the morning…
wait 8 days and drink another cup…wait another 8 days and drink a
cupful again…so that you have drunk 3 cups of vinegar.
GALL-STONES…Mix ½ a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda and a ½
tablespoon of cream of tartar and 8 ounces of olive-oil and drink.
Lay on your right side for as long as you can and next morning drink
1 tablespoon of Epsom salts on an empty stomach. Repeat after 14
days. You may suck a peppermint if the taste makes you feel sick.
GALL-STONES…Pour 1 bottle of Port wine into an earthenware
saucepan and add 2 handfuls of mint leaves. Put on the side of the
stove to warm slowly till it is a strong brew. Remove from stove and
allow to cool…then strain through a clean cloth. Drink 1 wineglassful
3 times per day.
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GALL-STONES…Take the yolks of 2 eggs…3 tablespoons of brandy…
a ½ cup of olive-oil and ½ a cup of milk and put into an earthenware
bowl and beat till thoroughly mixed. For 1 whole day you must eat
nothing…you may drink tea or coffee. Before you go to bed that
night you must drink all of the mixture. First thing next morning
you must take 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts…and the gall-stones will
be purged.
GASTRIC FEVER…Boil enough water to fill a bottle. Add 2
tablespoons of Stockholm tar and shake well to mix. Leave in a
warm place to draw. Shake the bottle again and then strain through
a clean cloth. Take 1 tablespoon of the strained liquid 3 times per
GASTRIC FEVER…If the fever is so bad the patient starts passing
blood you must put cloths soaked in cold vinegar on the stomach.
Repeat as soon as the cloths are dry. As soon as the fever has
broken…the cloths will no longer dry out.
GASTRIC FEVER…Make turtle soup and drink.
GASTRIC FEVER…Slice potatoes thinly and put the slices between
2 pieces of flannel. Crush until fine and allow the juices to drain
into a glass dish. The juices must be given to the patient to drink
and the crushed potatoes in the cloths put onto the stomach.
Repeat each time the cloths dry out. When the cloths no longer
become dry the fever will be broken.
GASTRO-ENTERITIS…Take 1 tablespoon of castor-oil and light it…
then drink while it is still hot.
GOUT…Add 1 tin of asafoetida…2 crumbled cakes of camphor and 1
bottle of iodine to a wine bottle. Fill the bottle with spirits…cork
and shake well to mix. Leave to stand for 8 days. Wet a piece of
cotton-wool or cloth and apply to the effect area….cover and wrap
or bandage to keep warm.
GOUT…Apply cabbage leaves to the effected area and replace
twice a day. Follow this remedy for 5 days.
GOUT…Beg 3 small potatoes from somebody…don’t use your own
supply…and put the potatoes into a hip pocket. Men can put the
potatoes in their trouser pockets.
GOUT…Crush 1 cake of camphor and add to ½ a bottle of brandy.
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Shake well then leave to draw. Take 1 tablespoonful in a wineglass
of water first thing in the morning.
GOUT…Crush 2 cakes of camphor until very fine and mix with ½ a
bottle of Arnica tincture and ½ a bottle of mentholated spirits.
Pour into a bottle and shake before use. Apply to the effected area.
GOUT…Cut a narrow band from the skin of an iguana and attach a
buckle to the band. Wear the band around the painful area.
GOUT…First thing in the morning…add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and
1 teaspoon of honey to a cup of boiling water and drink as hot as
GOUT…Juice 2 lbs of grapefruit…3 lemons and 3 oranges and keep
the juice one side. Mince the peels and pips and everything left
after juicing and put into a glass or earthenware dish. Pour 2 pints
of water over the minced mixture and leave to stand for 24 hours.
Strain. Pour 1 pint of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of Epsom
salts and 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar. Stir to mix and leave to
cool. Add the strained juice from the minced fruit and the juice
from the fruit and add to the water. Mix well…it will be thick like
custard. Pour into jars and seal. First thing in the morning drink 1
wineglassful of the mixture. Remember to shake the jar before use.
Follow this remedy for 3 months and all the gout will be out of your
GOUT…Lightly massage the effected area with eucalyptus-oil.
GOUT…Mix 1 tablespoon of epsom salts…1 tablespoon of cream of
tartar and 1 tablespoon of Flowers of Sulphur. Put into a small jar
and seal. Take ½ a teaspoonful first thing every morning.
GOUT…Mix 2 egg yolks…2 tablespoons of good vinegar and 2
tablespoons of Stockholm tar and put into a screw-type jar. This is
an excellent embrocation for gout.
GOUT…Put 2 bottles of vinegar…1 cup of turpentine…4 eggs and 1
piece of camphor in a jar and shake vigorously for 1 hour. Apply to
the effected area.
GOUT…Rub brasso into the effected area.
GOUT…Take towels and cover the effected area. Iron over the
area with a very hot iron…just be careful that you don’t burn the
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GRAZES AND SCRAPES…When you have grazed your hands or
knees wash the effected areas with Hottentot’s-fig brandy.
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HAEMORRHOIDS…(Piles)…After bathing first dry your hands
very well….then dry the rest of your body…and the piles will
disappear quickly. After the piles are gone…keep to this ritual
so they don’t return…especially if you have a constant problem
with piles. If you make this ritual a habit….you should never be
bothered with piles again.
HAEMORRHOIDS…(Piles)…Cat-mint in brandy…left to infuse
overnight is beneficial to piles…especially internal piles….
especially if the stomach is giving problems too. Drink a tot of
the mixture at night before bedtime.
HAEMORRHOIDS…(Piles)…Grind a piece of resin and powdered
alum till fine and mix well. Put a little on your tong and swallow
with water. Repeat twice a week and your piles will be gone.
HAEMORRHOIDS…(Piles)…If you are suffering from piles that
pain and burn…take 1 tablespoon of fresh milk and add 80 drops
of haarlemensis and drink. Go and lie down for a while. If you
are also constipated then you should drink 1 dessertspoon of
bitter cascara. If necessary…drink 7 drops of it before each
meal the following day.
HAEMORRHOIDS…(Piles)…it is very good if a person suffering
from piles eats a lot of raisins.
HAEMORRHOIDS…(Piles)…Make a thick ointment using 1 block
of Reckitt’s Blue and a jar of Vaseline (petroleum jelly) to apply
to the piles.
HAEMORRHOIDS…(Piles)…Mix 1 tin of syrup and 1 tablespoon
of Flowers of Sulphur and 1 envelope of cream of tartar. Make
sure it is well mixed and take 1 tablespoonful 3 times a day.
HAEMORRHOIDS…(Piles)…Mix 2 tablespoons Gregory Powder…
2 tablespoons sugar…and 1 bottle Groen Amara and add to 1
bottle of brandy. Shake well to mix and drink 1 tablespoonful 3
times a day.
HAEMORRHOIDS…(Piles)…Mix together 1 tin of sweetened
condensed milk…1 bottle Haarlemensis and 1 bottle Flowers Of
Sulphur. Make sure that it is thoroughly mixed and drink 1
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teaspoonful first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and
1 teaspoonful last thing at bedtime.
HAEMORRHOIDS…(Piles)…Take 6 envelopes Gregory powder…
6 envelopes salpetre (potassium nitrate) …1 envelope epsom
salts and 2 bottles of water. Boil together till the water is
reduced to 1 bottle Drink 1 dessertspoonful.
HAEMORRHOIDS…(Piles)…Take a few leaves of the
Hottentot’s-fig…(Mesembrainthemum) and crush the leaves and
put on the piles.
HAEMORRHOIDS…(Piles)…Take fresh butter and put in a pan
and fry and scramble the yolk of 1 egg in the butter. Use as an
ointment on the piles.
HAEMORROIDS...(Piles)…Take catmint and add to a bottle of
brandy and leave to infuse for a couple of days. Drink as
needed…as much as you like…or…if you prefer….apply to the
effected area.
HAEMORROIDS… (Piles)…Mix 1 bottle of pure glycerine and 1
bottle olive oil well and drink 1 dessertspoonful every evening.
HAEMORROIDS…(Piles)…Add 10 drops of Flowers of Sulphur
to a small glass of milk and drink 3 times per day. Works well
and soon the piles will be in the past.
HAEMORROIDS…(Piles)…Add 5 drops of Stockholm Tar to 1
tablespoon of milk and drink last thing at night before retiring
to bed.
HAEMORROIDS…(Piles)…Add boiling water to coriander and
leave to infuse like tea. Drink a small wineglass full 3 times a
day…after meals.
HAEMORROIDS…(Piles)…Infuse Rhubarb bark like tea and
drink 2 or 3 times per day
HAEMORROIDS…(Piles)…Infuse Thyme like tea and drink a
wineglassful mornings and evening. Make sure you eat plenty of
fresh vegetables and go for a walk every day…for at least half
an hour.
HAEMORROIDS…(Piles)…Pour brandy over catnip and allow to
infuse well. Drink a tot measure full every evening.
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HAEMORROIDS…(Piles)…Put some Groen Amara leaves in a
large earthenware or glass pot and pour 1 bottle of boiling
water over. Allow to infuse till the water is dark green….strain
and pour the liquid in a bottle. Add 1 small bottle lewensessens
and shake well to mix. Drink a good mouthful every morning on
an empty stomach. It is a laxative…and if is too strong reduce
the quantity.
HAEMORROIDS…(Piles)…Take 1 medium-sized bottle of
coconut oil and 2 Vitalis powders and 2 Solaris Powders and mix
very well. If you warm the coconut oil a little... the powders will
mix easier. Drink 1 teaspoonful each evening.
HAEMORROIDS…(Piles)…Take 4 envelopes of Epsom salts…1
envelope Cream of Tartar…a small bottle Rooi Poeier (Red
Powder)…and 2 tablespoons of sugar and mix thoroughly. Put in
container with screw type lid. Every morning on an empty
stomach take enough of the mixture to cover the point of a
knife and put on your tongue and swallow with water.
HAEMORROIDS…(Piles)…Take good pinch of salpetre in 1
tablespoon of milk once or twice per day.
HAEMORROIDS…(Piles)…When you wash your face in the
morning…always dry your hands off first…then your face.
HAIR…Add vinegar to the final rinsing water of dark hair to
leave hair shiny.
HAIR…Ball of hair in a cat’s stomach…to get rid of the ball of
hair just rub some Vaseline on the cat’s nose. The cat will lick
the Vaseline and it will make it easier to pass the hair ball….and
avoid the irritation of the cat throwing the hair ball up.
HAIR…Beat 1 egg-yolk well…add 2 tablespoons of brandy and
beat again. Wet hair thoroughly and massage the mixture into
the hair and scalp. Add vinegar or lemon juice to water and
rinse your hair. Your hair will be left soft and shining.
HAIR…Boil rosemary leaves for at least 10 minutes…but no
longer than ½ an hour. Strain through a clean cloth. Add the
rosemary water to luke-warm water and use to wash your hair.
This remedy will strengthen your hair and leave it with a
beautiful shine.
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HAIR…For hair-loss…fry rosemary in lard and use to massage
into the hair and scalp.
HAIR…For hair-loss…just massage castor-oil into the scalp
HAIR…For natural highlights in your hair try lemon juice in
place of gel or hairspray. On a warm day apply lemon juice to
wet hair and sit outside in the sun. After doing this a couple of
times…you will have natural highlights that will last and last.
HAIR…For shiny hair mix 30 ml Apricot stone-oil…5 drops of oil
of roses…4 drops Camomile-oil…4 drops ylang-ylang-oil and 2
drops of sandalwood essential oils in a glass dish. All these oils
are available at health stores. Massage into the scalp and hair
and leave on for as long as possible…then shampoo the hair…and
rinse well.
HAIR…Hair-loss…Add 1 tablespoon of paraffin…1 tablespoon of
brandy and 1 tablespoon of caster-oil to a bottle and shake well
to mix. Massage some of the mixture into the hair once a week.
HAIR…Hair-loss…Cut 1 large white onion into thin slices and put
into a wide-necked fruit jar. Add ½ a bottle of gin and shake
well. Leave to infuse for 3 or 4 days. Shake well and apply to
the hair and scalp 2 or 3 times per day. The hair will quickly
grow again.
HAIR…Hair-loss…Massage paraffin into the bald patches.
HAIR…Hair-loss…Mix 1 small bottle of eu-de-cologne…1
tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda…3 tablespoons distilledwater…
2 teaspoons Kiena-sulphar and 3 oz of olive oil. Mix
thoroughly and massage into the hair once a day…either
mornings or evenings.
HAIR…Hair-loss…Rub coarse salt onto the bald patches each
morning and evening and after a couple of weeks the hair will
begin to grow again.
HAIR…Hair-loss…Take equal quantities of castor-oil and
coconut-oil and fry together in a pan. Pour into a dish and leave
the dish outside all night so that the dew or frost can fall onto
the mixture. You must however bring the dish inside before
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the sun falls on it in the morning. Massage into the scalp twice
a week.
HAIR…Hair-loss…Those suffering from hair loss or baldness…
may apply a paste of hot olive oil…one tablespoon of honey and
one teaspoon of cinnamon powder before bathing and keep it on
for approx. 15 min. and then wash the hair. It was found to be
very effective if kept on for at least 5 minutes.
HAIR…If you are losing hair…just massage coconut-oil or
Vaseline into the scalp mornings and evenings. You can also
massage sweet-smelling castor-oil into the scalp.
HAIR…If you start losing your hair…mix 1 tablespoon of
paraffin…2 tablespoon of castor-oil…2 tablespoons of brandy
and a little glycerine in a bottle with a screw-type lid. Shake
well to make sure it is thoroughly mixed. Apply to the hair once
or twice a week...and massage into the scalp.
HAIR…Mash ½ an avocado and mix with 1 tablespoon of olive-oil
and 1 teaspoon of baking powder. Make sure it is well mixed…
then massage into the hair and leave for 15 minutes. Shampoo
and wash your hair.
HAIR…Mash over-ripe avocado pears and massage into your
hair and scalp. Leave on for about 2 hours then wash you hair
and rinse well. Your hair will be soft and shining.
HAIR…Massage olive-oil into your scalp and hair if you suffer
from dry hair…it will feed the scalp.
HAIR…Mix ½ a ripe banana and ½ an avocado pear…add 1
teaspoon of yogurt and 1 tablespoon of olive-oil. Mash the
banana and avocado pear and add the other ingredients and mix
well. Massage into the scalp and hair and cover your head with
cling-wrap and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair in lukewarm
water and use shampoo to wash the hair after the
treatment. This is an excellent remedy for dry…lifeless hair.
HAIR…Mix equal quantities of honey and olive-oil and massage
into the hair. Cover your hair with a warm towel and leave for
approximately ½ an hour. Wash and shampoo the hair
thoroughly…and rinse well. This mixture will feed the hair and
scalp and your hair will be beautifully shiny and soft.
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HAIR…Take a couple of pieces of rusted iron and put into a
fire until they are red-hot. When you have washed your hair…
dip these hot pieces of iron in the final rinse-water. Rinse your
hair well in this water and you will have beautiful…shining hair.
HAIR…To clean hair quickly when you are in a hurry…just
sprinkle baby powder lightly onto your hair and brush and comb
thoroughly. Do not use this method if you are wearing black or
dark clothing. Plan B…Take a handful of raw oats and place into
an old stocking and rub the hair well to clean. Comb out. Plan C…
Wet a facecloth under very hot water and wring out and rub
over the hair…repeat a couple of times…then brush and comb
the hair.
HAIR…To stimulate hair growth mix 1 tablespoon of paraffin…1
tablespoon of brandy and 1 tablespoon of castor-oil. Pour into a
bottle and shake well. Apply to the hair and massage into the
HAIR…When you are unable to wash your hair and it is oily…
just apply bicarbonate of soda to the hair and brush well. You
will be surprised at the results.
HAIR…When you start losing hair…just remove all the thorns
from a prickly pear leaf and then rub the leaf on the bald
patches in the morning. In the evenings wash the hair to
remove the juice from the leaf. After following this remedy
for a while you will see fluff forming…then the hair will start
growing again.
HALITOSIS...(Unpleasant smelling breath) Add 1 teaspoon of
honey and a pinch of cinnamon to a glass of warm water and
gargle every morning…it will keep your breath fresh throughout
the day
HALITOSIS...(Unpleasant smelling breath) For garlic breath…
take ¼ glass of water and add ½ teaspoon of vanilla essence and
warm in the microwave. Luke warm will do. Drink to disguise
unpleasant garlic breath.
HALITOSIS…(Unpleasant smelling breath) After a meal with
garlic…chew on Parsley…it will freshen your breath and disguise
the garlic smell.
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HALITOSIS…(Unpleasant smelling breath) After you have
eaten garlic take 2 tablespoons of vanilla essence. It is very
bitter but will refresh your breath and disguise any unpleasant
smelling breath.
HALITOSIS…(Unpleasant smelling breath) Chew coffee beans.
HALITOSIS…(Unpleasant smelling breath) Gargle with a
mixture of peroxide and water to successfully refresh your
HALITOSIS…(Unpleasant smelling breath) Gargle with
Lewensessens or Parsley water…or chew freshly picked Parsley.
HALITOSIS…(Unpleasant smelling breath) If you have eaten
garlic…chew on some cardamom seed in their shells. When soft
remove the shells and swallow the seeds. It helps to disguise
the garlic smell.
HALITOSIS…(Unpleasant smelling breath) Infuse Parsley in
water…strain and gargle.
HALITOSIS…(Unpleasant smelling breath) Mix 1 lb of honey...2
small bottles of glycerine and ½ a bottle of brandy together.
Take 1 tablespoon full when necessary.
HALITOSIS…(Unpleasant smelling breath) Mix 1 small tin of
snuff and 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and use regularly.
HALITOSIS…(Unpleasant smelling breath) To freshen your
breath…chew a couple of cloves.
HANDS...If you suffer from winter hands and feet…go to the
Pharmacy and purchase empty capsules. Fill the capsules with
cayenne pepper and drink one every day.
HANDS…Apply Dubbin liberally to hands when they feel rough.
HANDS…For chapped and dry hands…that are also rough…apply
the salve used for milking…apply liberally and cover the hands
with plastic to allow the salve to be absorbed....especially at
night so that you don’t get the oily salve onto the bedclothes.
HANDS…For ladies who want soft hands…take 3 tablespoons of
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olive-oil and warm in the micro-wave and rub into the hands. It
works very well.
HANDS…For rough…winter hands apply Dubbin…good old
milking salve…obtainable at Farmer’s Co-ops. It is cheaper and
better than any hand creams on the market today.
HANDS…For winter hands and feet you must go and walk
barefoot in the frost in the early morning….wipe your hands
across the grass so the frost can get to them properly. The
frost will soon get rid of the roughness.
HANDS…For winter hands just mix equal quantities of candle
wax and paraffin and apply liberally to the hands morning and
HANDS…For winter hands or feet…Take a piece of cotton-wool
and dampen it with Lennon’s Witdulcies and apply liberally to
the hands and feet. For the first couple of days it will seem as
though your hands and feet are getting worse…then you will
start to see the difference and your hands and feet will heal
nicely. Apply morning and evening. It is inclined to itch for a
few minutes after application…then it will ease off.
HANDS…Mix olive-oil and sugar well…rub into your hands…then
rinse the sugar off…and pat your hands dry. Rub your hands so
that the oil is absorbed into the skin.
HANDS…Recipe for hand cream…Take 1 small tin of babypowder…
1 bottle of Vaseline…2 small bottles of glycerine and 1
small bottle of almond-oil and mix well. Keep in a wide-necked
jar with a screw-type lid. Use as you would hand cream.
HANDS…When your hands or feet feel sore and are rough and
chapped in winter…mix the following paraffin salve and apply
liberally. Melt the wax of 2 candles in an old saucepan over a
low heat setting. Add ¼ of a block of crushed camphor. Stir
continuously to mix and avoid burning. Stir till the camphor is
completely melted. Remove from the stove to avoid the mixture
smoking. Add enough paraffin to form a soft lotion…stir to
make sure it is thoroughly mixed. Allow to cool and decant into
a jar with a screw-type lid. Apply as needed…to the hands and
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HANGOVER…Add a little bicarbonate of soda to a glass of
boiled water and drink.
HANGOVER…If you have a really bad hangover…make yourself
a banana milkshake.
HANGOVER…Take 2 Bayer Aspirin and dissolve in a glass of
water…add 1 tablespoon of sugar…mix well and drink…then eat
a hardboiled egg. Within 30 minutes you will feel right as rain.
HAY FEVER…Dab a little Vaseline…not Vicks…into the corners
of your nostrils. It will help to control the dust and other
irritants in the air.
HAY FEVER…Mix equal quantities of blood and bitter apple
juice and keep smelling the mixture.
HAY FEVER…Smear Vaseline into the nostrils and around and
over the nose.
HAY FEVER…Use ordinary fine table salt as you would snuff.
HEADACHE…Add 1 teaspoon of fine table salt and a handful of
eucalyptus leaves in a ¾ bottle of brandy and shake well. Leave
to draw. Use the brandy mixture to wet a piece of cloth and lie
down with the cloth on your forehead. Replace as soon as the
cloth dries out.
HEADACHE…Add 1 teaspoon of honey to 1 cup of black coffee
and drink.
HEADACHE…Add some buchu-leaves to ½ a bottle of brandy
and leave to infuse. Strain…and pour some of the brandy over
your head. Wrap your head well and go and take a nap. Pack
your head with pillows while you nap.
HEADACHE…Dip small pieces of cotton-wool in brandy and put
into your ears….then apply a cold…wet cloth to your forehead.
HEADACHE…For chronic headaches drink 3 dolomite pills every
day…as well as vitamin B complex pills. Dolomite pills are
available at health stores.
HEADACHE…For tension headaches add 1 dessertspoon of
honey to ½ a glass of warm water and drink when you feel the
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headache coming. Sip the drink slowly. After 20 minutes you
may repeat the dosage. This remedy is very effective as
tension headaches (Migraine) are cause by tension and stress….
and honey is calming.
HEADACHE…If you are plagued by headaches it is good advice
to keep dolomite pills in the house…as they are also safe to give
to children.
HEADACHE…Infuse rosemary as you would tea…add honey to
sweeten and drink.
HEADACHE…Lightly beat the yolk of 1 egg and smear onto a
piece of cloth. Sprinkle mustard powder over the egg yolk.
Make a cup of tea and put a few cloves in the tea. Take the
piece of cloth and lay it on top of the cup of tea to warm. Lie
down and put the warmed cloth on your forehead.
HEADACHE…Make a mustard poultice and apply to the back of
the neck.
HEADACHE…Mix 1 tablespoon of castor-oil and 1 tablespoon of
paraffin and massage into the top of your head….it will quickly
relieve your headache.
HEADACHE…Mix 1 tablespoon of epsom salts…finely rolled…1
bottle Lennon’s Red Powder and 1 dessertspoon of finely rolled
alum. Take a ¼ teaspoon of the mixture 3 times a day…dry…on
the tongue.
HEADACHE…Mix mustard and vinegar to a soft paste and
smear onto a piece of cloth and apply to the forehead.
HEADACHE…Pour some vinegar on a piece of cloth and then
sprinkle with fine cinnamon. Put the cloth on your forehead.
HEADACHE…Put 1 KPP Powder into a teaspoon and fill the
teaspoon with Lennon’s Wit Dulcies. Swallow the mixture and
drink a little water.
HEADACHE…Put 5 drops of turpentine on the crown of your
head and rub into your temples and down the side of your neck.
HEADACHE…Put sliced potato on a cloth and apply to your
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HEADACHE…Slice 1 potato thinly and go and lie down. Pack the
slices on your forehead and replace as soon as the potato goes
HEADACHE…Slice a potato into thin slices and put into a pan
with a little vinegar and warm. Pack the slices onto your
forehead and temples and wrap with a towel or scarf to keep in
HEADACHE…Smear some homemade blue soap on 2 pieces of
cloth and put the cloths on your temples and lie down.
HEADACHE…Take 1 tablespoon of saltpetre…1 tablespoon of
Epsom salts…1 tablespoon of cream of tartar and 1 Gregory
powder and mix well. Pour boiling water into an empty wine
bottle and add the dry mixture. Shake well to mix thoroughly.
Leave to cool and then drink a mouthful 3 times per day.
HEADACHE…Take aspirin and put a warm cabbage leaf on your
head and go and lie down for a while.
HEADACHE…Take small pieces of cotton-wool and dip in
balsamic and put into your ears. Massage some of the balsamic
onto your temples.
HEADACHE…This is a very old remedy and works well. When
you are out in the veld walking…and develop a headache…look
for a wild tobacco plant and pick some leaves. Fill the crown of
your hat with the leaves and put your hat on your head.
HEAD-LICE…Rub mayonnaise into the head and scalp and cover
with a shower-cap. Leave for at least 2 hours and then wash
and rinse the hair well.
HEAD-LICE…This is a very good remedy and has been used
successfully with excellent results in many schools. Mix
together 1 cup of cooking oil…1 cup vinegar and 1 cup of
paraffin. Put into a bottle and shake till well mixed. Apply
liberally to dry hair and leave on for about 20 minutes.
Shampoo the hair in warm water and rinse well.
HEART…Add ¼ pound of aniseed to 1 bottle of Old Jamaica
Rum and shake to mix. Leave to infuse for 48 hours. Strain and
pour back into bottle. Take 1 tablespoonful 3 times per day
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before meals. After you have used up 3 bottles of the mixture
you should have no more problems with your heart.
HEART…Add ½ a cup of lemon-blooms to 1 bottle of brandy and
shake to mix…leave to infuse and drink 1 tablespoonful 3 times
per day…about 1 hour before meals.
HEART…Add 1 bottle of Hoffmann’s Drops…1 bottle of
Lennon’s Rooi Laventel…1 bottle of Lennon’s Versterkdruppels…
1 bottle endresdruppels…1 bottle balsamia…1 bottle Sal volatile
and 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to a bottle of boiled and
cooled water. Shake to mix. Take 1 dessertspoonful of the
mixture 3 times per day.
HEART…Add 1 large tablespoon of white sugar to 1 bottle of
gin and shake till the sugar has dissolved. Drink a wineglassful
of the mixture mornings and evenings.
HEART…Add 2 bottles of yellow balsam vita to 1 bottle of
honey and mix well. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times per day.
HEART…Add 2 oz coriander to 1 bottle of gin and allow to
infuse for 2 days. Drink 1 tablespoonful of the mixture first
thing each morning.
HEART…Add 3 bottles of water to a saucepan and bring to
boiling point. Add 3 tablespoons of epsom-salts to the water
and allow to boil for 10 minutes…remove from stove and allow
to cool. When the mixture is cool…add 1 bottle of peppermintdrops
and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a bottle and
drink ½ a wineglassful 3 times per day before meals.
HEART…Add 9 drops of Lennon’s Versterkdruppels to 1
teaspoon of sugar and take 3 times per day.
HEART…Boil 1 bottle of water and allow to cool. Add ½ a cup of
honey…1 bottle Lennon’s Versterkdruppels…1 bottle Lennon’s
Rooi Laventel…1 bottle of Lennon’s Wonder Essence and 21
finely crushed XXX extra-strong peppermints to the water.
Mix thoroughly and pour into a jar and seal. Drink a
wineglassful of the mixture first thing in the morning on an
empty stomach. Shake the jar before use.
HEART…Boil 1 cup of milk and add to it 1 well-beaten egg…1
tablespoon of brandy and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Mix well and
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drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
HEART…Boil 1 cup of raw coriander in 1 bottle of water until
well-brewed. Strain and pour into a bottle. Add 2 bottles of
white balsamia and shake till well mixed. Take 1 tablespoonful
of the mixture 3 times per day.
HEART…Boil 14 stinging-nettle tops in 2 bottles of water until
reduced to 1 bottle. Leave to cool and strain. Pour into a bottle
and drink 1 wineglassful 3 times per day about 1 hour before
HEART…Boil enough water to fill 1 bottle. Pour into a glass or
earthenware dish. Add 1 bottle Lennon’s Rooi Laventel…1 bottle
Lennon’s Wit Dulcies…1 Bottle Lennon’s Versterkdruppels…1
bottle Lennon’s Wonder Essence….1 bottle Lennon’s Groen
Amara and 1 bottle Hoffman’s Drops to the dish and mix
thoroughly. Pour into a jar or bottle and shake well before use.
Drink 1 tablespoonful of the mixture in a wineglass of water 3
times per day.
HEART…Crush 21 XXX extra strong peppermints…add 2
tablespoons honey…1 bottle of water and ½ a bottle of Lennon’s
Rooi Laventel. Mix thoroughly and take 1 tablespoonful 3 times
per day.
HEART…Crush 30 XXX extra strong mints to powder and add
to a bottle of brandy. Shake well till the powdered peppermint
has dissolved. Shake before use. Drink ½ a wineglassful of the
mixture 3 times per day.
HEART…Cut 8 or 10 naartjies or mandarins into pieces….with
peels …pips and all and put into a glass bowl. Pour 1 bottle of
brandy into the bowl and leave in the sun to infuse for 7 days…
alternatively the bowl may be left close to a warm stove. Strain
through a clean cloth and pour into a bottle and seal. Prepare
another bottle. Drink 1 wineglassful of the mixture 3 times per
day before meals. You must use 3 bottles of the mixture and
then you will be free of heart problems.
HEART…Fluid on the heart…Drink 14 drops of Lennon’s
Haarlemensis immediately and thereafter 20 drops every
evening till there is an improvement. Reduce the dosage
gradually until you are only taking 10 drops each evening. Keep
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taking 10 drops for a while and then start reducing again until
you no longer need it. Don’t stop suddenly…reduce the dosage
HEART…Fry dry…crushed lemon-peel and 1 tablespoon of
coriander in a dry pan till nicely browned…then put into a dish
and add 1 teaspoon of white pepper…1 lb of syrup and 3 finely
crushed XXX extra-strong peppermints. Mix thoroughly and
eat 1 teaspoonful of the mixture a couple of times during the
HEART…If you are suffering from a weak heart…mix 2
tablespoons of crushed…dried rue and 1 bottle of honey. Take 1
dessertspoonful first thing in the morning.
HEART…If you have heart cramps…or feel a pain in the heart…
mix 2 dessertspoons of sugar and 1 dessertspoon of fine ginger
and put dry onto the tongue…and swallow with water.
HEART…If you have heart problems…take 1 bottle of boiling
water…1 lb of honey…1 bottle of Lennon’s Versterkdruppels…1
bottle of Lennon’s Wit Dulcies…1 bottle of Lennon’s Wonderessence
and 1 bottle of peppermint drops and mix thoroughly.
Use 1 teaspoonful of the mixture morning and evening.
HEART…Important information that the old people believed in
is to never eat a heavy meal at night…or food that is difficult
to digest….never sleep on your left side or on your back…banish
all depressing thoughts from your mind…and also to leave a
bedside lamp burning at night. If you have heart-palpitations
eat a peppermint or drink a little lemon juice. This will normally
stop the heart-palpitations…if not….make a cold compress and
lay it on the left side of your chest.
HEART…Infuse 1 cup of rue in 1 bottle of brandy as you would
tea. Drink a wineglassful of this mixture every evening after
meals. This is an excellent remedy.
HEART…Infuse 1 tablespoon of bitter leaves in 3 cups of
boiling water…but not too strong a brew because it is very
bitter. Drink a little 3 times per day.
HEART…Infuse thyme in boiling water and drink 3 times per
day as you would tea.
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HEART…It is advisable that people with heart problems
replace white sugar with honey.
HEART…Leaking heart…Buy a little secretion of the rock
rabbit at the Pharmacy and cut fine and add to a bottle of port
wine. It must be port wine…no other wine will work. Shake the
bottle to mix thoroughly. Leave to infuse for 3 days then take
1 tablespoonful 3 times per day. This remedy works even for
small children.
HEART…Leaking heart…Scorch 3 tablespoons of coriander till
nicely browned and then add to 1 bottle of brandy and shake
well. Leave to draw then take 1 teaspoonful 3 times per day in a
little water. For children reduce the dosage to ½ teaspoonful in
HEART…Mix ½ a bottle of French brandy…1 bottle of balsamia…
1 bottle of Lennon’s Wit Dulcies…1 bottle of Lennon’s
Versterkdruppels…1 bottle of Lennon’s Rooi Laventel…1 bottle
of endresdruppels…1 bottle peppermint drops…1 bottle
Hoffmann’s Drops and ½ a bottle of cajuput oil. Shake to mix
thoroughly…then take 2 tablespoons of the mixture 3 times per
HEART…Mix ½ a bottle of gin…1 tablespoon of finely chopped
orange tree leaves…1 tablespoon of finely chopped thyme and 1
tablespoon of mint leaves. Shake to mix and leave to infuse for
a couple of days. Drink 1 tablespoon of the mixture in 1 cup of
boiling water to which you have added 1 teaspoon of honey. This
mixture must be taken first thing in the morning on an empty
HEART…Mix 1 bottle Lennon’s Versterkdruppels…1 bottle
Lennon’s Intrensdruppels…1 bottle Lennon’s Wit Dulcies and 1
bottle Lennon’s Rooi Laventel in a jar. Shake to mix. Take 1
teaspoonful of the mixture in a wineglassful of water 3 times
per day. As your heart improves …reduce the dosage to twice
per day ….then to once per day.
HEART…Mix 1 bottle of Lennon’s Wit Dulcies…1 bottle of
Hoffmann’s Drops…1 bottle of Lennon’s Versterkdruppels…1
bottle of Lennon’s Rooi Laventel and 1 bottle of pain killer with
1 bottle of French brandy or matured wine. Shake to mix…and
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leave to infuse for 1 week. Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture 3
times per day before meals.
HEART…Mix 4 tablespoons of very strong coffee and 1
tablespoon of brandy and drink when you have heart
palpitations. It will immediately stop the palpitations.
HEART…Mix honey and cinnamon to a past and smear onto
bread in place of jam or any other spreads…and eat this every
day…it will help to prevent heart-attacks. Even if you have
already had a heart attack…this will prevent any further
attacks. Regular use of the remedy will help to relive the
symptoms of breathlessness and will strengthen the heart. It
also keeps the veins supple and soft.
HEART…Mix together ½ a bottle of brandy…1 bottle Lennon’s
Rooi Laventel…1 bottle Jamaica ginger…1 bottle Lennon’s Wit
Dulcies and 1 bottle Hoffmann’s Drops. Shake to mix. Take 1
teaspoonful of the mixture in ½ a wineglass of luke-warm water
3 or 4 times per day. Add 1 ½ teaspoons of sugar or honey
before drinking.
HEART…Mix together in a bottle…1 bottle Lennon’s Bruin
Dulcies…1 bottle Lennon’s Wit Dulcies…1 bottle Lennon’s Rooi
Laventel…1 bottle Lennon’s Versterkdruppels…1 bottle
Hoffmann’s Drops and 1 bottle balsamic or Bible-leaf mace.
Make sure it is thoroughly mixed. Mornings and evenings take 1
teaspoonful of the mixture in water.
HEART…Peel a naartjie and remove the pith between the
slices. Cut the slices into small pieces and put into a fruit jar.
Add 1 bottle of gin and shake well. Leave to infuse for 1 month.
Take 1 dessertspoon of the mixture 3 times per day before
each meal.
HEART…Pick a handful of orange-tree leaves and put into a
small dish. Pour boiling water over the leaves and allow to
infuse as you would tea. Drink a wineglassful of the water 3
times per day.
HEART…Pour 1 bottle of boiling water into a bowl and add 1 lb
of honey…1 bottle Lennon’s Versterkdruppels…1 bottle of
Lennon’s Wonder Essence and 3 finely crushed XXX
peppermints to the bowl. Mix well and pour into bottles and
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seal. Take 1 dessertspoonful of the mixture 3 times per day.
HEART…Put 1 cup of rue leaves into 1 bottle of sweet wine and
leave to infuse in the sun for 8 days. Drink a wineglassful every
HEART…Rub mustard into an old piece of flannel and apply to
the left side of your chest …over the heart. This plaster will
strengthen the heart.
HEART…Scorch 1 large cup of coriander…then mince it finely
or roll it fine with a rolling pin or bottle. Put into a dish and
pour boiling water over it and leave to infuse like tea. First
thing every morning drink ½ a cup of the water.
HEART…Take ½ a bottle of whiskey…1 bottle of Lennon’s Rooi
Laventel…1 bottle of Hoffmann’s Drops…1 bottle of Lennon’s
Versterkdruppels…1 bottle of red balsamia…2 oz Sal volatile
and 1 tablespoon of finely rolled…dried naartjie/mandarin peel
and put all ingredients into a fruit jar with a screw-type lid…
and seal. Shake well to mix and leave to infuse well. Drink 1
teaspoonful in a wineglass of water 3 times per day.
HEART…Take ½ a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and put on your
tongue and swallow. Repeat 3 times per day.
HEART…Take 1 heaped tablespoon of fine fennel and add to a
bottle of brandy and shake well. Leave in a warm place to
infuse…outside in the sun or next to a warm stove. Allow to
infuse for 8 days. Shake the bottle before use and take 1
tablespoonful of the mixture 3 times per day in a wineglass of
water. Must be taken after meals.
HEART…Take 5 cloves of garlic and bruise and crush well. Pour
1 bottle of boiling water over the crushed garlic in a bowl and
allow to infuse until cool. Strain and drink ½ a cup of the water
3 times per day.
HEART…Take 7 nuts and chop well…add to ½ a bottle of brandy
and shake to mix. Allow to infuse for a couple of days. Take 1
tablespoon of the brandy 3 times per day. Do not add water to
the dosage…the brandy must be taken neat.
HEART…Take a ¼ teaspoon of pepper and ¼ teaspoon of fine
ginger and mix into 1 tablespoon of honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 3
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times per day.
HEART…Take naartjie or mandarin peel and cut finely. Pour
boiling water over the cut peel and allow to infuse. Drink 1
wineglassful of the water 3 times per day.
HEART…Take the blood of a turtle and allow it to dry. Mince
the dried blood to a fine powder. Put a few drops of Lennon’s
Rooi Laventel into a spoon and add enough of the dried blood to
cover the point of a knife into the spoon. Mix and drink. Repeat
dosage 3 times per day.
HEART…To strengthen your heart and prevent heart attacks…
take a level teaspoon of cayenne pepper 3 times a day…about ½
an hour after meals…either on the tongue…followed by a glass
of water…or mixed in a cup of hot water. If you prefer…you
may purchase cayenne pepper in capsules from a pharmacy or
health store.
HERNIA…Boil 2 dozen eggs till very hard. Shell the eggs and
remove the yolks. Put the yolks in a pan and put on the stove.
Do not add water or oil…the yolks must be in a dry pan. Allow
the yolks to burn till pitch black…then oil will be excreted.
Take that oil and apply to the hernia.
HERNIA…If a child develops a hernia…cleave a willow tree and
draw the child through the cleft.
HERNIA…Melt a little alum and a little eau-de-cologne and
smear the hernia with the mixture.
HERNIA…Put 20 earthworms into a small bottle of sweet-oil
and leave till they are nearly dissolved. Apply the oil to the
HERNIA…Quickly put the child in a very hot bath and lift the
child’s legs higher than the head. Press the hernia back into
place and then take a penny or a half-crown and wrap in cottonwool
and put onto the hernia. Bandage very tightly. Don’t let
the child cry…otherwise the hernia will jump out again.
HERNIA…Separate 1 egg and put the yolk in a piece of cloth or
small linen bag. Smear the egg onto the hernia…making sure
that some of the yolk remains on the hernia. Nail the piece of
cloth or bag with the egg yolk into the chimney of the
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fireplace. Make sure that the smoke and not the flames will
consume the bag or cloth. You must never go and check on the
cloth. Within 3 or 4 months the hernia will disappear. You
should make sure that the smoke draws well in the chimney.
HERNIA…Take the person with the hernia to a Karoo thorntree
and tear a fork in the tree…now pull the person with the
hernia through the tear 3 times. Make sure the person is pulled
through on his side…not his back. Tie the fork tightly so that it
can grow again. As soon as the tear in the fork of the tree
starts to grow closed…the hernia will also grow closed.
HERNIA…When it is growing season…let the patient with the
hernia sit under a peach tree. Make a three-sided cut into the
bark of the peach tree and tear a piece of bark loose. Take a
clean piece of cotton-wool and rub the hernia until it is warm…
and then put the warm piece of cotton-wool between the trunk
and the cut bark and tie the bark firmly back into place. The
hernia will now form on the tree trunk.
HICCUPS…Add 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in ½ a glass
of water…stir and drink. Repeat every 2 hours until you stop
HICCUPS…Add 1 teaspoon of honey to ½ a glass of water and
drink without breathing.
HICCUPS…Add 1 teaspoon of Wonder Essence to ¼ cup of
warm water…stir and drink. Repeat every 1 ½ hours.
HICCUPS…Add 20 drops of Lennon’s Wit Dulcies to 1
tablespoon of sugar and eat immediately.
HICCUPS…Drink 1 teaspoon of vinegar to stop hiccups.
HICCUPS…Drink 7 handfuls of water without breathing and the
hiccups should stop.
HICCUPS…If someone is hiccoughing sneak up on them and give
them a fright.
HICCUPS…Let the person with the hiccups put his fingers in
his ears while you give him a glass of water to drink. The
hiccups will be gone.
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HICCUPS…Mash 1 clove of garlic and strain through a clean
cloth. Drink 1 teaspoonful of the garlic juice. The hiccups will
be gone.
HICCUPS…Mix 1 heaped tablespoon of coffee and 1 tablespoon
of tea sugar in a cup and add boiling water. Allow to brew. Take
1 tablespoonful of the coffee mixture every 2 hours till you
stop hiccoughing…which could take up to 12 hours.
HICCUPS…Put ¼ teaspoon of fine cloves on your tongue and
suck when you have hiccups.
HICCUPS…Smoke fowl feathers.
HICCUPS…Take 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and the hiccups
will stop.
HICCUPS…Take 9 gulps of water without breathing and the
hiccups will be stopped.
HICCUPS…Take a few drops of turpentine on sugar and the
hiccups will disappear.
HICCUPS…Take a teaspoon of sugar and wet slightly with
vinegar and eat …it should stop the hiccups immediately.
HICCUPS…Take soft…green wheat leaves and put into a clean
cloth and stamp well. Squeeze the juice out and drink some of
HICCUPS…Take the feather from a black fowl and put into
paper and smoke it. Swallow some of the smoke and the hiccups
will be gone.
HOARSENESS…Take 1 teaspoon of honey…1 teaspoon of finely
ground white sugar…1 teaspoon of fine ginger and 3 tablespoons
of buchu-brandy and mix well together. Take this mixture
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IMMUNE SYSTEM…The daily use of honey and cinnamon will
strengthen your immune system and prevent attacks by viruses
and bacteria. The honey contains many vitamins and iron.
INFECTION…Catch the pus on pieces of cloth and go and bury
the pieces of cloth near an ant heap. As soon as the ants have
eaten the pieces of cloth the abscess will stop festering and
healing will take place.
INFERTILITY…If you are battling to have a baby…do the
following…take 1 bottle of Versterkdruppels…1 bottle of Bruin
Dulcies…1 bottle of Groen Amara…1 bottle of Camomile essence
and 1 bottle of Copaiva Balm and add to 1 bottle of port wine.
Shake well till mixed. Take 1 dessertspoonful 3 times per day
before meals. It is a good idea if the man also drinks this.
INFLAMMATION...Add 1 teaspoon of baking powder to ½ a
glass of water and drink. Repeat every 2 hours until the
inflammation is broken.
INFLAMMATION...Mix 5 teaspoons of corn meal and 1 teaspoon
of mustard powder and mix to a smooth paste with a little raw
linseed-oil. Spread evenly onto a piece of flannel and apply to
the effected area and cover with a towel. Keep the patient
INFLAMMATION… If you have access to fresh honey…remove
a young honeycomb and press the milk-like fluids from it and
give the patient 1 tablespoonful to drink. Put some of the fluid
on a piece of clean flannel cloth and cover with another cloth
and put between the patient’s shoulder-blades. It is excellent
for inflammation of the lungs. It must be warm and directly
from the bee-hive.
INFLAMMATION…Burn a goat’s horn in a fire. Grind to a fine
powder and give the patient ½ a teaspoon of the finely ground
INFLAMMATION…Cook corn-meal to a stiff paste and add fine
cloves until the paste becomes brown from the cloves. Add raw
linseed-oil to the paste and mix well till it forms a smooth paste
and smear as hot as possible onto a piece of flannel cloth and
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apply to the effected area. It will quickly draw the inflammation.
INFLAMMATION…For inflammation in the lungs…mix 1
dessertspoon of gin and 1 dessertspoon of raw linseed-oil and
give to the patient every 2 hours.
INFLAMMATION…For inflammation of the large intestine or
the stomach you must go and take the top of an anthill…with
ground…grass and ants and put into a large tin or bucket. Cover
with boiling water and allow to infuse. Drink 1 cupful of the
water every 2 hours and the inflammation will quickly break.
INFLAMMATION…For inflammation of the lungs mix 2 egg
yolks…2 tablespoons of fine lime…2 tablespoons of fine linseed
with a little grease. Make sure it is thoroughly mixed and add a
little raw linseed-oil if needed to form a soft…smooth paste.
Smear the mixture thickly onto a piece of flannel and cover with
a 2nd piece of flannel…then apply between the patient’s
shoulder blades. If this remedy is used early on the
inflammation will be quickly cleared.
INFLAMMATION…Fry 1 large bottle of sweet-oil in a tin plate
until it just starts to bubble. Remove from the stove and add 1
teaspoon of fine cloves…80 drops of cramp drops…80 pain killer
drops…80 drops of Intrensdruppels and 15 drops of
haarlemensis. Mix well and spread on a piece of cloth and put
between the shoulder blades and cover the patient to keep him
warm. Avoid draughts.
INFLAMMATION…Grate and mash 3 lbs of white onions until
fine. Smear thickly on a piece of flannel cloth and then grate 1
block of camphor over the onion. Apply to the inflammation area.
As soon as the poultice is dry replace with another until the
inflammation has broken.
INFLAMMATION…If you can lay your hands on a very young
pumpkin then you must cook it with pips and peels intact. Cook
until it is soft then cut open and apply to the painful area...but it
should be applied as hot as is bearable without burning the
patient. Cover with a piece of flannel cloth and then a towel.
Keep the patient warm and avoid any draughts. Repeat if
needed…but the inflammation will be broken very quickly.
INFLAMMATION…If you have inflammation in the stomach…
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boil vinegar and soak a piece of flannel in the boiling vinegar.
Wring out and apply to the stomach as hot as is bearable.
Replace each time the cloth cools down… until the inflammation
has broken.
INFLAMMATION…If you have inflammation in your head put 1
teaspoonful of Copaiva-balm on the crown of your head and
massage well. Sit with your feet in a basin of hot water to which
1 tablespoon of mustard has been added.
INFLAMMATION…Kidney or bladder…Buy a small packet …
about 50g…of buchu leaves from your pharmacist. Pour 2 pints
of water into a saucepan and add the buchu leaves…bring to the
boil over a low heat setting. Leave to boil for approximately 5
minutes and then switch the stove off and allow the water to
cool. Strain through a tea-strainer or clean cloth and pour into a
bottle. Put the bottle into the refrigerator to cool properly.
Drink 1 cup of the water as soon as it is sufficiently cool and
thereafter ½ a cup twice a day. This remedy may be safely used
to prevent any further kidney or bladder infections.
INFLAMMATION…Make a poultice of white lime and raw
linseed-oil and urine. Mix well and spread thickly onto a piece of
flannel and cover with another piece of flannel. Put the poultice
between the shoulder blades and leave for 3 hours. Replace as
soon as the poultice becomes dry and crumbly. Keep the patient
covered and avoid any draughts.
INFLAMMATION…Melt a piece of alum…the size of a
tablespoon over warm coals. Leave to cool and then mix with an
equal amount of sugar and give the patient enough of the
mixture to coat the tip of a knife. Repeat after 3 hours…it
works quickly and 2 doses of the mixture should be sufficient to
break the inflammation.
INFLAMMATION…Mix ½ a cup of buchu vinegar with ½ a cup of
raw linseed-oil…a ½ cup of camphor-brandy…1 dessertspoon of
eucalyptus-oil…1 dessertspoon of turpentine and 1 cup of castoroil.
Pour the mixture into a bottle and shake well. Give the
patient 1 dessertspoonful of the mixture morning and evening.
Children may be given ½ a teaspoonful of the mixture.
INFLAMMATION…Mix ½ a cup of sweet-oil…1 dessertspoon of
pain killer and 1 teaspoon of Rooi Poeier until well blended. Take
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1 dessertspoonful of the mixture every 4 hours as needed.
INFLAMMATION…Mix 1 level teaspoon of pepper and the yolks
of 2 eggs. Add 2 spoons of corn and olive-oil or sweet-oil to bind
to a soft…smooth paste. Spread on a piece of flannel and cover
with another piece of flannel or fold double. Put the poultice on
the effected area and cover. The mixture can be doubled if it is
insufficient to be applied to the effected area.
INFLAMMATION…Mix 1 tablespoon of gin and 1 tablespoon of
castor-oil and take 3 times per day.
INFLAMMATION…Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with ½ a
teaspoon of sweet-oil and 3 drops of Kerol. Drink 1
tablespoonful of the mixture 3 times per day until the
inflammation is broken.
INFLAMMATION…Mix 4 parts of gin and 5 parts of sweet-oil
in a bottle and shake well. Give the patient 1 dessertspoonful of
the mixture to drink and repeat every 2 hours until the
inflammation is broken and the pain is gone.
INFLAMMATION…Mix 6 tablespoons of raw linseed-oil…4
tablespoons of Jeyes fluid…2 tablespoons of vinegar…3
tablespoons of clove-brandy…2 tablespoons of tablespoons of
turpentine…and 2 tablespoons of paraffin…and add a few pieces
of finely grated camphor and mix thoroughly. Pour into a bottle
and seal. Spread onto a piece of cloth or brown paper and apply
to the effected area and cover with another piece of cloth and
a towel. Replace if needed.
INFLAMMATION…Mix lime and raw linseed-oil to a thick paste
and spread onto a piece of cloth and apply between the shoulder
blades. As the cloth dries and becomes crumbly replace with
another poultice. Keep replacing until the inflammation is broken.
INFLAMMATION…Mix together 1 dessertspoonful of powdered
chalk…a little milk…1 tablespoon of honey and 15 drops of
Lennon’s Haarlemensis. Take 1 dessertspoonful of the mixture 3
times per day. This is a very good remedy.
INFLAMMATION…Mix together 1 teaspoon of coconut-oil…10
drops of Lennon’s Rooi Laventel and 10 drops of gin. Take a
dessertspoonful of the mixture 3 times per day....for adults…
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and 1 teaspoonful 3 times per day for children.
INFLAMMATION…Pick some blackjacks and boil for a while to
enable it to brew like tea. Drink ½ a cup of the water 3 times a
day and the pain from the inflammation will be gone.
INFLAMMATION…Pick some rue leaves and dry in shade. Once
dried grind the leaves till a fine powder and give the patient 1
teaspoonful in a glass of water. Repeat after 2 hours if
INFLAMMATION…Pour a little raw linseed-oil into an enamel
plate and fry 6 eggs in the plate. Don’t fry the eggs too hard.
Remove from the stove and put the eggs and the oil onto a piece
of flannel cloth and cover with another piece…or fold the cloth
double to cover the eggs. Put between the shoulder blades of
the patient and cover with a towel to prevent the oil and eggs
from staining the sheets. Keep the patient warm and as soon as
the mixture cools…replace with another mixture. Repeat until
the inflammation is broken.
INFLAMMATION…Prick a dog’s ear and catch 10 drops of blood
in a spoon. Mix with sugar and take…it will break the
INFLAMMATION…Put 1 dessertspoon of cream into a glass and
add 1 teaspoon of brandy and mix well. Stir the mixture quickly
and add the white of an egg into the mixture while stirring, Fill
the glass with boiling water and stir continuously and quickly
until it is well mixed. Take a mouthful every now and then…but
first stir the mixture again.
INFLAMMATION…Put 1 large bottle of sweet-oil…1 bottle of
cramp drops…1 bottle of pain killer…1 bottle Versterkdruppels…1
bottle of Hoffmann’s drops…1 bottle of Rooi Laventel…1 bottle
of haarlemensis...a ½ jalap powder and 1 clove that has been
scorched and finely rolled…into a saucepan. Mix well and fry on a
low heat while stirring continuously to avoid burning. Allow to
cool…then bottle. Take 1 dessertspoonful of the mixture every
3 to 4 hours until the inflammation is broken.
INFLAMMATION…Put some varnish…the kind used to varnish
furniture on a piece of flannel cloth…fold the cloth double and
put onto the painful area. As soon as the pain has been relieved…
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the cloth will fall off the effected area.
INFLAMMATION…Scorch 3 tablespoons of coriander in a
saucepan and add about 1 teaspoon to a cup of boiling water.
Leave to brew as you would tea and then drink a ¼ cup of the
water every 3 hours until the inflammation has broken.
INFLAMMATION…Scorch a handful of rice until brown and
grind till it resembles fine powder. Give the patient 1
teaspoonful in a cup of water to drink. It works quickly and
after the second dose the fever will have broken.
INFLAMMATION…Spread lard thickly onto a piece of cloth and
sprinkle grated cloves over the lard. Sprinkle Copaiva balm over
the cloves. Cover with another piece of cloth and immediately
put the poultice between the shoulder blades of the patient and
cover with a towel. Keep the patient warm and replace the
poultice every ½ an hour until the inflammation has broken. As
soon as the lard no longer dries out…the inflammation will be
broken and the poultice removed.
INFLAMMATION…Take 1 bottle of Wonder Essence…1 bottle
Lennon’s Rooi Laventel…1 bottle Lennon’s Wit Dulcies…1 bottle
balsamic…1 bottle Lennon’s Borsdruppels…1 bottle Lennon’s
Paregoric…1 bottle Lennon’s Versterkdruppels …a ½ bottle of
Jamaica ginger…a ½ bottle of peppermint drops and 1 cup of
honey and mix everything together. Add 1 teaspoonful of
turpentine…a ½ bottle of raw linseed-oil and 1 small bottle of
sweet-oil. Mix again till thoroughly blended and bottle. Take 1
teaspoonful of the mixture every 2 hours.
INFLAMMATION…Take 1 tablespoon of mustard and mix with 2
tablespoons of grease…any grease is suitable…but it must be
well mixed and spread onto a piece of brown paper and covered
with a piece of flannel and applied between the shoulder blades.
Keep the patient warmly covered and avoid any draughts.
INFLAMMATION…Take 1 teaspoonful of Stockholm-tar and
add 1 wineglassful of French brandy and mix well. If you have
inflammation of the brain apply the mixture to the crown and
massage in. Cover with a piece of cloth and then a towel to avoid
any draughts. You may also drink some of the mixture.
INFLAMMATION…Take 2 bottles of each of the following…
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Rooi Laventel…cramp drops…Haarlemensis…Wonder essence and
Intrensdruppels…and pour into a bottle. Fry sweet-oil lightly and
allow to cool. Pour enough sweet-oil into the mixture to fill the
bottle. Take 1 tablespoonful of the mixture every 4 hours.
INFLAMMATION…Take 2 cups of bread crumbs…2 tablespoons
of fine cloves and 3 tablespoons of fine white sugar and mix to a
paste using brandy to bind. Smear onto the effected area and
cover with a piece of flannel…then a towel. Keep the patient
warm and avoid any draughts.
INFLAMMATION…Take a large bottle of sweet-oil and add 1
bottle of Wit Dulcies and ½ a bottle of Haarlemensis. Shake well
to mix. Give 1 dessertspoonful of the mixture 3 times a day to
adults and halve the dose for children.
INFLAMMATION…Take a large piece of brown paper and smear
thickly with honey. Apply between the patient’s shoulder blades.
INSECT BITES …Apply moist salt to the area where you have
been bitten.
INSECT BITES…Apply pipe-oil to insect bites to ease the
swelling and itching.
INSECT BITES…Make a paste of bicarbonate of soda and water
and apply to the bites to reduce the swelling and arrest the
INSOMNIA…Add 1 bottle of Rooi Laventel…1 bottle of Wit
Dulcies…1 bottle of Bruin Dulcies and 1 bottle of
Versterkdruppels to 1 bottle of sweet wine and shake well to
mix. Take a wineglassful of the mixture at bedtime.
INSOMNIA…Add some perfume to a warm bath at bedtime and
relax in the bath for a while. You will be relaxed and will then
sleep easily.
INSOMNIA…Always keep a glass of water next to the bed and
drink a little before you turn out the light and if you wake
during the night…take a few sips of the water…and you will go
back to sleep.
INSOMNIA…Crush a clove of garlic and boil in 1 cup of milk.
Drink as hot as possible at bedtime.
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South African Home Remedies
INSOMNIA…Drink a cup of hot Camomile tea at bedtime.
INSOMNIA…Drink hot milk and honey at bedtime.
INSOMNIA…Eat a lot of onion throughout the day…raw or
cooked and drink a glass of warm milk at bedtime.
INSOMNIA…Eat onion…raw or cooked…but this is not good for
married couples.
INSOMNIA…Hot milk and a dessertspoon of honey taken at
bedtime will relax you and you will be able to sleep.
INSOMNIA…If you cannot sleep and are tired of rolling
around…switch on the light and read a long piece from the Bible.
Read slowly and then Pray the Lord’s Prayer slowly. Sing a hymn
and then you will be sleepy and find rest.
INSOMNIA…If you suffer from insomnia…drink a cup of warm
milk to which you add a dessertspoonful of honey. It will help to
calm you and facilitate peaceful sleep.
INSOMNIA…Make a pillow out of dried wormwood leaves and
sleep on it. Put a warm-water bottle against your feet. It will
help you to sleep.
INSOMNIA…Put a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow at
bedtime…it will help to ease you into sleep.
INSOMNIA…Put a piece of lavender under your pillow at
INSOMNIA…Slaughter 1 Plymouth Rock rooster and catch the
blood in a cup. Wait until the blood is nearly dry and then wash
it with petrol. The blood will make white threads and you can
take the threads and mix with a little bone meal and bake in
chicken fat. It must be baked…not fried. It tastes delicious and
will facilitate deep sleep.
INSOMNIA…Take a nice hot bath before getting into bed and
it will help you to sleep better.
INSOMNIA…Take peach pips and crush finely and make into a
paste. Apply this to your temples and you will soon be fast
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ITCHING…For itchiness due to mosquito or other insects bites…
apply soap to the effected areas for quick relief.
ITCHING…To bring quick relief from itchiness due to skin
irritations…mix bicarbonate of soda and Vaseline and apply to
the effected areas.
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South African Home Remedies
JAUNDICE…7 Lice on a slice of bread will cure jaundice.
JAUNDICE…Add 30 drops of Lennon’s Haarlemensis to 1
tablespoon of vinegar and drink first thing in the morning. You may
use sheep’s milk or swallow 7 head-lice.
JAUNDICE…Add 5 drops of Lennon’s Groen Amara to 1
dessertspoon of olive-oil and drink 3 times per day.
JAUNDICE…For 3 days eat 4 grapefruit and coarse whole-wheat
bread spread with fresh cream. Do not eat anything else. After
the 3 days you must eat ½ a grapefruit before each meal. If you
follow this remedy you will never eat a meal without first eating ½
a grapefruit.
JAUNDICE…If you can obtain it…it would be good to give your
baby 1 teaspoon of Merino-sheep milk. It will soon get rid of the
JAUNDICE…Mix 1 teaspoon of sweet-oil…5 drops of wonderessence
and a little sugar into water or Mother’s milk and drink.
Just one dose of this mixture will cure the patient.
JAUNDICE…Mix a little turmeric and 2 drops of Copaiva balm with
a little sugar. Add some Mother’s milk and give to the baby twice a
week till the jaundice has disappeared.
JAUNDICE…Put 1 drop of Lennon’s Haarlemensis on your finger
and put it into your baby’s mouth. If you do this as soon as your
baby is born he will never get jaundice… and if he already has it…it
will go away immediately.
JAUNDICE…Take 7 lice and squash with a spoon. Add Mother’s
milk and drink.
JAUNDICE…Take enough soot from a chimney to equal an egg and
tie in a clean cloth. Leave in 1 glass of water overnight. Next
morning…remove the cloth and add 1 well-beaten egg and enough
water to fill the glass. Drink the mixture. Repeat until the jaundice
has disappeared.
JAUNDICE…This is a very old remedy and I cannot confirm that it
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works. Take 7 grains of barley and put into the baby’s nappy. As
soon as the baby has wet the nappy remove the grains and feed to
a fowl. As the barley grains are digested…the jaundice will
gradually disappear.
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Traditional Home Remedies
KIDNEYS…Bilharziozis…Dig out the roots of a rooistorm bush
(it grows wild in the mountains) and cook till it is well-brewed.
Drink 1 cupful of the water 3 times per day. It works quickly
and you will soon be better.
KIDNEYS…Nephritis…Infuse mountain buchu-leaves in boiling
water and drink a wineglassful 3 times per day.
KIDNEYS…Nephritis…Infuse some wild hemp as you would tea
and drink a wineglassful 3 times per day.
KIDNEYS…Nephritis…Infuse thyme and mint leaves in boiling
water and drink as you would tea.
KIDNEYS…Nephritis…Eat as much raw fruit and vegetables
every day as possible…and take 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive-oil
every day.
KIDNEYS…Nephritis…First thing in the morning add 10 drops
of Flowers of Sulphur to 1 wineglass of milk and drink. At night
add 10 drops of Flowers of Sulphur…10 drops of Haarlemensis
and 10 drops of Copaiva balm to a wineglass of milk…stir to mix
and drink.
KIDNEYS…Nephritis…Purchase 3 bottles of Lennon’s
Haarlemensis. Take 10 drops in a little milk 3 times per day
until the 1st bottle is used up. Take 10 drops in a little milk
once per day until the other 2 bottles are used up. Eat a little
parsley to freshen your mouth and breath. The first dose must
always be taken first thing in the morning.
KIDNEYS…Nephrolith / Kidney-stone…Pick some leaves from a
peach tree and wash and then infuse as you would tea. Drink ½
a cup of the water 3 times per day.
KIDNEYS…Nephrolith / Kidney-stone…Take 1 teaspoon of oliveoil
and 1 teaspoon of Lennon’s Wit Dulcies and mix thoroughly.
Drink twice a day…morning and evening.
KIDNEYS…Nephrolith / Kidney-stone…Take a good dash of
salpetre first thing in the morning. Do not eat or drink anything
for at least ½ an hour. Thoroughly mix 1 bottle of Wit Dulcies…
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Traditional Home Remedies
1 bottle of Flowers of Sulphur and 1 bottle of Copaiva Balm.
Add 15 drops of the mixture to 1 dessertspoon of sugar or a
little milk. Take 3 times per day after meals.
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Traditional Home Remedies
LEGS…If you suffer from night-cramps…put some Flowers of
Sulphur in the front part of your shoes before putting them
on and keep them on all day so you walk on the Flowers of
Sulphur throughout the day.
LEGS…If your legs tend to get swollen…try the following. Take
2 tablespoons of Camphor brandy…2 tablespoons of vinegar…2
tablespoons of turpentine…2 tablespoons of sweet oil and 2
tablespoons of salt and put into a bottle. Shake well and apply
to your legs.
LIGHTNING…If someone is struck by lightning…first press
the tongue down….wrap a cloth around a teaspoon and use to
press the tongue down to avoid injuring the patient. If a
teaspoon isn’t available…use anything you can quickly find. As
soon as the patient’s throat is open…add 10 drops of
Hoffman’s Drops to a little water and give to drink.
LIVER …Crush a piece of camphor till fine like powder and mix
with 2 teaspoons of sweet-oil and 2 teaspoons of turpentine.
Mix well and pour into your hands and massage into the liver
area and stomach.
LIVER…Dry the leaves of a bitter cancer-bush and crush to a
fine powder. Take a general pinch 3 times a day after meals.
LIVER…Using a bath brush or hairbrush make sure than you
brush your side at least once per day. The brushing will bring
the stomach muscles into play and the pain will be eased.
LOCK-JAW…Fry earthworms in sweet-oil and massage the oil
into the jaw-bone.
LOCK-JAW…Massage the jaw-bone with Copaiva Balm.
LOCK-JAW…Mix thyme and bread crumbs with brandy to a
paste. Warm the mixture and apply to the jaw-bone and
throat as warm as possible.
LOCK-JAW…Mix thyme…bread crumbs and vinegar and rub
onto the jaw-bone.
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Traditional Home Remedies
LUNGS…If you have tuberculosis/pulmonary consumption…eat
a piece of raw garlic 3 or 4 times per day. You will be amazed
at the results.
LUNGS…If you have water on the lungs…take sour fig and
rinse well and express all the juice. Take 1 tablespoon of the
juice and add 1 teaspoon of honey and mix well. Take 3 times
per day for 1 or 2 weeks.
LUNGS…Tuberculosis/pulmonary consumption…Add 7 drops of
Stockholm tar to 1 bottle of water and shake to mix. Shake
before each use. Drink a wineglassful of the mixture 3 times
per day.
LUNGS…Tuberculosis/pulmonary consumption…Burn Sulphur on
coals and breath as much of the smoke in as possible.
LUNGS…Tuberculosis/pulmonary consumption…Cook some
green wheat with roots and all and allow to infuse as tea. Take
a wineglass full of the mixture 3 times per day.
LUNGS…Tuberculosis/pulmonary consumption…Cook together 1
cup of figs…1 cup of stinging nettles…2 cups of water cress…2
cups of Hottentots-fig…1 cup medicinal herb…1 cup rock
rabbit buchu and 1 cup of bakbos in 4 bottles of water. Cook
until it has reduced to 2 bottles. Strain and add 3 lbs of
brown sugar and 2 cups of white tea sugar. Stir well and cook
over a low heat until it forms a syrup. Take 1 teaspoon of the
syrup frequently throughout the day.
LUNGS…Tuberculosis/pulmonary consumption…Dry raw jackal
liver and then grind to a fine powder. Take 1 teaspoonful of
the powder 3 times per day after meals.
LUNGS…Tuberculosis/pulmonary consumption…Half fill a
bottle with crushed garlic and then fill with olive-oil or sweetoil.
Shake well and leave to infuse. Shake frequently. Drink 1
teaspoonful of the oil 3 times per day.
LUNGS…Tuberculosis/pulmonary consumption…Take ½ a cup of
finely cut raisons…a ½ cup of finely cut dried figs…’n ½ cup of
rue…a ½ cup of thyme…a ½ cup of tea bush…a ½ cup of wild
asparagus roots (the small type with the big roots) and ½ a cup
of buchu. Add all the ingredients to 1 bottle of good brandy
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Traditional Home Remedies
and mix thoroughly. Drink 1 wineglassful 3 times per day.
LUNGS…Tuberculosis/pulmonary consumption…Take 1 cup of
coach grass…1 cup of Karoo bush and ½ a cup of sage and boil
in 4 bottles of water till reduced to 2 bottles. Strain through
a clean cloth and add 1 tablespoon of fine ginger…1 tablespoon
of ground cloves…8 tablespoons of vinegar…8 tablespoons of
honey and 8 tablespoons of sweet-oil or fish-oil and mix well.
Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture 3 or 4 times per day. Always
shake the bottle well before taking.
LUNGS…Tuberculosis/pulmonary consumption…Take 1
tablespoon of Copaiva balm…1 tablespoon of Haarlemensis…1
tablespoon of turpentine…1 tablespoon of sweet-oil…1
tablespoon of fine buchu leaves…3 pain-killer powders…3
Vitalis powders…1 tablespoon of tartar emetic…the beaten
yolks of 2 eggs and 1 ¼ tablespoons of honey and mix
thoroughly. Take 1 dessertspoonful of the mixture 3 times per
day after meals.
LUNGS…Tuberculosis/pulmonary consumption…Take 1
tablespoon of stinging nettles…1 tablespoon of Bells whiskey…1
tablespoon of buchu and 1 tablespoon of sugar and allow to
infuse in 1 bottle of boiling water as you would tea. Drink ½ a
cup of the mixture 3 times per day after meals.
LUNGS…Water on the lungs…Take extra-strong iodine and
paint the patient’s chest and between the shoulder-blades
with the iodine. Leave to dry and don’t wash off. Apply again
as required.
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South African Home Remedies
MALARIA…Pick some wild hemp…the type with red flowers and
allow to infuse like tea. Each time the patient feels thirsty…give
some of the liquid to drink.
MALARIA…Put fresh…wet horse dung into the bath and add
boiling water and mix. The patient must lie in the bath as hot as
possible. Cover the bath with a blanket so that only the patients
head is showing. As soon as the water begins to cool take the
patient out of the bath and dry well. Put the patient into bed and
cover with plenty of blankets to induce sweating. Be extremely
careful for draughts.
MEASLES / RUBELLA…Add 1 teaspoon of wonder essence to
warm wine and give to the patient to drink. Cover with plenty of
blankets to enhance sweating. As soon as the clothing and
bedding is soaked with sweat…change and be very careful for any
MEASLES / RUBELLA…Infuse stinging nettles in boiling water
and drink as hot as possible.
MEASLES / RUBELLA…Give the child a good dose of Epsom salts
and senna leaves and let him drink as much sage-milk or dried
peach juice as possible. It is very important to drink as much
fluid as possible to enhance sweating. You must be very careful
about draughts and keep the room dark.
MEASLES / RUBELLA…Give the children goat’s milk to drink to
which you add wonder essence.
MEASLES / RUBELLA…Give the patient plenty of dates to eat.
MEASLES / RUBELLA…Mix 1 cup of wine and 1 tablespoon of
elixir of life and give to the patient to drink. Keep the patient
warm and allow to sweat.
MEASLES / RUBELLA…Mix a handful of goat manure with a
handful of wild wormwood and put into an old dish. Add 3 cups of
boiling water and a good dash of Flowers of Sulphur and mix well.
Leave to infuse until the water has a dark colour. Strain through
a clean cloth and give the children ½ a cup of the liquid 3 times
per day.
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South African Home Remedies
MEASLES / RUBELLA…Mix equal quantities of honey and Flowers
of Sulphur and give the child 1 tablespoon of the mixture to eat.
Repeat the dosage hourly.
MEASLES / RUBELLA…Put some goat manure and wild wormwood
into a tin or old saucepan and add 1 bottle of water and mix.
Bring to the boil over a low heat and allow to boil until it has
reduced to fill ½ a bottle. Strain and give the child a spoonful of
the mixture to induce sweating.
MEASLES / RUBELLA…Smear the child’s whole body with lard.
MEASLES / RUBELLA…Toe encourage the show of measles take
1 prickly pear leaf and remove all the thorns. Cut the leaf into
small pieces and put into a saucepan. Add boiling water and allow
to infuse as you would tea. Give a little of the water to the
patient to drink.
MEASLES / RUBELLA…Warm ½ a glass of red wine and give to
the patient as hot as possible.
MEASLES / RUBELLA…When the spots are not showing…warm a
bottle of white lemonade and give to the patient to drink. Within
minutes the spots will appear like the hair on a dog.
MENINGITIS…Add lime to urine and mix. Take a piece of
unbleached calico and soak in the urine mixture and apply to the
patient’s forehead. Replace the cloth regularly as it dries until
healing takes place.
MENINGITIS…Warm thorn-apple leaves in the oven and pack 3
to 4 deep from the patient’s neck all the way down the spine.
Cover the patient and keep warm. After 1 hour repeat the
process. Keep repeating for a couple of days. You will see an
improvement after a couple of hours.
MIGRAINE…Put a good dash of bicarbonate of soda onto your
tongue and swallow it with water for quick relief from migraine.
MOLES / BEAUTY-SPOTS…First thing in the morning before
drinking or eating…apply some spittle to the moles and they will
MOLES / BEAUTY-SPOTS…Mix pain killer and cream skimmed
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South African Home Remedies
off milk. Apply to the mole daily.
MOLES / BEAUTY-SPOTS…Paint with clear nail varnish.
MOLES / BEAUTY-SPOTS…Take a handful of pumpkin pips and
mince finely. Put into an enamel saucepan and add enough sweetoil
to cover the fine pips completely. Fry gently until browned.
Leave to cool and decant into a jar with a screw-type lid. Smear
some of the mixture onto the moles 5 times per day and in time
the moles will disappear.
MOLES / BEAUTY-SPOTS…Tie a hair from a horse’s tail around
the mole as tightly as possible.
MOLES / BEAUTY-SPOTS…Wet fine alum with sweet-oil and
apply to the mole. The mole will eventually fall off.
MOSQUITO BITES...When a mosquito bites you…apply pipe-oil
to the area
MOSQUITO BITES…Before you reach for creams and
medication…first try rubbing the inside of a banana skin onto the
effected area. It will help to ease the swelling and irritation.
MOSQUITO BITES…Grate some white onion and apply to the
area where mosquitoes have bitten you.
MOSQUITO BITES…Make a paste of bicarbonate of soda and
water and apply to the mosquito bites for quick relief.
MOSQUITO BITES…Rub the effected area with a little water
to which you add bicarbonate of soda.
MOSQUITO BITES…Smear ammonia onto the places where
mosquitoes have bitten you for quick relief.
MOSQUITOES…To prevent mosquitoes from biting you…mix
equal quantities of dettol and baby oil and smear all exposed
body areas liberally and mosquitoes will not come near you.
MOSQUITOES…When you are having a barbeque and want to
keep mosquitoes at bay…just add some eucalyptus leaves to the
fire. The mosquitoes will keep their distance and you can enjoy
your barbeque in peace.
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South African Home Remedies
MOTION SICKNESS…Take a mouthful of a cola drink when you
feel that bilious feeling coming at the pit of your stomach.
MOTION SICKNESS…When you know you have a long trip and
are afraid of getting motion sickness…make a small bag and put 1
teaspoon of salt in the bag and tie closed. Put the bag on your
stomach and tie to keep in place.
MOUTH…If you have sores in the mouth…or gumboils…apply
Lennon’s Staaldruppels…it tastes really bad…but will help very
quickly and your mouth will be healed.
MOUTH…If you have sores in your mouth…rinse your mouth with
turmeric water.
MOUTH…Sprue…Crush aspirin to a powder and rub into the
child’s gums.
MOUTH…Sprue…Dry pomegranate peels and then grind till a fine
powder. Strain and take 1 teaspoon of the powder and add ¼
teaspoon of Rooi Poeier and mix well. Add glycerine and mix well.
Smear this mixture into the child’s gums.
MOUTH…Sprue…Mix 1 dessertspoon of glycerine and ½ a
teaspoon of borax and smear the child’s mouth 3 times a day
until all the sores in the mouth have healed.
MOUTH…Sprue…Mix 1 egg-yolk…1 teaspoon of turmeric…1
teaspoon of white tea sugar…1 teaspoon of sweet-oil and 1
teaspoon of honey. Make sure it is thoroughly mixed and give the
child 1 teaspoonful at a time to eat. Give to the child frequently
throughout the day.
MOUTH…Sprue…Mix Vaseline…pharmaceutical Sulphur and a few
drops of Haarlemensis till it forms a paste. Smear this paste into
the child’s mouth and gums.
MOUTH…Sprue…Scrape unused Reckitt’s blue till you have a
little pile of it. Wet your finger and dip into the blue scrapings
and smear the child’s mouth inside. Repeat 2 or 3 times per day.
MOUTH…Sprue…Take 1 teaspoonful Lennon’s Paregoric and add
to a little water. Wind a piece of cotton-wool round your finger
and dip into the water mixture and rub onto the child’s gums and
mouth. Then take another piece of cotton-wool and dip straight
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South African Home Remedies
into Paregoric without adding water to it. Rub the gums and
mouth with the neat Paregoric and the sores will vanish and the
child will be asking for food to eat.
MOUTH…Sprue…Take hemp and infuse it in boiling water and
wash the child’s mouth with the water.
MOUTH…Sprue…Wash some leaves from a peach tree and mash
finely. Put the fine leaves into a mug and fill the mug with hot
water and allow to infuse. Do not boil the mixture. Smear the
child’s gums and mouth with the water. Give the child some of
the water to drink.
MOUTH…Sprue…When a child is teething and develops Sprue…
take black olive leaves and put into a cup. Add boiling water and
allow to raw. Let the child rinse the mouth with the water…and
the water may be safely swallowed.
MUMPS…To cause mumps to dry away…tie the sock that you have
just taken off around your throat…while it is still warm.
MUSCULAR SPASMS…Take 2 Dolomite Tablets which available
at health stores.
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South African Home Remedies
NAILS…To prevent nails from splitting or breaking…add 1
tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda to 1 cup of hot water and
soak your nails in the solution for 15 minutes. Dry your hands
and nails well and then rub olive-oil into the nails.
NAILS…To strengthen nails soak for 4 minutes in luke-warm
mentholated spirit and then for 4 minutes in luke-warm oliveoil.
Repeat twice a day.
NAUSEA…Add ½ to 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to a little hot
water and drink.
NAUSEA…When you are feeling nauseous…add 1 tablespoon of
apple cider-vinegar to 1 cup of water and mix. Take 2 or 3
mouthfuls at frequent intervals.
NERVOUS AFFECTION…Add ½ a teaspoonful of asafoetida to
1 tablespoon of milk and drink 3 times per day…it does help
very well.
NERVOUS AFFECTION…Add 5 drops of Wit Dulcies and 5
drops of Versterkdruppels to a wineglassful of wine 3 times
per day and drink after each meal.
NERVOUS AFFECTION…Beat 1 egg-yolk very well and mix with
1 small bottle of Bovril….it will be a very thick mixture. Add
this mixture to 1 bottle of Port Wine and shake for at least 20
minutes to mix well. Take 1 wineglassful of the mixture 3 times
per day before meals.
NERVOUS AFFECTION…If you are inclined to nervousness
just eat 1 banana every day…banana’s are rich in B vitamins that
help to calm the nervous system.
NERVOUS AFFECTION…Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil into 1 cup
of warm milk and stir till properly mixed. Drink each evening at
NERVOUS AFFECTION…Pour 1 bottle of water into a saucepan
and add ½ a cup of sugar and bring to the boil…stirring to
dissolve the sugar and prevent scorching. Remove from stove
and allow to cool. Add 1 bottle of Rooi Laventel…1 bottle Balsam
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South African Home Remedies
Vita and 1 bottle Wit Dulcies to an empty bottle and then fill
the bottle with the sugar water and shake well till thoroughly
mixed. First thing in the morning and last thing at night take 1
tablespoonful of the mixture.
NERVOUS AFFECTION…Steep Thyme in boiling water and
allow to infuse as you would tea. Very good if you have a very
nervous disposition.
NERVOUS AFFECTION…Take 1 bottle of Rooi Laventel…1
bottle Versterkdruppels…1 bottle Balsam Vita…1 bottle Wit
Dulcies…8 XXX extra strong peppermints and 1 teaspoon of
salpetre and add to 1 bottle of Port Wine. First crush the
peppermints before adding. Shake the bottle well and leave to
stand until all the ingredients are dissolved and well mixed.
Shake the bottle before use. Take 1 wineglassful of the
mixture 3 times per ay after meals.
NERVOUS AFFECTION…Take 1 bottle Rooi Laventel…1 bottle
Phosphorine…1 bottle Versterkdruppels…1 small bottle Elixir of
Life…1 bottle Wonderkroon Essence…and 1 small bottle of
Bovril and add to 1 bottle of Marcela Wine. Shake very well till
mixed thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoonful of the mixture in a
little water before each meal 3 times per day.
NOSE...Bleeding nose…Take a block of Reckitt’s Blue and wet
slightly. Draw a cross on your forehead right down to the
bridge of the nose and right across the forehead.
NOSE...Stuffy nose…Add 1 dessertspoon of honey to a basin of
boiling water…cover your head with a towel and inhale the
steam deeply. It is a very effective remedy.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Add 1 level teaspoon of tartaric acid to
½ a glass of water and stir and drink quickly. The nose will then
stop bleeding.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Add 2 to 5 drops of Lennon’s
Staaldruppels to a little water…stir and drink. It tastes awful
but works quickly.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Crush 1 block of camphor and add to a ¼
bottle of brandy. Leave to draw. Shake regularly. When you
have a nose-bleed…rub some of the brandy into the palms of
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South African Home Remedies
your hands and the soles of your feet. The bleeding will stop
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Dampen some fine salt and apply to your
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Drink a ¼ cup of neat vinegar to stop
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Eat an uneven quantity of raisins…e.g. 7…
9…or more…as long as it is an uneven amount.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Hold a silver coin on your tongue and the
bleeding with cease.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…If you continually suffer from nosebleeds
put a few drops of medicinal paraffin into the nostrils
each night at bedtime.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Inhale some Rooi Poeier as you would
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Lay flat on your back with your hands
stretched above your head and chew on a piece of blotting
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Loosely tie a red band or a few pieces of
red cotton around your neck. Ladies may wear red beads
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Mix 1 tablespoon of brandy and ½
tablespoon of salt and mix till the salt has dissolved. Wet the
crown of your head and also your neck very well with this
mixture and the bleeding will stop.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Pick some stinging nettle and put onto a
piece of brown paper and put into a luke warm oven to dry out
completely. Mince the stinging nettles to a fine powder and
strain through a very fine strainer. Put the strained powder
into a little jar and seal. Take a little of the powder 3 times
per day and use as you would snuff. Repeat daily for a few
days. If your nose starts bleeding again then just repeat for a
few days. The powder will keep well if the jar is tightly sealed.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…pour ice-cold water down the person’s
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South African Home Remedies
back unexpectedly…the bleeding will stop immediately.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Put a few drops of Lennon’s
Staaldruppels in our nose…but don’t allow it to run down your
NOSE…Bleeding nose…put some brandy on a piece of cloth and
lay on the back of the patient’s neck. As soon as the cloth is
dry…repeat with another piece of cloth and brandy. Keep
repeating until the nose stops bleeding.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Rub a sixpence until it is warm…then put
it under your tongue.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Rub castor-oil into the crown of your
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Scrape some Reckitt’s Blue and add a
little vinegar to it. Apply some of the mixture to the crown of
your head and the bleeding will quickly stop.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Take 7 chili-pips 4 times per day for 3
days. This will prevent nose bleeds for a while. If your nose
starts bleeding again in 2 or 3 months…repeat the dosage and
bleeding of the nose will be something of the past.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Take a coin and press against the middle
of the forehead to stop the bleeding.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Take a cotton-bud or a small piece of
cotton-wool and wrap it round a match-stick…dip into Friar’s
Balsam and push into the nostrils to stop the bleeding.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Take a piece of brown paper and roll it
up then chew it to stop nose-bleeds.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Take a piece of cotton-wool and roll a
small ball and dip into lemon-juice and then use it to plug the
nostril. Leave until the nose has ceased bleeding.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Take a small piece of cotton-wool and dip
into Turlington and put into the nostrils.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Take equal quantities of Reckitt’s blue
and alum and crush then fry gently till it forms a fine powder.
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South African Home Remedies
Every evening take some of the powder and use as you would
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Take the tanned hide of a rock rabbit
and burn the hairs off. Take the burned hair and use as you
would snuff.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Tear a piece of brown paper just big
enough to cover your 2 front teeth below the lip…put into place
and the bleeding will stop.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Tie a piece of cloth or ribbon tightly
around your thumb when your nose is bleeding.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Use turmeric as you would snuff when
your nose is bleeding. The bleeding will stop immediately…and
this will also prevent any further nose bleeds for a long period.
NOSE…Bleeding nose…Using your thumb and forefinger close
and apply strong pressure to the nose just below the eyes. Hold
for a few minutes and then release….the bleeding should then
NOSE…Fetid nose…Sniff some running water into your nostrils.
NOSE…Fetid nose…Sniff some saltwater into your nostrils. Mix
1 teaspoon of salt into 1 glass of warm water and use to sniff.
NOSE…If your child has pushed an object like a bean up his
nostril and it has become lodged there…press on the other
nostril to close it and blow very hard into the child’s mouth.
The object should dislodge immediately.
NOSE…Stuffy nose…Chew and suck some XXX extra strong
peppermints and your nose should clear quickly.
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South African Home Remedies
ODOURS…If your dog comes inside on a rainy day…dry the dog
well and apply a little fabric softener to the hair. It will remove
the dog odour and leave the dog smelling fresh and clean.
OLD-AGE…A tea made from honey and cinnamon taken daily will
help alleviate symptoms of old age and will assist you in attaining
a ripe old age. Take 4 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of
cinnamon in 3 cups of boiling water and mix well. Drink a ¼ of a
cup 3 or 4 times per day. If you keep drinking this mixture your
skin will also be supple and fresh looking.
OSTEOPOROSIS…For people from the age of 50 upwards…it is
advisable to take at least 1 teaspoon of honey daily…it will
stimulate the intake of calcium and aid in the prevention of
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South African Home Remedies
PAIN… Grate a little unused Reckitt’s blue and add a ¼ teaspoon to
½ a glass of water. Stir and drink. It will help for the pain.
PAIN…For any pain associated with muscles…back or inflammation…
just apply warm cabbage leaves. Replace twice a day.
PAIN…For any type of pain…massage with Zambuk.
PAIN…For bad stomach pains let the patient lie flat on his back and
put a short piece of candle on his navel. Light the candle and
immediately put a glass over the candle and apply a little pressure
to the glass. The glass will suck fast…and the candle will be
extinguished. As soon as the glass releases from the stomach the
pain will be gone
PAIN…For joint or wrist pain just wet a piece of cotton-wool in
olive-oil and apply to the painful area…cover and bandage. This will
definitely help ease the pain.
PAIN…For painful muscles due to flu just mix 1 tablespoon of horseradish
in olive-oil and leave for about 30 minutes. Use as a massageoil
on the muscles…it will bring quick relief.
PAIN…For stomach-ache just add a few drops of pharmacist
turpentine to ½ a glass of very hot milk and drink. It will quickly
relieve the pain.
PAIN…If you have a stomach-ache or a stitch in your side…take a
few drops of turpentine and a few drops of paraffin…mix and add
to a little milk and drink.
PAIN…Mix 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus-oil…1 tablespoon of sweet-oil
and 1 tablespoon of brandy in a bottle. Smear this mixture onto the
painful area.
PAIN…Mix 1 teaspoon of epsom salts…1 teaspoon of magnesia and 1
teaspoon of fine ginger and add to 1 glass of water and stir till
thoroughly mixed and drink immediately. Take his mixture first
thing in the morning.
PEPTIC ULCERS…A mixture of honey and cinnamon will cure the
ulcer from the roots.
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South African Home Remedies
PEPTIC ULCERS…Add 1 tablespoon of buchu to 1 bottle of vinegar
and mix well. Put the mixture in the oven on a low heat setting and
allow to brew. Add 1 cup of raw linseed-oil to the mixture and stir
till thoroughly mixed. Pour the mixture into a bottle and seal. Shake
the bottle before each use. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture first
thing each morning.
PEPTIC ULCERS…Add 3 drops of Fryer’s balm or 3 drops of
Staaldruppels to 1 teaspoon of sugar and eat. The mixture will seal
the stomach lining and stop the pain within 10 to 20 seconds.
PEPTIC ULCERS…Bleeding ulcers…Take 30 violet leaves…the type
that grows in your garden…not African Violets…and boil in 1 pint of
water for 30 minutes. Strain and allow to cool. Keep the liquid in the
refrigerator and drink 2 tablespoons first thing each morning.
PEPTIC ULCERS…Eat a few spoons of honey first thing in the
PEPTIC ULCERS…If you suffer from ulcers it is advisable to eat
soft-textured bananas as they are the only fruit that may be safely
eaten as they will not irritate the stomach-lining and will also
regulate the acid in the stomach while it forms a protective barrier
in the stomach that will prevent further irritations.
PEPTIC ULCERS…Mix 250g of honey with 1 tin of Zambuk and take
1 teaspoonful of the mixture 3 times per day before meals.
PEPTIC ULCERS…Mix together 1 tin of condense milk…1 bottle
Sulphur balm and 1 bottle of Copaiva balm. Make sure it is properly
mixed and take 1 teaspoonful of the mixture 3 times per day.
PEPTIC ULCERS…Purchase 7 of the smallest tins of Zambuk and
divide each tin into 4 so that you have 28 sections. You MUST use
this for 28 days. First thing each morning swallow one of the ¼
sections. Roll the section into a small ball and swallow with water.
The Zambuk will smear the stomach lining and protect it against any
irritations and at the same time it will soothe and heal the ulcers.
This is an excellent remedy and is known to work.
PEPTIC ULCERS…Take 1 tablespoon of olive-oil about 10 minutes
before meals to prevent the food from irritating the ulcers.
PHLEGM…Phlegm on the chest and in the throat…take 1 teaspoon of
sugar…1/2 a teaspoon bicarbonate of soda and mix well. Eat it dry…
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or drink ½ a glass of water afterwards to swallow.
PHLEGM…Phlegm on the chest…eat 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with
a dash of bicarbonate of soda…3 times per day.
PIMPLES…Apply a little toothpaste to the pimples at bedtime. The
toothpaste will dry the pimples overnight and in the morning they
will be ripe and yellow and may be cleaned with pure pharmaceutical
alcohol. If you have no alcohol…use whiskey. Do not squeeze the
pimples as it will leave unsightly marks on the skin.
PIMPLES…Apply fresh lemon juice to the pimples.
PIMPLES…Mix 1 tablespoon f cream of tartar and 2 tablespoons of
Epsom salts and then add the mixture to a large bottle of water
and shake well till dissolved. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture first
thing every morning.
PIMPLES…Take some bicarbonate of soda and mix with a little
water to form a paste. Apply the paste to the pimples.
PIN…If a child has swallowed a pin…give the child only potatoes to
eat…nothing else…until the pin has been passed. Do not give the
child a purgative.
PLAGUE…Mix 2 tablespoons of honey…2 tablespoons of vinegar and
2 tablespoons of rue and drink.
PLAGUE…Slice a couple of large white onions and pack the slices
under the bed.
POISON…Add 1 teaspoon of mustard powder to 1 glass of boiling
water…stir and give to the patient to drink. They must drink it as
hot as possible. Repeat until all the poison it out of their system.
POISON…Add 1 teaspoon of mustard to 1 glass of very hot water…
stir and drink. It will cause you to vomit and the poison will come
out…repeat until there is no more poison coming out.
POISON…If someone has accidentally swallowed caustic soda…you
must quickly mix 3 tablespoons of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of
coconut-oil and give it to them to drink. Repeat until they have
brought up all the caustic soda.
POISON…If someone has been poisoned just mix together 1 cup of
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milk…1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and ½ a cup of vinegar.
Shake in a bottle and give to the patient to drink until they throw
up. Once they have thrown up…repeat the dosage to make sure that
no poison is left in the system.
POISON…If someone is suffering from food-poisoning…e.g. from
eating mussels or fish…give them a strong mixture of vinegar and
lemon juice to drink. Brew mint in boiling water and then give it to
the person to drink.
POISON…Pick wild hemp and pour boiling water to cover and boil on
the stove till it is strongly brewed. Give to the patient to drink.
POLIOMYELITIS…Crush and stamp rue and put into a jar. Cover
with brandy and allow to infuse. Put some of the mixture on the
pulses. Take a piece of cloth long enough to reach from the
patient’s neck right down the back to the coccyx and smear it well
with castor-oil. Apply the cloth to the patient and cover with
another cloth to protect the bedding. Give the brandy and rue
mixture to the patient to drink. It will break the fever.
POLIOMYELITIS…Remove the marrow from a marrow-bone and put
it into a glass jar. Add 1 dessertspoonful of fine table salt to the
marrow and pour brandy over the mixture to completely cover it.
Shake to mix. Smear the patient all over with the mixture…it will
break the fever. Using the mixture…massage the paralyzed areas
every day and you will be surprised at the results.
POLIOMYELITIS…Soak 2 pieces of cloths in brandy and then put 1
cloth around the child’s head and the other between the shoulderblades.
As soon as the cloths dry…dip them in brandy again and
apply. Repeat until the fever breaks.
PREGNANCY…If you are battling to fall pregnant just cut out all
starch from your diet. This has worked for many women who cut out
starch to lose weight and then fall pregnant after battling to
PROSTATE…Bake an ostrich egg until golden brown…then crush it
till it resembles fine powder. Put into a dish and pour boiling water
over the powder and allow to infuse. Drink some of the water 2 or 3
times per day.
PROSTATE…Add 1 tablespoon of Stockholm tar to 1 tin of golden
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syrup and mix well. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture twice a day…
mornings and evenings.
PROSTATE…Crush and roll 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts till it is a
fine powder and add to 1 bottle of Rooi Poeier and mix well. Take a
¼ teaspoon of the mixture dry on the tongue and swallow it down
with a little water.
PROSTATE…Pour boiling water into a bottle and add 1 teaspoon
salpetre…1 teaspoon alum and 2 tablespoons of honey and shake till
thoroughly mixed. Take a wineglassful of the mixture 3 times per
day. Always shake the bottle before use.
PSORIASIS…For psoriasis of the scalp…put 1 bottle of glycerine
into a jar…fill the same bottle with mentholated spirits and add to
the glycerine…then the same bottle with fresh…cold milk. Shake till
thoroughly mixed and apply to the scalp each evening. Keep the
mixture on the scalp all night and then next morning shampoo with a
good shampoo for greasy hair. This remedy is very good and will
help when the scalp is badly infected.
PUERPERAL FEVER…(Due to childbirth)…Mix together 6
tablespoons of turpentine…6 egg-yolks and 6 tablespoons of vinegar.
Take a new piece of flannel and soak in boiling water. Wring the
cloth out and smear some of the mixture liberally onto the cloth.
Apply the cloth to the painful area…as hot as the patient can
tolerate it.
PUERPERAL FEVER…(Due to childbirth)…Take a wineglass and add 1
tablespoon of brandy…1 tablespoon of boiling water and a little salt
and stir until the salt has dissolved. Drink this mixture as hot as
possible. Repeat if required.
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RHEUMATIC FEVER...Fold a couple of sheets double and put
under the patient. Rub the back and legs every morning and
evening with dry flowers of Sulphur and keep the patient in
the bed and keep him very warm….make sure that all drafts
are avoided.
RHEUMATIC FEVER…Add 1 level tablespoon of aloe and 1
level tablespoon of flowers of Sulphur to 1 bottle of gin and
shake till thoroughly mixed. Drink a little of the mixture
each day until the bottle is empty.
RHEUMATIC FEVER…Dig a hole in the ground…as deep and
long as the patient so that he may comfortably lie in the
hole as though it is a bath. Preferably the hole should be dug
in an outbuilding to avoid any drafts. Make a fire…using only
wood and when the embers are glowing…throw them into the
hole. Leave the embers in the hole until the ground is very
hot….them remove the embers and add finely chopped mint
and wormwood that has been thoroughly mixed with wet
horse manure into the hole…till it is about 6 inches deep.
Allow the patient to lie on this mixture and cover him well
with a blanket so that he may freely perspire. The patient
must remain in the hole until it has cooled completely. Now
put the patient into bed and cover well with blankets.
RHEUMATIC FEVER…Eat plenty of lemons to free the joints.
RHEUMATIC FEVER…Cook 3 cups of barley in water until it
is very soft. Strain through a piece of cloth and bottle.
Drink ½ a cup of the liquid 3 times a day.
RHEUMATIC FEVER…Put a 4 gallon drum on the fire and ½
fill with eucalyptus leaves. Fill the drum further with water
and allow to cook on the fire. Take the drum and pour the
contents…leaves and water…into a bath. The patient must lie
in the bath while the water is as hot as possible.
RHEUMATISM…1 Cup paraffin…2 tablespoons fine salt…2
tablespoons pharmacist’s turpentine and 2 cakes of camphor.
Crush the camphor and salts together until very fine so that
is resembles powder. Mix all the ingredients together and
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put into a jar or bottle. Shake well to mix. Apply with a piece
of cotton-wool….apply gently…do not rub hard.
RHEUMATISM…1 Pint petrol…2 tablespoons paraffin and 1
tin dry camphor. Mix all ingredients and shake well. Allow
the camphor to dissolve…. shaking well every now and then.
Use this mixture to rub into the painful areas….remembering
to always shake the bottle well before using.
RHEUMATISM…Add 1 dessertspoonful of honey and the
juice of a slice of lemon to a glassful of lukewarm water and
drink each first thing each morning.
RHEUMATISM…Add 1 lb of eucalyptus leaves to 3 bottles
of boiling water and simmer till the water is reduced to fill
just 1 bottle. Strain and drink 1 tablespoon of the water to
which you add 15 drops of pain killer first thing each
morning. Perry Davis is a good painkiller.
RHEUMATISM…Add 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts and the
juice of 6 lemons…green or ripe…to 1 bottle of boiling water.
Shake to mix before using. Drink a wineglassful of the
mixture first thing each morning.
RHEUMATISM…Add 1 tablespoon of Pharmacist lime to 1
bottle of boiling water and shake well. Strain and add small
amount of pain killer and shake till dissolved. Drink 1
tablespoonful of the mixture 3 times per day.
RHEUMATISM…Add 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to 1
cup of boiling water and leave to cool. Sip from the water
throughout the day…from the top of the cup…not the dregs.
RHEUMATISM…Add 2 handfuls of willow leaves to 4 glasses
of water and boil till the water has reduce to fill 3 glasses.
Strain through a clean piece of linen and drink 1 wineglassful
of the water after each meal. Keep using for a couple of
months for effective and lasting relief.
RHEUMATISM…Allow a couple of bees to sting you on the
painful areas and the rheumatism will disappear.
RHEUMATISM…Apply Eucalyptus-oil to the painful areas to
relieve pain. The oil is available from Pharmacies.
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RHEUMATISM…At bedtime mix 1 egg-yolk and 1 tablespoon
of vinegar and apply to the painful areas. The mixture will be
absorbed by the skin.
RHEUMATISM…Boil together 4 tablespoons of honey and
the juice of 3 lemons till it forms thick syrup. Leave to cool
and add 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts…1 tablespoons of cream
of tartar…1 dessertspoon of salpetre and 1 bottle of wit
Dulcies. Mix well and bottle. Take 1 tablespoon of the
mixture 3 times per day after meals.
RHEUMATISM…Bruise 9 cloves of garlic and add to 1 bottle
of brandy. Shake well and leave to infuse for 8 days…but
shake the bottle a couple of times each day. Take 1
tablespoonful in a wineglass of water 3 times per day.
RHEUMATISM…Bruise and crush cloves of garlic…enough to
½ fill a beer bottle…then add paraffin to fill the bottle and
shake well. Leave to infuse and rub the oil onto the painful
RHEUMATISM…Chop nettle branches into small pieces and
add to a pot of boiling water. Boil and allow to cool. Strain
through a clean piece of linen. Drink ½ a glassful of the
water 3 times per day.
RHEUMATISM…Crush 12 aspirins till fine and powdery and
add to 1 bottle of spirits and shake well. Add 1 bottle of
Jamaica ginger and shake well again until the aspirins are
completely dissolved. Apply whenever the pains are troubling.
RHEUMATISM…Crush 12 cloves of garlic and add to 1 bottle
of gin…shake well and leave to infuse for 24 hours. Take 1
tablespoonful 3 times per day. If the mixture is too strong…
add a little water to dilute slightly.
RHEUMATISM…Crush 4 blocks of camphor to a fine powder
and add to 1 bottle of white spirits. Shake well. Do not use
until the camphor is completely melted…shaking the bottle
now and then at regular intervals. Pour some of the mixture
into your hand and apply liberally to the painful areas…
massage well.
RHEUMATISM…Crush and roll 1 block of camphor and 1
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small tin of asafoetida until fine like powder. Add 1 cup of
lard and mix well. Put into an airtight container. Apply to the
painful areas for speedy relief.
RHEUMATISM…Crush and roll 2 blocks of camphor until a
powder and put into a glass dish together with 1 cup of
vinegar…1 egg…1 tablespoon of turpentine and 2
dessertspoons of cream. Mix well and bottle. Rub into the
painful areas to relieve the pain.
RHEUMATISM…Cut 2 chili’s open and put into ½ a bottle of
paraffin and leave in the sun for a week. Apply every
morning and evening to the effected painful areas.
RHEUMATISM…Cut 8 lemons into pieces…do not peel. Boil in
2 bottles of water until the liquid is reduced by ½. Leave to
cool and add 1 tablespoon of flowers of Sulphur and 1
tablespoon of Epsom salts. Mix well and strain, Take 1
tablespoon of the liquid first thing each morning.
RHEUMATISM…Drink 1 tablespoon of liquid paraffin 3
times per day.
RHEUMATISM…Eat 1 lemon first thing in the morning on
the first day….on the 2nd day eat 2 lemons first thing….then
3…increasing each day by 1 lemon…until you reach 20 lemons.
Then you reverse the process…each day eat 1 less lemon
until you are back on 1 lemon. The rheumatism will be a thing
of the past.
RHEUMATISM…Eat 1 teaspoon of molasses each night
followed by 1 glass of water.
RHEUMATISM…Eat raw celery every day.
RHEUMATISM…Fill a bottle with boiling water and leave to
cool. Add 2 tablespoons Epsom salts and 1 tablespoon cream
of tartar to the bottle and shake well to mix. Drink 2
tablespoons of the mixture first thing each morning…
without adding water or drinking any water afterwards for
at least ½ an hour. This will work the rheumatism out of the
RHEUMATISM…Fill your bath with water and add 1
tablespoon of Epsom salts to the bathwater. You must lay in
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the water for at least ½ an hour….preferably longer so that
the Epsom salts can be more effective. For 1 month you
must bath each evening with Epsom salts in your bathwater.
RHEUMATISM…First thing each morning put a small
measure of Epsom salts directly on your tong.
RHEUMATISM…For 1 month you must drink no tea or
coffee…only water. First thing in the morning drink a glass
of hot water…wait 15 minutes and then add 1 teaspoon of
Epsom salts to 1 glass of cold water and drink. Throughout
the day water only must be drunk…up to 10 or 12 pints…even
if you aren’t thirsty…keep drinking water. If you find the
Epsom salts works too much…you may reduce the quantity
taken. The pain will soon be relieved.
RHEUMATISM…For 1 week…add 2 aspirins and 1 teaspoon of
bicarbonate of soda to a little water…stir and drink. The
second week take 1 aspirin and ½ a teaspoon of bicarbonate
of soda. If…after the two weeks you still feel pain…repeat
the procedure.
RHEUMATISM…Haarlemensis is a wonderful remedy for
rheumatism. Drink 12 drops in a little milk each night at
bedtime until you have used up at least 3 bottles. The
rheumatism will be something in the past.
RHEUMATISM…Infuse parsley in boiling water and drink a
glassful first thing in the morning.
RHEUMATISM…Melt candle wax and add enough paraffin to
form a soft lotion. Rub this mixture into the effected areas
each night to bring fast relief from the pains of rheumatism.
RHEUMATISM…Mix 1 packet of flowers of Sulphur and 1
pound of golden syrup until well mixed. Eat 1 teaspoonful of
the mixture at bedtime. First thing in the morning take 1
level teaspoon of Epsom salts.
RHEUMATISM…Mix 3 parts of flowers of Sulphur to 1 part
cream of tartar. First thing each morning take ½ a teaspoon
of the mixture dry on the tongue. Wait 15 minutes then have
a cup of coffee. Repeat each morning for 3 months. After a
month the pain should be gone…but you may repeat the
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dosage if you feel any pain.
RHEUMATISM…Mix finely crushed garlic with honey and
apply to the painful areas.
RHEUMATISM…Mix together 1 tablespoon of vinegar…6
tablespoons of turpentine and the yolk of 1 egg. When
thoroughly mixed…pour into a jar with a screw-type lid and
shake again. Apply the mixture to the painful areas when
needed…but always remember to shake the jar before use.
RHEUMATISM…Mix together in a glass dish…1 cup of
vinegar…1 egg…1 tablespoon of turpentine…1 finely crushed
block of camphor and 2 egg yolks. When thoroughly mixed
pour into a wide-necked jar and seal. Shake well and then
leave in the sun for 1 day to infuse. This is an excellent
remedy and should be applied liberally to the painful areas
and rubbed in very well.
RHEUMATISM…Pound enough wild aloe to ½ fill a bottle….
and add enough paraffin to fill the bottle…shake well. Leave
the bottle in the sun for 3 days. Apply some of the oil gently
to the painful areas…using a piece of cotton-wool. Do not rub
hard. This mixture will bring speedy relief.
RHEUMATISM…Put 1 iguana on a piece of sheet iron in the
sun so that the sun will fry all the fat from the iguana. Apply
the fat painful areas….then wrap strips of the iguana hide
around the arms or legs where the pain is worst.
RHEUMATISM…Rub a little Jamaica ginger onto the painful
areas to relieve the pain.
RHEUMATISM…Rub the effected areas with dry flowers of
RHEUMATISM…Steep loquat leaves in boiling water. Strain
and drink 1 cupful of the water 3 times per day.
RHEUMATISM…Take 3 small…young potatoes and put them
into your pocket and leave there so that you carry them
around with you wherever you go. If you lose them…don’t go
looking for them…then the rheumatism will disappear.
RHEUMATISM…Take a piece of magnet or metal and put
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onto the painful areas at bedtime….wrap or bandage to keep
in place.
RHEUMATISM…Take about ½ a teaspoon of aloe and add to
1 bottle of gin and shake well. Drink a wineglassful of the
mixture after each meal. It is a strong mixture so only sip…
but do not add water.
RHEUMATISM…To aid in the prevention of rheumatism…mix
honey and apple cider vinegar in equal quantities and take
regularly each day.
RHEUMATISM…Warm some cabbage leaves and apply to the
painful areas…replace with warmed leaves until the pain is
RHEUMATISM…Wear a copper bracelet and apply cabbage
leaves to the effected areas.
RHEUMATISM…Wear a copper bracelet.
RIGORS…Drink hot sugar-water and put a bucket or basin of
cold water under your bed.
RIGORS…Pick a handful of wildwood leaves and a handful of
soft…young eucalyptus leaves and put into a bowl. Cover with
boiling water and allow to steep. Give the patient a cupful of
the brewed mixture to drink and cover with blankets to
encourage the patient to perspire. The fever will be quickly
RIGORS…Sit behind the patient and blow between the
shoulder blades with your warm breath until the fever has
RIGORS…Take 7 tops of wormwood and brew in boiling
water. Take ½ a cup of the water and add 1 teaspoon of
Jamaica Ginger…stir and drink….and at the same time steam
over a dish of wormwood in boiling water.
RIGORS…Take wormwood and rue and cover with boiling
water and allow to steep as you would tea. Strain and add 1
tablespoon of fine ginger…stir till well mixed. Drink.
RIGORS…Warm fine table-salt and apply to the hollow at
the base of your throat.
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RINGWORM...Mix coconut-oil and Flowers of Sulphur and
smear onto the ringworm and cover with a cloth or cottonwool
and plaster.
RINGWORM…Mince a ½ a teaspoon of vitriol till it
resembles powder and then mix with fresh cream and smear
around the ringworm 3 or 4 times per day. It will remove the
ringworm completely.
RINGWORM…Mix lard and Flowers of Sulphur and apply to
the ringworm.
RINGWORM…Pick 1 bitter apple and cut in ½ and smear the
RINGWORM…Slightly dampen 1 XXX extra-strong
peppermint and put onto the ringworm and apply plaster to
keep in place. As soon as a hole appears in the peppermint…
replace with another peppermint. Keep repeating until the
ringworm has disappeared.
RINGWORM…Take equal quantities of bees-wax and
unmelted goat kidney-lard and fry together in a saucepan.
Apply small quantities to the ringworm
RINGWORM…Take equal quantities of honey and cinnamon
and smear it onto the ringworm morning and evening. If you
use it regularly for 2 weeks…all signs of the ringworm will
RINGWORM…To stop the itching caused by ringworm or
chicken-pox…rub ash from a wood fire onto the effected
areas. The itchiness will be relieved.
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SAND-WORM…Allow a bee to sting you where the sand-worm is.
SAND-WORM…Apply camphor-oil a couple of times and the
sandworm will disappear.
SAND-WORM…Apply dip to the area every now and then and the
sandworm will vanish.
SAND-WORM…Bitter apples or apple of Sodom (solanum
sodomaeum) can be used.
SAND-WORM…If you have a sand-worm you will see a red strip
where the worm is crawling. Go to the end of the stripe and
scratch the place open…the worm’s head is there. Apply Calaminewater
tot the area at short intervals and the worm will die and
you can remove it safely.
SAND-WORM…Make a hole where the head of the sand-worm is
and drop in a little lemon juice. The worm will die and may then be
removed with the needle.
SAND-WORM…Mix a little boiled milk and paraffin and apply to
the area…within a couple of days the sandworm will die and may be
SAND-WORM…Smear grease on a cloth and apply to the effected
SAND-WORM…When you have scratched the area where the
sand-worm is raw…just apply pipe-oil to the area.
SCARLET FEVER…Pick bark from an oak tree and steep in boiling
water and drink as a tea.
SCORPION STING…Crush a XXX peppermint finely and apply to
the sting and cover and leave…it will draw the poison and ease the
SCORPION STING…If you are stung by a scorpion and are able
to catch it…remove the sting and cut a small slit in it’s stomach.
Hold the cut against the sting and it will draw the poison from the
sting and the burning will be eased. If you are unable to catch the
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scorpion take pharmaceutical turpentine and either apply to the
sting…or soak the effected area in the paraffin.
SCORPION STING…Take a piece of cotton-wool and soak in
mentholated spirits and hold against the sting. As soon as the
cotton-wool has dried …replace with another piece soaked in
mentholated spirits. Repeat until all the poison has been drawn out.
SHAVING RASH…Add bicarbonate of soda to a dish of water and
hold against the skin as hot as is bearable.
SHAVING RASH…Avoid all contact with water while you have the
rash…just cut your beard with a pair of scissors if needed. Apply
wine or spirits undiluted to the skin and then sprinkle with baby
SHINGLES…Mix brandy and olive-oil and rub into the shingles.
SHINGLES…Mix equal quantities of fresh milk…glycerine and
mentholated spirits and smear well into the shingles.
SINUSITIS...Add a ¼ cup of vinegar to boiling water and steam…
it will open the sinuses.
SINUSITIS...Fry a piece of camphor in a pan until it is just a ball
of foam. Leave to cool and grind till powder and use as you would
SINUSITIS...Mix 1 teaspoon of icing-sugar…1 teaspoon of
bicarbonate of soda and 1 teaspoon of borax together and use as
SINUSITIS...Put a few drops of pharmaceutical paraffin into
each nostril at bedtime. It will quickly bring relief…but you must
use it regularly.
SINUSITIS...Slice raw onion into rings and chew a handful for a
few minutes. Do not swallow when you have chewed the onion
rings. Your mouth will burn a little but you will be surprised how
quickly the sinus will be loosened. Repeat 3 times per day.
SKIN…For a beautiful complexion take 1 oz of spermaceti…1 oz of
white wax…1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide…1/4 bottle of
pharmaceutical paraffin and a little burgmont-oil or vitamin E oil
to make an excellent face cream. First melt the wax and
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spermaceti over a very low heat setting and once melted remove
from the stove. Continue stirring and add the paraffin and then
the hydrogen peroxide and lastly the oil. You have to keep stirring
as you add each ingredient. Leave to cool…and you have a better
face cream than any you may buy anywhere.
SKIN…For a beautiful complexion you must go out early in the
morning and wash your face with dew.
SKIN…For a beautiful complexion…after washing your face
morning and evening…take 1 teaspoon of cow’s milk and rub into
your face. After 1 month you will decide never to use anything
SKIN…For a beautiful complexion…make a face mask using 1 well
beaten egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Spread over your
face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse you face with luke warm
water. Use this mask once a week to keep wrinkles away and to
keep your skin soft and smooth.
SKIN…For a dry skin…Mix 15 ml rose water and 30 ml glycerine
and apply to your face and neck at night…or even during the day
as you go about your chores. It is a little sticky and may not find
favour with all the ladies. Rinse your face with luke warm water
and pat dry.
SKIN…For blotches or scars…infuse leaves from a yellow peach
tree in boiling water and use the liquid to wash your face regularly.
SKIN…For blotches or scars…Take 1 cup of sweet oil and warm
and then grate 1 nutmeg into the oil. Stir continuously while you
bring it to boiling point on a low heat setting. Remove from stove
and allow to cool. Pour into a jar. Dip a piece of cloth into Epsom
salts water and wash your face and then spread some of the
cream onto your face.
SKIN…If you have problem skin…mix honey and cinnamon in equal
quantities and apply to the effected areas every evening at
SKIN…If your skin is tender after shaving…mix 1 tablespoons of
mentholated spirits and 3 tablespoons of cow’s milk. Shake well to
mix and use as an after-shave lotion.
SKIN…Mix 2 tablespoons of honey…2 tablespoons of either
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almond oil or olive oil…5 drops of rose oil and 1 drop of vitamin E
oil. Mix well and spread onto your face and neck. Go and lie down
and relax for 15 minutes. Wash your face with luke warm water.
Your skin will quickly look younger and feel fresh.
SKIN…Oil mask for your face….2 tablespoons of olive oil…1
teaspoon castor oil…1 teaspoon almond oil...and ½ a teaspoon of
glycerine. Mix all the oil together and heat slightly. Rub into your
face and cover with cling-wrap. Keep on for 15 minutes while you
relax. It is a lovely mask and can also be applied to your hair. The
ladies should really try this.
SMOKING…When you quit smoking…eat a banana every 2 hours.
Banana’s are rich in B6 and B12 vitamins and also contain calcium
and magnesium which will help deal with and alleviate the nicotine
withdrawal symptoms.
SNAKE BITE…Cut a little cross on the bite and suck the poison
out…but make sure that you have no cuts or sores in your mouth
or hands…otherwise you will get some of the poison too.
SNAKE BITE…Drink as much vinegar as you can until you throw up.
SNAKE BITE…Drink brandy immediately…and often until you
throw up.
SNAKE BITE…Drink Camphor-brandy or plain brandy when you
have been bitten by a snake.
SNAKE BITE…Drink water to which you added Reckitt’s Blue to
thin the blood until help arrives. You can also put some of the
water onto the bite
SNAKE BITE…Drop turpentine onto the wound and keep dropping
it on until it stops cooking on the wound.
SNAKE BITE…Make a small incision where the snake has bitten
you so that it bleeds. Apply a little white emetic to the wound and
also give the patient a little to drink.
SNAKE BITE…Mix ash from a stove and water to a paste and then
cut 3 small cuts into the wound…about ½ an inch long. Apply the
ash mixture thickly.
SNAKE BITE…Mix milk and sweet-oil and drink.
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SNAKE BITE…Put a dash of pepper into a wineglassful of brandy
and drink.
SNAKE BITE…Rub a little caustic soda on the bite.
SNAKE BITE…Soak a piece of cotton-wool in mentholated spirits
and apply to the bite…replace each time the cotton-wool becomes
SNAKE BITE…Take a live fowl and cut a small cut into its chest…
hold the cut against the bite mark. When the fowl dies…use
another one…keep this up until the fowls no longer die…about 8 or
9 should do. Drink as much sweet milk as possible.
SNAKE BITE…Take a sharp knife and cut a small cross on the bite
so that it bleeds. Put paraffin in a tin and hold the bite in the
paraffin until the paraffin turns first yellow…then dark brown and
large drops resembling fat drift on the paraffin.
SNAKE BITE…Take a small live coal and put on the bite and
replace with another until the fire doesn’t go out anymore.
SNAKE BITE…When you have been bitten by a snake drink alum
immediately…it works quickly.
SNORING…Put a few drops of olive-oil in each nostril at night.
SORE THROAT…Add 1 tablespoon of Worcesterhire Sauce to 2
tablespoons of luke warm water and mix. Gargle with this mixture
3 or 4 times per day and within hours your sore throat will be
SORE THROAT…Add 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of
bicarbonate of soda in 1 bottle of boiling water and shake well to
mix. Leave to cool and shake again. Gargle with this mixture when
you are suffering from a sore throat.
SORE THROAT…Add 2 drops of dettol to a little water and
gargle to relieve a sore throat.
SORE THROAT…Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and ½ a teaspoon
of salt to ½ a glass of luke warm water and stir well to mix…and
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SORE THROAT…Add 4 drops of TCP to 1 teaspoon of sugar and
leave to melt slowly in your mouth.
SORE THROAT…Add 8 crushed cloves of garlic to ½ a bottle of
gin and shake well. Leave to infuse for a couple of days. Add 1
tablespoon of the mixture to ½ a glass of luke warm water and
gargle 3 to 4 times per day.
SORE THROAT…Add a handful of sage leaves to ¾ pint of boiling
vinegar. Leave to cool and strain. Gargle frequently with this
SORE THROAT…Add a pinch of permanganate of potash to a glass
of luke warm water so that the water is a pale purple colour.
Gargle with this mixture 3 times per day.
SORE THROAT…Add salt and vinegar to warm water and gargle.
SORE THROAT…Add salt to warm water and gargle.
SORE THROAT…Bake a prickly pear leaf in the oven and cut open.
Put with the open side onto the patients throat…as hot as is
SORE THROAT…Crush a couple of garlic cloves and put into a
little vinegar and leave to steep. Gargle with this vinegar 3 or 4
times per day.
SORE THROAT…Crush peppercorns till fine and put into a fruit
jar. Fill the jar with vinegar and shake well. Leave for 24 hours
and then gargle with the vinegar.
SORE THROAT…Cut a pineapple with skin and all into little pieces.
Cook until soft and then strain. Use the water to gargle.
SORE THROAT…Cut pomegranate peels into pieces and boil until
the water turns a pale green. Leave to cool…strain and use to
SORE THROAT…Dissolve 2 dispirin tablets in water and gargle.
SORE THROAT…Extract the juice from an orange and mix with a
little warm water and drink each time your throat feels sore. It
will ripen the sore in your throat and open it and then you will get
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SORE THROAT…Gargle with bicarbonate of soda water.
SORE THROAT…Gargle with luke-warm saline water.
SORE THROAT…Girls need to pierce their ears and wear small
round golden earrings and they will never have sore throats.
SORE THROAT…Grate 1 pineapple and express all the juice. Add
2 tablespoons of castor-oil and 1 teaspoon of Rooi Poeier to the
juice and beat thoroughly to mix. Add 1 tablespoon of the mixture
to 2 tablespoons of luke warm water and gargle 3 or 4 times per
day. You may safely swallow some of the mixture and it is also
suitable for use by children.
SORE THROAT…Mix ½ a cup of vinegar and ½ a cup of water.
Take a hot coal from the fire and put into the vinegar water and
immediately cover with a saucer. As soon as the coal has cooled
down…remove it and gargle with the water.
SORE THROAT…Mix 1 teaspoon Flowers of Sulphur and 1
teaspoon sugar. Put a little of the mixture dry on the tongue.
Repeat at short intervals.
SORE THROAT…Mix equal quantities of sugar…alum…bicarbonate
of soda and turmeric. Put a ¼ teaspoonful of the mixture on your
tongue 3 or 4 times per day.
SORE THROAT…Mix lard and camphor and spread onto a piece of
flannel and apply to the throat.
SORE THROAT…Mix the slightly beaten white of 1 egg…glycerine
and the juice of 1 lemon and take regularly. It will cool the throat
and vocal cords.
SORE THROAT…Mix the yolk of 1 egg and 2 teaspoons of honey
and put a little on your tongue every now and then.
SORE THROAT…Mix the yolk of 1 egg with salt and smear on a
piece of flannel and apply to the sore throat.
SORE THROAT…Mix together 4 tablespoons of vinegar…1
tablespoon of Spirits of Sulphur…3 tablespoons of honey and 3
drops of eucalyptus-oil. Gargle with this mixture 3 to 4 times per
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SORE THROAT…Soak a small hand towel in ice water and wrap
around your neck. Wrap a dry towel around the wet one to prevent
your clothes from getting wet. Repeat every 15 minutes.
SORE THROAT…Take ½ a teaspoon of each of the following…Rooi
Poeier… white tea sugar…alum…salpetre…curry and bicarbonate of
soda and mix thoroughly. Make sure that it is well mixed and put a
little of the mixture on your tongue every now and then.
SORE THROAT…Take bark from a thorn tree and grind well. Cook
the crushed bark and use the water to gargle.
SORE THROAT…Tie onion rings around your neck with a piece of
flannel or unbleached calico.
SORE THROAT…When you are troubled by a sore throat…just cut
a raw onion into rings and put between 2 pieces of flannel cloth
and tie around your neck.
SORE THROAT…When you remove your sock put the warm sole
against your throat and wrap the rest of the sock around your
SPIDER BITES…Add 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda to a
glass of water and stir and drink. Make a paste of bicarbonate of
soda and Reckitt’s Blue and a few drops of water…and apply
thickly to the bite. Replace each time it dries…until all the poison
has been withdrawn. This is an excellent remedy and may save
your life.
SPIDER BITES…Apply pipe-oil immediately...it will kill the poison.
SPLINTERS…Catch flies and put into a piece of cloth and crush
them and then apply to the area with the splinter and wrap to
keep in place. After a few days the area will fester and the
splinter will be easily removed.
SPLINTERS…Chew a piece of whole grain bread and apply it to
the area where you have a splinter. Bandage to hold in place and
wait a day or two…the splinter will draw itself out.
SPLINTERS…Grind the dried gall of a pig and form a paste using a
little water. Apply thickly to the splinter and keep in place with a
plaster. Leave in place for a couple of days…and then the splinter
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may be safely removed.
SPLINTERS…If you have a splinter under a nail…take white
membrane from a chicken egg and put onto the area. Repeat 3 or
4 times per day and the area will start to fester and the splinter
may be removed with your nails or a small pair of pliers.
SPLINTERS…Put ice on the area where you have a splinter and
then you will be able to remove it without pain.
SPLINTERS…Scrape some sunlight soap and add a little sugar…
wet with saliva and mix to a paste. Apply to the splinter and keep
in place with plaster…after a couple of days you may remove the
plaster and the splinter will be easily removed.
SPLINTERS…To easily remove splinter apply a drop of glue to the
splinter and leave to dry. When the glue has dried…pull it off and
the splinter will be removed with the glue.
SPLINTERS…To get relief from the pain when you have a splinter
in your finger or under the finger nail…take a whole lemon and put
it in the hot ash of the fire or in the oven…and leave till hot.
Make a hole in the hot lemon and push your finger into it…as hot
as possible. Repeat frequently until the pain is relieved.
SPRAINS…Add a large handful of coarse salt to a large bucket of
cold water and stir to mix. Soak your arm or ankle in the water
for at least ½ an hour. Soak a piece of old flannel in the water and
wrap around the sprained ligament. Replace as soon as it dries.
Soak the effected arm or ankle at least 3 times per day.
SPRAINS…For sprains and strains mix equal quantities of water
and vinegar and warm. Apply to the effected area as hot as is
SPRAINS…If you have slipped and sprained your hip or other
areas of your body…add a tin of asafoetida to ½ a bottle of buchu
vinegar and leave to infuse for 1 hour. Rub the sprained area with
some of the mixture.
SPRAINS…If you have sprained your ankle rub with buchu vinegar.
SPRAINS…Mix 3 tablespoons of turpentine…3 tablespoons of
vinegar and the yolk of 1 egg in a bottle. Shake well to mix…until
the mixture turns white. Rub into the sprained area.
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SPRAINS…Mix fresh cattle manure and vinegar and apply to the
sprained area and bandage to keep in place.
SPRAINS…Pick 12 long eucalyptus leaves and put into a bottle. Fill
the bottle with vinegar and leave to infuse for a few days. Smear
the effected area with this mixture. Use only the liquid…not the
SPRAINS…Put a handful of buchu leaves into ½ a bottle of vinegar
and shake well. Leave to infuse for 1 day. Pour some of the liquid
onto a piece of flannel cloth and wrap around the sprained area.
The bruise will fade and the swelling will go down.
SPRAINS…Take 1 cake of camphor and crush and dissolve in 1 cup
of turpentine. Beat 2 egg yolks and 1 cup of vinegar. Put the 2
mixtures into a clean bottle and shake well till thoroughly mixed.
Apply this mixture 3 or 4 times per day to the effected area…
remember to shake the bottle before each use.
SPRAINS…Use vinegar to rub into the sprained area.
SPRAINS…Warm a Gifbol (Buphane disticha) and remove the
outer leaves. Take some of the inner leaves and pour some castoroil
over it and apply to the sprained area and wrap with a piece of
red flannel cloth.
SPRAINS…Wrap the effected area in black satin or black ribbon
and it will ease the sprain
STIFFNESS…For stiffness in the neck or joints…rub well with
camphor-oil and keep warm.
STIFFNESS…For stiffness in the neck or joints…Rub with
coconut-oil morning and night and do some gentle bending and
moving exercises.
STIFFNESS…For stiffness in the neck…Add a handful of salt to
hot water and stir till dissolved. Soak a piece of flannel cloth in
the water and wring slightly. Put the cloth around the neck and
then cover with a dry towel to prevent any draughts which will
worsen the stiffness.
STOMACH…Add 1 tablespoon of Gregory powder to 1 bottle of
gin and take 1 tablespoonful 3 times per day after meals.
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STOMACH…Ascites…Take 20 large thorn-apples and crush well…
and ½ a cup of Calamus (medicinal herb)…6 tablespoons of honey
and 2 tablespoons of curry powder and add to 7 bottles of wine or
wine and water in an earthenware saucepan and boil until the fluid
has reduced to 5 bottles. Drink 1 wineglassful 3 times per day.
STOMACH…Constipation…Dice raw onion and mix with bran. Warm
the mixture till it is luke-warm in a pan. Put the mixture on the
stomach and cover with a cloth.
STOMACH…Constipation…Eat 1 slice of buttered whole wheat
bread for breakfast every morning.
STOMACH…Constipation…If you constantly suffer from
constipation…take 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts in a glass of hot
water first thing every morning.
STOMACH…Constipation…Mince ½ a pound of dried prunes…a ½
pound of dates and a ½ pound of seedless raisins. All the fruit
must be minced raw. Add 1 senna powder…1 tablespoon of
glycerine…and ½ a cup of brandy to the minced fruit and stir till
thoroughly mixed. When you are sure that the mixture is
thoroughly mixed…put into a fruit jar and seal. When needed…eat
2 or 3 teaspoons of the mixture at bedtime. Children may take 1
or 2 teaspoons only…depending on their ages.
STOMACH…Constipation…Mix honey and castor-oil to a paste and
roll little balls about the size of a red bean. These pills are then
used as suppositories.
STOMACH…Constipation…Our forefathers believed you should
make a suppository using home-made blue soap…and it always
STOMACH…Constipation…Take pomegranate- peel and leave to
brew in boiling water. Adults may take 2 or 3 tablespoons of the
water and children and babies from 6 months may take ½ a
teaspoon of the water. Take morning and evening until the
problem has been alleviated.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Add 1 drop of Little Dip to
½ a cup of water and drink.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Add 1 teaspoon of ground
cloves to ½ a bottle of brandy and leave till well infused. Drink 1
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wineglassful of the clove-brandy when needed.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Boil water and allow to cool.
Fill 1 bottle with the cooled water and add 1 crumbled cake of
camphor and shake well. Leave to infuse. Give the patient 1
wineglassful of the mixture when needed.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Infuse 1 teaspoon of fine
cloves in 1 cup of hot milk and drink.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Infuse aniseed in boiling
water and drink a little every 4 hours.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Infuse fine ginger in boiling
water and drink every 4 hours.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Infuse rue and add a little
milk to the liquid and give to children to drink when they have
tummy ache or cramps.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Drink ½ a cup of strong
black coffee and 1 tablespoon of sweet-oil.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Drink ½ a glass of cold milk
a mouthful at a time. Don’t drink too much at one go.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Drink 1 cup of boiling
water…as warm as possible and the symptoms will quickly ease.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Drinks strong sugar-water.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Fry eggs till very hard and
put them between 2 pieces of cloth….and put against the tummy
as hot as possible.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Iron camphor between 2
pieces of red flannel and put on the stomach and tie to keep in
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Massage the stomach in
circular movements.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar
and 1 tablespoon of sweet-oil and drink.
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STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Soak a cloth in ice-cold
water and apply to the stomach for quick relief.
STOMACH…Cramps or stomach-ache…Soak a piece of red flannel
in turpentine and apply to the stomach.
STOMACH…Diarrhea…Cook bran till slimy and drink some of the
water frequently.
STOMACH…Diarrhea…Dig out a wild gentian and brew as you
would tea. Drink the water if your stomach just won’t settle.
STOMACH…Diarrhea…Fry fine nutmeg in 1 teaspoon of castor-oil
and 1 teaspoon of sweet-oil. Fry until reduced to 1 teaspoonful.
Leave to cool and give to the patient to swallow. If necessary it
may be repeated after a couple of hours.
STOMACH…Diarrhea…Grate 2 or 3 carrots and cook in 1 pint of
water and a ¼ teaspoon of salt. Cook for about 5 minutes. Strain
and drink a mouthful every now and then. You may add more water
to the carrots and boil and strain if needed.
STOMACH…Diarrhea…Grate an apple and allow to stand till it
turns brown…then eat it.
STOMACH…Diarrhea…Mix 2 teaspoons of custard powder in a ¼
cup of water and swallow. Repeat every 2 hours as needed.
STOMACH…Diarrhea…Mix corn-flour and water and drink…it will
soon stop the diarrhea.
STOMACH…Diarrhea…Mix corn-flour and Wit Dulcies and drink.
STOMACH…Diarrhea…Take 1 teaspoonful of endresdruppels in ½
a wineglass of water 3 times per day.
STOMACH…Flatulence…Crush and roll charcoal till a fine powder
and strain through a fine sieve onto a piece of clean cloth. Take 1
teaspoonful of the powder in ½ a cup of very hot water. It will
work very quickly and you will feel better.
STOMACH…Flatulence…Draw cloves in boiling water and drink.
STOMACH…Flatulence…Mix ½ a cup of water…6 tablespoons of
vinegar…2 teaspoons of white tea sugar and ½ a teaspoon of
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bicarbonate of soda. As soon as the mixture starts to foam you
must drink it immediately.
STOMACH…Flatulence…When you are feeling bloated due to bad
indigestion…mix 1 tablespoon of honey and mix with 1 teaspoon of
cinnamon to bring quick relief.
STOMACH…For an upset stomach...drink Jamaica ginger.
STOMACH…For cramps or stomachache…mix Lennon’s Wit Dulcies
with dried chicken manure and take 1 dessertspoonful when
STOMACH…For pain or cramps…draw cloves in boiling water and
drink a little every 3 or 4 hours.
STOMACH…For stomach-cramps…draw cinnamon in boiling water
and drink every now and then till the cramps are gone.
STOMACH…Fry 1 tablespoon of castor-oil and then add ½ a bottle
of Flowers of Sulphur. Mix well. Give 1 dessertspoonful to children.
STOMACH…Gastro-enteritis…Take 1 tablespoon of castor-oil and
fry with a little nutmeg. Drink first thing in the morning followed
by a cup of black tea. After your tummy has gone well 2 or 3
times…take Collens Browns Chlorodyne in luke-warm water.
STOMACH…Heartburn or flatulence…Bicarbonate of soda is ideal
when you are suffering an excess of heartburn or flatulence. Add
bicarbonate of soda to boiling water and drink.
STOMACH…Heartburn or flatulence…Boil a fresh cabbage for
about 10 minutes and drain the water into a jug or bowl. Do not
add any salt. Drink a little of the water 3 times per day. You may
use the cabbage to cook for supper after draining.
STOMACH…Heartburn or flatulence…Drink ½ a tablespoon of
lemon juice in a little water.
STOMACH…Heartburn or flatulence…Eat 4 or 5 almonds each day
and put 1 teaspoon of sugar in your mouth and suck it.
STOMACH…Heartburn or flatulence…Eat a banana for fast relief.
STOMACH…Heartburn or flatulence…Take 2 tablespoons of
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vinegar. It may feel as though the problem is worse…but then it
will just disappear.
STOMACH…Heartburn or flatulence…When you are suffering
from heartburn or flatulence after meals…just suck 1 teaspoon of
white sugar.
STOMACH…If you suffer from indigestion just go outside and
eat a little sand.
STOMACH…Indigestion…Boil 1 bottle of water and allow to cool.
When completely cooled add 1 bottle of peppermint drops and 1
tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda to the bottle and shake well to
mix. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture after meals 3 times per day.
STOMACH…Indigestion…Chew a little gum from the Karoo thorntree.
STOMACH…Indigestion…Draw a little sap from an Aloe dichotoma
and add 2 tablespoons of the sap to 1 bottle of water and shake
well to mix. Drink ½ a wineglass of the mixture in the evening to
alleviate indigestion.
STOMACH…Indigestion…Draw wild hemp as you would tea and
drink 1 wineglassful of the hemp-tea 3 times per day after meals.
STOMACH…Indigestion…Eat a few spoons of brown sugar.
STOMACH…Indigestion…Eat a little dry coffee or nutmeg.
STOMACH…Indigestion…If you are suffering from indigestion
after a rich meal…add 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to a
glass of water…stir and drink. You will feel better very quickly.
STOMACH…Indigestion…Mix honey and apple-cider vinegar in
equal quantities and dilute with water. Drink after a rich meal or
when suffering indigestion.
STOMACH…Indigestion…Take 1 tablespoon of Elixir of Life after
STOMACH…Indigestion…Take 2 tablespoons of honey sprinkled
with cinnamon before meals to prevent that bloated feeling and
aid in the digestion of food.
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STOMACH…Indigestion…Take the stomach lining of a heath-cock
and leave to dry. As soon as it is properly dried…mince finely and
drink the powder. You will not suffer indigestion again.
STOMACH…Put some wild wormwood in a little bag and wear it
against the stomach…when it dries replace with another bag of
wormwood. Keep replacing the wild wormwood until everything you
try to eat or drink tastes bitter…then your stomach will be better.
STOMACH…Runny tummy…Drink warm “flat” lemonade.
STOMACH…The people from days gone by swear by this remedy.
Take one large stainless steel serving spoon and put 5 to 10 whole
cloves in it. Balance the handle of the spoon on a box of matches
so that it lies level. Fill the spoon with brandy and light the
brandy with another box of matches. (Brandy burns better if you
first warm it in the microwave)…and leave till the flame goes out.
Leave the spoon as it is so that the cloves will draw in the brandy.
As soon as the mixture has cooled sufficiently swallow the
mixture. Suck the cloves and then spit them out. Repeat every 3
or 4 hours. This remedy was used for any stomach complaints.
STOMACH…Upset stomach or stomach-ache…Mix honey and
cinnamon and take when needed…it will bring quick relief.
STOMACH…Volvulus…Give the patient ½ a cup of orange juice to
drink… then the patient must stand on their head while someone
holds their legs upright.
STOMACH…Weak stomach…Add 2 handfuls of red carrots to 2
cups of boiling water in a glass or earthenware dish. When the
water has changed colour you may drink a wineglass of the water
4 or 5 times per day.
STOMACH…Weak stomach…Eat ¼ teaspoon of Zambuk 3 times
per day until you have used up 3 tins of Zambuk.
STOMACH…Weak stomach…Grate carrots and eat first thing
each morning.
STOMACH…Weak stomach…If you are feeling weak…boil 1 cup of
milk then add 1 egg and beat well. Boil again and add grated
nutmeg to taste and 1 tablespoon of brandy together with a little
white sugar. Drink this mixture while still hot.
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STOMACH…Weak stomach…Make aloe pills by drawing the sap
and adding corn-flour and stirring until a thick dough is formed.
Take little pieces of the dough and roll little pills and allow to dry.
Take 2 of the pills at bedtime each night.
STOMACH…Weak stomach…Pour a little vinegar to a piece of
cloth and then some crushed garlic. Close and tie and then warm
the cloth and apply to the stomach
STOMACH…Weak stomach…Put raw beef or mutton in a clean
saucepan and pour enough cooled…boiled water over to cover the
meat. Leave to steep for 1 or 2 hours and then squeeze the meat
with clean hands to remove all the juices. The juice is now a raw
meat soup. Add a little salt to taste and drink some of the juice
throughout the day.
STOMACH…Weak stomach…Take 1 teaspoon of Wit Dulcies 2 or 3
times per day.
STROKE…Dig out some sunrise facing roots of a dead Karoo
Thorn/Sweet Thorn tree. Bruise the roots and kook well in water.
Drink ½ a cup of the liquid 3 times per day.
STROKE…Brew 7 coffee beans in boiling water till nicely green…
then give to the patient to drink.
STROKE…Brew wild hemp in boiling water and give to the patient
as you would a cup of tea.
STROKE…Give the patient wild hemp to smoke…and if he is unable
to smoke by himself…get someone to smoke it and blow the smoke
into the patient’s mouth. Keep on until the patient’s tongue has
loosened. Then he can smoke it himself.
STROKE…If someone has lost speech …or is semi-paralyzed…due
to a stroke…take dry mustard powder…enough to cover the thick
part of a teaspoon’s handle…and put it on their tongue. Give little
bits of water to help the mustard down the throat. The patient
will start to swallow voluntarily…and will slowly be able to swallow
better. Repeat every 1 or 2 hours until the patient is able to
swallow by themselves. This is a very good remedy.
STROKE…If you add banana’s to your daily diet…you will reduce
the likelihood of a stroke by as much as 40%.
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STROKE…Mix together a ¼ teaspoon of epsom salts and a ¼
teaspoon of Rooi Poeier/Red Powder…and put on the patient’s
tongue. Give a little water to help to swallow the dry mixture.
Keep the patient’s feet in a mustard bath. Infuse raw coffee
beans and give to the patient 3 times per day.
STROKE…Pour 2 cups of boiling water over 1 cup of raw coffee
beans and allow to simmer till strong…or for 14 minutes. Give ½ to
the patient to drink immediately…and the other ½ must be taken 4
hours later. Repeat daily to prevent any further attacks.
STROKE…Put about ½ a teaspoonful of dry mustard into a glass of
water and mix well. Give the patient 2 mouthfuls to drink…and use
the rest to wet his head.
STROKE…Take 11 raw coffee beans and put in a little water…and
put on a lukewarm part of the stove. Within an hour little shoots
will appear…it is then ready to drink.
STROKE…Take a bottle of vinegar and pour over the patient’s
head. Give the patient 1 tablespoon of vinegar to drink.
STROKE…Take a new piece of crêpe and put into a dish and set it
alight. Cover the patient’s head with a towel so that they can
inhale the smoke. When the crêpe has finished burning…keep the
ashes and give 1 teaspoonful to the patient each morning.
STROKE…Take a piece of crêpe material…the type used in earlier
times for mourning…and burn till ash. Take a biggish pinch of the
ash and add 3 drops of Hoffmansdruppels (Hoffman’s Drops) and
a little water….and give to the patient 3 times per day.
STROKE…Take enough chalk to cover the point of a knife and put
in a glass of water and drink.
STROKE…Take 1 level teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper in a glass of
hot water 3 times per day to prevent strokes.
SUNBURN…If you are badly sunburned…take thyme…rosemary
and sage and put into a gauze cloth and add to your bathwater.
SUNBURN…If you have been sunburned over your whole body
then add 1 cup of vinegar to a cool bath and lay in the bath for a
while…it will bring relief from that burning feeling.
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SUNBURN…Make a large saucepan full of Red Bush Tea and add
to your bathwater…it will bring quick relief.
SUNBURN…Make a light paste with bicarbonate of soda and
gently spread on the sunburned areas.
SUNBURN…Mix the sap from a few Hottentot’s fig leaves with
castor-oil and Haarlemensis and rub into the sunburn areas.
SUNBURN…Spread yogurt on the effected areas for speedy
SUNBURN…Take a paper serviette and wet thoroughly with apple
cider vinegar…apply to the effected area and leave for 20
minutes. Remove the serviette but do not wipe the vinegar from
your skin. Apply vitamin E oil or vitamin enriched cream.
SUNBURN…To cool your skin use Aloe-Vera Gel…thickly spread
over the effected areas.
SUNBURN…Use milk to bring relief to sunburned skin…it cools
the skin and you can apply it every now and then till the burning
feeling is gone.
SUNSTROKE…For any type of sunstroke…take old yeast and wet
slightly and spread between 2 cloths and put the cloths from the
crown of the head down to the neck. Replace as soon as it dries.
SUNSTROKE…Give the patient plenty of cold water to drink and
lay them down in cool shade under a tree. Apply cold cloths to the
patient’s head and neck…replace as the cloths become warm. The
patient’s head must always be higher than his body when he is
lying down.
SUNSTROKE…If you are suffering from sunstroke then put some
castor-oil tree leaves in the ball of your hat and wear it for 2
weeks….replacing the leaves every day with freshly picked leaves.
SUNSTROKE…Take towels and soak in very hot water and apply as
hot as possible to the neck of the patient…replace when the
towels cool off.
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TAPE WORMS…Stay without food for 1 day…first thing next
morning put a piece of bread on your tongue to lure the worms
upwards. Drink a tot of brandy to intoxicate the worms and
then drink a purgative to work them out.
TAPE WORMS…Take a handful of dried pumpkin pips and
remove the shells and eat the pips last thing in the evening.
First thing next morning take a good dose of Epsom salts.
TEETH…To whiten teeth and help prevent fever-blisters in the
mouth…make a mixture of lemon juice…salt and bicarbonate of
soda. Dip your toothbrush in the mixture and brush your teeth.
Your mouth will feel fresh and clean. It doesn’t taste pleasant…
but after you have rinsed your mouth thoroughly you will
realize that it works better than toothpaste.
TEETH…When baby is cutting teeth…give a piece of beef jerky
to chew on.
TENSION…Potassium is a very important mineral to aid in
keeping the heartbeat normal…and it also sends oxygen to the
brain and helps to balance the body’s water. When we are tense
then our metabolism speeds up and lowers our potassium
content…therefore it is advisable to eat bananas regularly to
balance our body’s potassium.
TENSION…When you are feeling tense and stressed…mix 25%
honey to water and drink. Honey calms you.
THORNS…Catch some flies and put them in an old cloth and tie
closed. Mash the flies and open the cloth and put it on the
place where the thorn is. Leave the cloth in place to stop the
mashed flies from falling off…or stick in place with plaster.
The mashed flies will cause the effected area to start
festering and in doing so the thorn will be brought to the
surface and may then be easily removed with a pair of
tweezers or pliers.
THORNS…Dry the gal of a pick as though you are making jerky.
Mince the gal still very fine as soon as it has dried properly.
Make sure it is very fine and place in a jar with a screw-type lid
and seal well. When you are troubled by a thorn that is
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difficult to remove just take a little of the dried gal and mix
with a little water to form a paste. Apply the paste to the
thorn area and fix with plaster. Leave it in place for a few days
to draw the thorn ripe…then the thorn will be easily removed.
THORNS…If you have stood on a thorn or have a wound that is
festering and is becoming septic just mix 1 teaspoon of
bicarbonate of soda and 1 teaspoon of Zambuk and apply
thickly to the effected spot and cover with plaster. Replace
morning and evening.
THORNS…If you have thorn in your hand…just chew a piece of
whole-wheat bread and apply to the place where the thorn is.
Stick with plaster to hold in place and leave for a few days.
The thorn will then be easily removed.
THORNS…Mix 1 egg yolk with salt and beat well. Apply to
effected area to draw.
THORNS…Mix a piece of bread…a little home-made blue soap
and 7 flies together. Wet with a little spittle and mix well.
Apply thickly to the effected area and cover with plaster.
Leave in place and within 8 hours the thorn will be ripe and may
be removed easily.
THORNS…Scrape a little sunlight soap into the palm of the
hand…add a little white sugar and some spittle…preferable
spittle from the person who has a problem with a thorn. Mix
well and apply to the place where the thorn is stuck and cover
with plaster to hold in place. Leave in place for a couple of days
and the thorn will be ripe and easy to remove with a pair of
tweezers or small pliers. This remedy is also excellent for
thorns that have penetrated every deeply.
THROAT…For a sore throat mix ¼ cup of honey and ¼ cup of
vinegar. Take 1 tablespoonful 6 times a day…it will kill all the
THROAT…For a sore…irritated throat take 1 teaspoon of honey
directly in the mouth and allow it to slowly run down the throat.
It will ease the raw…painful feeling and is very soothing.
THROAT…If you have a fishbone or other small bone stuck in
your throat…take a piece of cotton-wool and smear with butter
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or margarine and swallow without chewing it first. It will take
the bone with it and can then be easily passed through the
THROAT…If you have a fishbone or small bone lodged in the
throat...just eat a piece of dry bread…crusts and all. The bread
will dislodge the bone and it may then be swallowed with the
THROAT…If you have a fishbone or small bone stuck in your
throat…take 1 raw egg and beat it slightly. Swallow the raw
egg…it will take the bone with it…and the danger will be over.
THROAT…Mix a large quantity of bicarbonate of soda with a
little water and gargle with the mixture. It will shrink the
tonsils and the bone will be freed.
THROAT…To shrink the throat and loosen a stuck fishbone or
other small bone which is lodged there…gargle with pure lemon
juice or vinegar.
THYROID GLAND…Grate 2 blocks of camphor and add to ½ a
bottle of gin…shake till the camphor has dissolved and apply
the mixture to the neck.
THYROID GLAND…Grind 2 blocks of camphor till it resembles
powder and mix into 1 tablespoon of white Vaseline. Rub the
mixture into the neck morning and evening…cover with a piece
of flannel.
THYROID GLAND…If your thyroid glad in swollen the take 1
tin of blue butter and a finely grated block of camphor and mix
well. At bedtime rub some of the mixture into your throat and
cover lightly with a cloth tied around the neck to prevent the
bedclothes becoming stained.
THYROID GLAND…Rub yellow Copaiva Balm into the neck area.
TICK BITE…If you have a tick in your ear get someone to blow
some pipe-smoke into your ear…it will loosen the tick so that it
can be removed. You can also soak tobacco in water and then
squirt it into the ear…it will also help to loosen and remove the
TICK BITE…Look for a spider’s web that has been built in clay…
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wet the web and apply it to the effected area.
TICK BITE…Rub some pipe-oil onto the effected area.
TONGUE…If you burn your tongue…just put some sugar on the
tongue to take away the burn.
TONIC…Add 1 bottle of Lennon’s Versterkdruppels to 1 bottle
of port wine and shake to mix. Take a teaspoonful 3 times per
TONIC…Add the following to 1 large empty bottle. 1 bottle
Lennon’s Versterkdruppels…1 bottle Lennon’s Rooi Laventel…1
bottle wonder-essence…1 bottle Balsamita…1 bottle Cramp
Drops…1 bottle Lennon’s Wit Dulcies and 1 bottle Hoffman’s
Drops. Fill the bottle with port wine and shake well to mix.
Shake well before using. Drink a ½ a wineglassful of the
mixture 3 times per day.
TONIC…Beat 1 raw egg with a little salt and drink at 11 a.m.
each morning.
TONSILLITIS...Add 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda…1
tablespoon of borax and 1 tablespoon of salt into 1 glass of
water and mix thoroughly. Add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to ½
a glass of water and use to gargle. Gargle 3 times per day using
this mixture.
TONSILLITIS…Add a generous dash of mustard powder to ½ a
glass of cold water and use to gargle before bedtime. Keep
gargling with this mixture at night for a few months and your
tonsillitis will be cured.
TONSILLITIS…Crush 2 aspirins to a powder and then mix with
1 teaspoon of honey. Give to the patient to eat.
TONSILLITIS…Crush 2 blocks of camphor and add to 1 bottle
of vinegar and shake well to mix. Gargle with this mixture twice
a day.
TONSILLITIS…Dissolve 1 block of camphor in ½ a bottle of
mentholated spirits. When completely dissolved…shake the
bottle and smear the throat frequently with a liberal amount of
the mixture.
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TONSILLITIS…Brew oak tree bark in boiling water and use
the water to gargle.
TONSILLITIS…Express the juices of the Hottentot’s fig and
gargle with the juice 2 or 3 times per day.
TONSILLITIS…Gargle every morning and evening with 1
dessertspoon of Worcestershire sauce.
TONSILLITIS…Make a little funnel with a piece of paper. Put
some red powder (Rooi Poeier) onto your hand and then using
the paper funnel…blow the powder into the back of the
patient’s throat at bedtime.
TONSILLITIS…Our forefathers used to fry an egg in a pot
ladle with ginger and cloves. This was then put onto the crown
of the head to draw the uvula upwards. After a couple of days
the throat will be healed and then the egg mixture may be
eaten…and it tastes nice too.
TONSILLITIS…Roast acorns as you would coffee beans and
then grind till very fine like powder. Put the powder into a
saucepan and add 1 bottle of water. Cook slowly over a very low
heat setting for 1 day. Strain and bottle. Use the liquid to
TONSILLITIS…Smear unsalted suet onto a piece of red
flannel and sprinkle liberally with Rooi Poeier. Wrap the cloth
around the throat and keep it there.
TONSILLITIS…Take some of the fat from around a goat’s
heart and fry well. Leave to cool and smear onto a clean piece
red flannel. Spread honey over the fat and then sprinkle
liberally with finely crushed camphor. Apply the cloth to the
throat and cover with another piece of cloth. Bandage or wrap
to keep in place. The plaster must be kept on the throat for a
minimum of 12 hours. It will bring quick relief.
TONSILLITIS…When you have had your tonsils removed and
the bleeding won’t stop…rinse your mouth with alum and use
alum to gargle too. The alum will help to close the wound and
then the bleeding will cease.
TONSILS…Enlarged tonsils…Give the patient plenty of
pineapples to eat.
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TONSILS…Enlarged tonsils…Massage camphor-oil into the
throat and neck and behind the ears every evening. The
camphor-oil with shrink the tonsils.
TOOTHACHE…Add ½ a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to ½ a
glass of luke warm water and stir to mix. Take a mouthful of
the mixture and hold in your mouth for a while. Repeat until the
toothache is gone.
TOOTHACHE…Beg a nut…any nut…from someone and make a
hole through the nut and thread a piece of cotton through it
and hang it around your neck. When you lose the nut…don’t go
looking for it…and the toothache will go away.
TOOTHACHE…Bicarbonate of soda and vinegar mixed and
taken will fizzling and held in the mouth will deaden the pain.
TOOTHACHE…Break open an egg and remove the white
membrane. Tie the membrane around the fingers of the hand
on the same side as the toothache. As the pain draws from the
tooth to the fingers they will become swollen and painful. As
soon as the pain leaves the tooth…the swelling in the fingers
will go down and they will no longer ache.
TOOTHACHE…If you have a hole in your tooth…take a piece of
cotton-wool and dip into Stockholm’s tar and form the cottonwool
into a small round ball. Plug the hole with the little ball.
TOOTHACHE…In days gone by the people used to smoke dried
horse manure when they had toothache.
TOOTHACHE…Make a paste using 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and
5 teaspoons of honey and put onto the sore tooth. Do this at
least 3 times per day…until the tooth stops aching.
TOOTHACHE…Make plugs out of geranium leaves and put into
your ears when you have toothache.
TOOTHACHE…Mix 1 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of apple
cider vinegar and rinse your mouth every now and then…rub
some Icy-Hot onto your cheek on the side where you have the
TOOTHACHE…Place an aspirin onto the tooth and bite down on
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it…rub brown shoe wax onto the cheek on the side that is
aching…or smoke horse manure.
TOOTHACHE…Put a clove-oil plug onto the tooth.
TOOTHACHE…Put a piece of cotton-wool dipped into
haarlemensis onto the sore tooth.
TOOTHACHE…Put a Vicks plug onto the tooth.
TOOTHACHE…Put a whole clove on the tooth and bite tightly
on it…the clove will anaesthetize the tooth and there will be no
more pain.
TOOTHACHE…Put some lime onto the tooth or add 1 teaspoon
of lime to a glass of luke warm water and take a mouthful and
keep in your mouth for as long as possible. It will bring relief.
TOOTHACHE…Sprinkle pepper onto a piece of brown paper and
then sprinkle with brandy. Fold the paper in half and warm till
luke-warm. Apply the warmed paper to the cheek on the side of
the toothache and go and lie down for a few minutes.
TOOTHACHE…Warm vinegar to just below boiling point and
then take a piece of cotton-wool and dip in the hot vinegar and
rub the gums with it. The vinegar must be very hot. Make a
little plug of cotton-wool…dip into the vinegar and plug the hole
in the tooth. If the tooth is still aching…apply a fresh plug…the
toothache will then be relieved.
TOOTHACHE…When you have had teeth extracted and the
bleeding won’t stop…take a raisin and cut it open and put it into
the hole that won’t stop bleeding.
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VARICOSE VEINS…Clean some poplar tree leaves and apply to
the leg with the hairy side on the skin…this is a good remedy.
VARICOSE VEINS…Cut 3 wild garlic houses as fine as possible
and add to 1 bottle of brandy. Leave to steep…shaking regularly.
Rub the veins with this mixture and the veins will disappear.
VARICOSE VEINS…Cut a prickly-pear leaf open and remove the
inside and put into an old saucepan and add turpentine and cook
till soft. Allow to cool and thoroughly mixed. Rub this mixture
onto the veins.
VARICOSE VEINS…If you have holes in the veins that won’t
heal…apply Germoline ointment.
VARICOSE VEINS…Mix 1 bottle of brandy and 1 lb of fresh
honey. Take 1 dessertspoonful of the mixture first thing in the
morning and again at night...it works wonders.
VARICOSE VEINS…Mix 6 oz mentholated spirits…1 small tin of
finely crushed camphor and 2 crushed aspirins. Make sure that it
is thoroughly mixed…then rub into the legs.
VARICOSE VEINS…Rub brasso into the veins…it will cause them
to disappear.
VARICOSE VEINS…Rub camphor-brandy onto the veins.
VARICOSE VEINS…Sores in the veins…Add zinc powder to a jar
of Vaseline and mix well to a smooth paste. Apply a thin layer on
a piece of clean white cloth and put on the sores.
VARICOSE VEINS…Take 1 small bottle of carbolic oil and add ¼
teaspoon of fine alum and ¼ teaspoon of white tea sugar and mix
well. Pour into a bottle and shake well till thoroughly mixed.
Leave to steep for 1 day and shake again and apply to the veins.
Apply only in one direction…not in circles or up and down. The
veins will withdraw.
VARICOSE VEINS…Take devil’s thorn with roots and all and
crush a good handful well. Put into an enamel dish and pour
enough boiling water over to cover completely. Leave to infuse
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overnight. Use this water to wash the legs…if there are sores on
the veins it will heal them and also remove the brown patches on
the legs.
VOICE…To strengthen your voice and vocal cords…take the white
of an egg and beat well with lemon juice and enough sugar to
sweeten. Take regularly.
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WARTS…Count how many warts you have and put the same
amount of little stones into a hanky or small piece of cloth.
Throw it away in the street and as soon as someone picks it up
and opens it…the warts will disappear.
WARTS…Count how many warts you have and then take a piece
of black thread and make a knot for each wart. Go for a walk in
the veld and throw the piece of thread away over your right
shoulder. As soon as the thread disintegrates the warts will
disappear and you will no longer get any.
WARTS…Count your warts and put 1 corn kernel for each wart
into a paper bag. Go for a walk and throw the bag over your
shoulder without looking back to see where it fell.
WARTS…Crush and grind a piece of charcoal till fine like
powder. Mix the powder with fresh cream to form a stiff paste.
Rub this paste into the wart twice a day. This is also a good
remedy for the small warts that sometimes grow on your neck.
WARTS…Cut a dried pea in half and rub over the wart…put the
two halves together and go and plant the pea.
WARTS…Cut a potato in half and rub over the wart. Do this
when it is full moon…then go outside and blow it to the moon.
WARTS…Cut a potato in half and rub the one half of the potato
over the wart. Put the two halves together and go and plant the
potato. The person with the wart must not know where the
potato is planted. As the potato grows the wart will disappear.
WARTS…Cut an onion or potato in half and rub over the wart…
the throw it away. Repeat daily until the wart is gone.
WARTS…Cut or scratch the wart and rub some of the blood on
a corn kernel and then feed the kernel to the fowls. The wart
will disappear.
WARTS…Drink 1 tablespoon of lime water 3 times per day.
WARTS…First thing in the morning take some spittle and rub
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onto the wart. You can do this even during the night when you
wake up. The wart will disappear.
WARTS…Look for a plant that has a bulb…and cut a piece off
the bulb. Scratch or cut the oldest wart till it bleeds and put
some of the blood onto the piece of bulb. Go and put the piece
of bulb back and tie into position. As soon as the piece grows
back onto the bulb the wart will disappear.
WARTS…Mix salt and vinegar and rub into the warts at bedtime.
WARTS…Paint clear nail varnish onto the warts. The varnish will
smother the warts and they will disappear. This also works for
WARTS…Pull a long hair from your head and tie tightly around
the wart. Cut off whatever piece of hair is left. Leave until the
wart falls off. Get someone to help you tie the hair around the
wart. This does work well.
WARTS…Put 7 shirt buttons in a glass and add the juice of 1
lemon. Leave to infuse for a couple of days until it forms a white
paste. Rub the wart with this mixture morning and evening and it
will disappear.
WARTS…Rub Jamaica Ginger onto the wart …morning and
WARTS…Rub peppermint drops onto the wart 3 or 4 times per
WARTS…Rub the milk from the milk bush onto the wart. It will
be itchy but keep repeating until the wart falls off.
WARTS…Rub the warts with Wit Dulcies and after a couple of
days the warts will disappear.
WARTS…Rub tomato leaves onto the warts and if you keep
doing it regularly then they will disappear.
WARTS…Scratch or cut the wart until it bleeds. Make a cut in a
fig tree and rub some of the blood into the cut. Tie a cloth
around the tree to cover the cut and as soon as the cut grows
closed the wart will disappear.
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WARTS…Scratch or cut the wart until it bleeds. Rub a piece of
liver into the blood and go outside and throw the liver over your
left shoulder. Don’t look back to see where it has fallen.
WARTS…Scratch the wart to open and then sprinkle fine table
salt into the open part.
WARTS…Stick duct tape onto the wart and leave for 6 days.
Remove the duct tape after 6 days and file the wart with a
course file…or foot file. Repeat the process for 2 or 3 weeks
and the wart will be gone.
WARTS…Take a fatty bone and scratch the wart until it bleeds.
Rub the bone into the blood and then throw it away without
looking where it lands.
WARTS…Take a piece of cotton-wool and dip into vinegar and
dab onto the warts 3 times per day.
WARTS…Take the white milk from figs and put onto the wart.
Our ancestors believed that if you blew the wart to the moon it
would disappear quicker.
WARTS…To burn a wart take silver-nitrate and wet with a drop
of water and apply to the wart.
WARTS…Wait until the moon is full…look at the warts…then at
the moon…then blow 7 times over the warts. Turn around and
walk always and after a couple of days the warts will be gone.
Use lots of good faith for this.
WARTS…Warm a hairpin and burn a cross into the wart.
WASP-STINGS…Soak white bread in boiling water and mix well
with 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts and apply to the stings.
WHITLOW…A whitlow is very painful and should be drawn to
ripeness before lancing it. It take approximately 15 days to
ripen sufficiently to be successfully lanced and removed. Make a
paste of bread and milk…or fried onion applied as hot as is
bearable…or cornmeal. Always apply these mixtures as hot as
possible and cover with plaster to hold in place. Once the
whitlow is opened you must add washing-soda to hot water and
hold the finger in the water. As the pus and impurities are
drawn out by the hot water you will see that it forms strings in
the water. As soon as there are no more strings forming in the
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water…you will know that the whitlow is clean and will heal.
WHITLOW…Apply honey to the whitlow and cover with a cloth
and bandage.
WHITLOW…Brew leaves from wormwood…rue (hook-thorn) and
eucalyptus (blue-gum) trees and hold the effected finger in the
water…as warm as is bearable. It will draw the whitlow to
ripeness so it may be lanced and cleaned.
WHITLOW…Catch a green frog and pierce a hole in it and
insert the finger with the whitlow into the pierced hole.
WHITLOW…Cook 1 large lemon for 10 minutes and then cut a
hole in the top and insert the finger with the whitlow into the
hole. Test the temperature of the lemon with an unaffected
finger first. It must be hot enough but not too hot for the
finger with the whitlow to burn. The lemon will draw the whitlow.
WHITLOW…Crush raw garlic to form a paste and apply to the
WHITLOW…Grate or cut 1 white onion very finely and mix with
1 level tablespoon of salt. Mix well and smear onto a clean piece
of cloth and apply to the whitlow and bandage to keep in place.
WHITLOW…Make a hole in a raw egg and insert the finger with
the whitlow in the egg. Keep the finger in the egg until the egg
is cooked. Repeat the process using a fresh raw egg each time…
until the eggs no longer get cooked. The whitlow will then be
WHITLOW…Melt a piece of candle and mix with paraffin and
smear onto the finger with the whitlow…bandage to hold in
place. There will soon be an improvement and healing of the
WHITLOW…Mix Epsom salts and glycerine to a paste and apply
to the whitlow and wrap.
WHITLOW…Mix some horse-dung to a paste and apply to the
finger and cover with plaster to keep in place.
WHITLOW…Mix sunlight soap scrapings and epsom salts with a
little spittle or water to a paste and apply to the whitlow. Cover
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with plaster to keep in place.
WHITLOW…Mix sunlight soap scrapings with a little sugar and
spittle to form a paste and apply to the whitlow. Cover with a
plaster or bandage to keep in place and leave undisturbed. The
whitlow will be quickly drawn to ripeness.
WHITLOW…Rub eucalyptus-oil into the whitlow or pour some of
the oil into a small glass and hold the finger in the oil.
WHITLOW…Slice onion and cook gently then add coarse cornmeal
and mix to form a paste. Apply to the whitlow and wrap to
keep in place.
WHITLOW…Take a piece of rancid bacon and a little butter and
fry. Pour the fat into cold water to allow the salt to clarify and
scoop fat from the top and warm in a pan with a little a little
wax and resin. Mix well and apply to the whitlow and cover. It is
an excellent drawing-plaster.
WHITLOW…Take a tin and put some fresh cattle-dung in it. Put
out in the sun till warm and then hold the finger with the
whitlow in the dung. Keep the finger in the dung for a while and
repeat 2 or 3 times using fresh…warm dung…it will draw the
whitlow to ripeness.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Brew wormwood as you would tea and give
to the child to drink.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Crush 2 tablespoons of rue till it
resembles powder and push through a sieve. Mix the powdered
rue into 1 cup of honey and give 1 teaspoonful of the mixture to
the child 4 times per day.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Give the child 1 tablespoon of donkey milk
2 or 3 times per day.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Grate a small piece of camphor and put
into ½ a bottle of olive-oil. Leave to infuse and then give 1
teaspoonful 3 or 4 times per day.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Mix 1 cup of honey…1 tablespoon of
castor-oil…3 tablespoons of vinegar…1 tablespoon of sweet-oil or
raw linseed-oil…1 bottle of emetic wine and a ¼ teaspoon of
nutmeg in a glass bowl. Put into a bottle and give 1 teaspoonful
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every 2 hours to the patient.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Mix goat manure and wormwood and leave
to draw in boiling water as you would tea. Give the water to the
child to drink.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Mix together 1 bottle of honey…a ½
bottle of Jamaica-ginger…1 bottle of Borsdruppels…1 bottle of
Paregoric and 1 bottle of Ipecacuanha-wine. Mix in a glass or
earthenware bowl and when thoroughly mixed…decant into jars.
Give the child 1 teaspoonful when he is coughing badly…and if
the child vomits it is good…because that means he will be
getting rid of the phlegm and will get better.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Mix together 1 egg yolk…1 teaspoon of
vinegar…2 tablespoons of honey…2 tablespoon of raw linseed-oil
and 1 teaspoon of coconut-oil. Make sure to mix thoroughly…and
give 1 teaspoonful to the child when he is coughing. Give a
teaspoonful at lease 4 times per day.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Mix together 6 tablespoons of icing sugar
and 2 dessertspoons of coconut-oil. Give a teaspoonful every 2
hours. This will loosen the phlegm and ease the feeling of
WHOOPING-COUGH…Mix together in a glass dish…1 lb syrup…2
cups boiling water…1 bottle peppermint drops and 1 teaspoon
pain killer. When it is thoroughly mixed put into a jar and seal.
When the child is coughing badly…give a good dose of the
WHOOPING-COUGH…Mix together in a jar 1 lb of golden
syrup…1 bottle Lennon’s Witdulcies…a ½ bottle of Lennon’s
Borsdruppels and 1 level teaspoon of Flowers of Sulphur. Give
the patient 1 teaspoonful of the mixture 3 times per day.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Mix together…4 tablespoons of sweet-oil…
2 tablespoon of raw linseed-oil…2 tablespoons of paraffin…a ½
tablespoon of camphor brandy and 15 drops of eucalyptus-oil.
Pour into a bottle and shake well. Give the child 1 teaspoonful of
the mixture when he is coughing a lot.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Peel 2 large prickly pear leaves and cut
into small pieces. Put into a saucepan and add 3 bottles of
water…boil until the water has reduced to 1 bottle. Add 1 ½ lbs
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South African Home Remedies
of sugar to the saucepan and mix until the sugar has dissolved
completely. Add 1 bottle of Borsdruppels…1 bottle of Wit
Dulcies…1 bottle of Paregoric and 1 bottle of Hoffmann’s Drops
and mix thoroughly. Pour into bottles and allow to cool. For
children under 1 year old…give 7 drops of the mixture in a little
water…every 2 hours. For older children give 1 dessertspoonful
every hour.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Put 1 tablespoon of turmeric…1
tablespoon mace and 2 ½ cups of water into a saucepan and boil
for 5 minutes. Strain through a clean cloth and add 1 ½ cups of
sugar…mixing as you add…till it forms a syrup. Give 1 teaspoonful
of the mixture to the child when needed.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Send the children to play in the stable
early in the morning.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Slice 1 large while onion into very thin
slices and sprinkle liberally with sugar. Put the dish outside so
that the dew or frost may fall on it. Next morning…bring the
dish in before the sun falls on it. Every now and then give the
child a few pieces to eat…and for very young children you may
give the syrup only.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Take 1 bottle of boiling water…1
tablespoon of Stockholm-tar…1 tablespoon of cloves…1 bottle of
Borsdruppels and 1 cup of sugar and mix thoroughly. Give the
patient 1 teaspoonful of the mixture 3 or 4 times per day…and
if they cough continuously you may give more often.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Take 1 cup of wormwood…a little buchu…1
crushed clove of garlic…rue… 1 lb of white tea-sugar and a piece
of camphor and put into a saucepan and add a little water. Bring
to the boil over low heat…stirring continuously to prevent
scorching or burning. This mixture will form a syrup. Pour into a
bottle and seal. Give the child 1 teaspoonful of the syrup every
2 hours….or less…as required.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Take 1 lb of syrup or honey…1 bottle of
Borsdruppels…1 bottle of Paregoric…1 bottle of raw linseed-oil…
1 bottle of Copaiva-balm…1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 egg and
mix in a glass dish. Give the child 1 teaspoonful when he has
coughing attacks…it will loosen the phlegm so that it may be
coughed up and healing may then take place.
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South African Home Remedies
WHOOPING-COUGH…Take 2 whole houses of garlic and clean
and crush. Put the crushed garlic into a bottle and add vinegar
till the bottle is ¾ full. Shake well and leave for 48 hours to
draw….shaking often. After 48 hours…pour a little of the
vinegar out and mix with honey or sugar. Give the patient 1
teaspoonful of the mixture 6 times per day.
WHOOPING-COUGH…Wash 1 fowl egg and put into a fruit jar.
Fill the jar with grape vinegar and leave until the eggshell has
dissolved. Remove the white membrane and discard. Add enough
sugar to sweeten and give the child 1 tablespoonful of the
mixture frequently when needed.
WORMS…Eat 1 clove of garlic first thing in the morning.
Straight after you eat the garlic…drink the juice of 1 lemon in a
glass of hot water…then eat a handful of pumpkin pips.
WORMS…Infuse rue in boiling water and drink throughout the
day…to drive out the worms.
WORMS…Infuse wormwood in boiling water…do not boil it….this
will drive the worms out.
WORMS…Tapeworms…Eat pumpkin pips for a couple of weeks.
Take 1 tablespoons of castor oil at night and then don’t eat for
36 hours. You can eat a little fruit or drink fruit juice…but no
solid foods. The next morning eat 1 cupful of peeled pumpkin
and crushed pumpkin pips mixed in 1 tablespoon of honey. After
1 hour take 4 tablespoons of castor oil. You must check carefully
that the tapeworm comes out with head and all. If the head
does not come out…then you have to repeat the process.
WORMS…Tapeworms…For 10 days you must not drink anything
first thing in the morning. For breakfast eat all the peanuts you
want to. After 1 hour you may drink something.
WORMS…Tapeworms…Grate raw carrots and give the child as
much as he wants for a whole day. The next morning give the
child a good dose of castor oil…and the child may only eat raw
carrots through that day too.
WORMS…Tapeworms…Infuse wormwood in boiling water and
give the child some of the liquid frequently throughout the day.
WORMS…Tapeworms…The patient must not eat for 1 whole day
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South African Home Remedies
and night. Cut pomegranate peels into small pieces and infuse in
boiling water. First thing next morning give the patient 1
tablespoon of brandy to drink… followed by ½ a cup of warm
pomegranate water. The brandy will make the worm drunk and it
will come out with head and all.
WOUNDS…Add ½ a teaspoon of fine alum to the slightly beaten
white of an egg and mix. Apply to the wound and bandage
tightly…the bleeding will stop.
WOUNDS…Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric to ½ a cup of water and
drink…this will stop the bleeding.
WOUNDS…Apply a thick coating of honey to the wound and
bandage. Honey is an excellent healer and will also prevent scars.
WOUNDS…Dampen a cake of sunlight soap and smear onto the
wound to stop the bleeding.
WOUNDS…For septic wounds that won’t heal…mix 1 teaspoon of
bicarbonate of soda and 1 teaspoon of Zambuk. Spread thickly
over the wound and bandage. Repeat mornings and evenings
WOUNDS…If you have an open wound that won’t heal…apply
honey each time you open the wound. The honey will heal the
wound beautifully. This is also a very good remedy for those
with diabetes who struggles to get wounds to heal.
WOUNDS…Pour a lot of white tea sugar onto the open wound
and bandage…this will stop the bleeding quickly.
WOUNDS…Pour iodine onto an open wound that won’t stop
WOUNDS…Pour Lennon’s Staal Druppels to the open wound to
stop the bleeding.
WOUNDS…Pour pure turpentine onto an open wound to stop the
bleeding and facilitate speedy healing.
WOUNDS…Put Turlington onto an open wound to stop the
WOUNDS…Scorch and grind coffee beans and apply 1
tablespoon of the fine beans onto the wound and bandage and
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South African Home Remedies
the bleeding will stop.
WOUNDS…Sprinkle fine salt liberally onto the wound to stop
the bleeding. It burns a little…but it does work well.
WOUNDS…Take 1 leaf of tobacco and soak in water. Apply the
leaf to the wound and bandage tightly. As soon as the leaf
hardens…remove the bandage and if there is still bleeding…
repeat the process.
WOUNDS…Take a tanned hide and scrape the inside. Take some
of the scrapings and apply to the wound and bandage.
WOUNDS…To stop bleeding in an open wound…apply cayenne
pepper liberally and cover with a piece of cotton wool and
bandage to keep in place. Leave for a couple of days and the
wound will be closed.
WOUNDS…When you are out in the veld and get hurt and the
wound won’t stop bleeding…look for a spider’s web and apply it to
the wound. The bleeding will stop very quickly.
WOUNDS…When you are out walking in the veld and get hurt
and the bleeding won’t stop…look for a flat stone and allow a few
drops of blood to fall on the stone. Put the stone back as you
found it…then take another and repeat the process. Keep doing
this and you will be surprised how quickly the bleeding stops.
WOUNDS…When you have cut a vein and it is bleeding
profusely…press your thumb firmly on the cut and then put a
Thursday, April 24, 2008
First Blog
home health,
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